
"520" meets "Xiaoman", and 66 couples are happily holding hands

author:Fuliang County Rong Media Center


Homonym "I love you"

In the eyes of many newcomers

It was a romantic day

Many couples choose to register their marriage on this day

"520" meets "Xiaoman", and 66 couples are happily holding hands

Starting at eight o'clock in the morning on May 20, the marriage registration office of the county civil affairs bureau ushered in a couple. Volunteers enthusiastically guided them through the marriage registration process and gave them roses and warm wishes. Issuance of certificates, oaths...... In a solemn atmosphere, the newlyweds stepped into a very important moment in their lives, their faces were full of happiness, and they also enhanced their sense of responsibility for marriage and family. On the same day, a total of 66 couples registered and obtained certificates at the marriage registration office of the county civil affairs bureau.

"520" meets "Xiaoman", and 66 couples are happily holding hands

Newcomers Yang Zijian and Sun Hengyu are both teachers, and they specially asked for leave and chose May 20 to get their certificates. The bride, Sun Hengyu, said excitedly: "The two of us agreed to get the certificate today, and I think it is more memorable." I hope that the future days will be sweet and sweet, and the husband and wife will grow old together and love each other forever. ”

At the marriage registration site, volunteers from the county civil affairs bureau also issued a "notice of new marriage" to the newlyweds, publicizing the concept of newlyweds and marriage customs, and advocating new marriages, civilization and frugality.

"520" meets "Xiaoman", and 66 couples are happily holding hands

It is understood that in order to do a good job in the "520" marriage registration work, the county civil affairs bureau planned and carefully deployed in advance, opened online appointment and telephone appointment services, increased windows, extended service hours, and improved service quality, so that newlyweds can come happily and return satisfied.