
Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

author:Is the willow fluttering?

"Duckbill pliers" is a common vaginal speculum in gynecological examinations, and as the name suggests, it looks like this:

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

And this rarely mentioned thing in the medical field suddenly became a hot search a while ago.

A large number of female netizens have spoken out and called for improvements to the duckbill pliers, which has set off a wave of women-specific complaints.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Why is this topic so loud?

Because in many gynecological examinations and transvaginal uterine surgeries, duckbill pliers are still one of the commonly used tools.

The speculum is inserted directly into the vagina and propped open for examination, collection, and surgical procedures.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Source: Bilibili @ Gynecology expert Xue Saiqin

Just looking at the GIF, do you feel your heart tight?

After all, when the duckbill pliers are opened at their maximum, they can be equivalent to 7 fingers in childbirth, which is praised as a "gynecological examination nightmare" by female compatriots.

It is worth noting that this tool has a history of more than 100 years since its invention.

And it wasn't until someone put it on the table now that people knew that gynecological exams had been such a painful thing for so many years.

Another hidden haze in women's lives has also been revealed:

Violent gynecological examination.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

The first thing that makes people feel "violent" is the inhumane gynecological examination tool.

Let's just say that the duckbill pliers, the optimization speed is too slow, while treating diseases and saving people, on the other hand, they act as torture tools.

Since the invention of the first vaginal speculum in the 19th century, the switch to stainless steel was the first change.

The second revolution is the disposable speculum commonly used in outpatient clinics today.

Its improvement is still only focused on the basic aspects such as cost, operation, and hygiene, and does not give much consideration to the patient's experience.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

The third change is just to add another lamp on this basis.

In other words, in addition to making it easier for doctors to check, women still have to suffer the pain they should suffer.

The second is the problem of rough operation methods of some doctors, which has become a secondary trauma inflicted on patients.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

"Obstetrician" a few years ago also filmed this kind of plot.

A pregnant woman who had been subjected to violent internal examinations has since left a psychological shadow.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

I finally mustered up the courage to do the internal examination again, but I didn't expect to encounter a violent gynecological examination, and in the face of the doubts of the family, the doctor only coldly used the "examination" as a reasonable shield:

It's normal to do a check-up.

From the doctor's point of view, only the relaxation of the examinee can ensure the speed and quality of the examination, but as everyone knows, the doctor's attitude of not understanding is the source of many people's nervousness.

For the examinee who already has a psychological shadow of the internal examination, whether it is the doctor's commanding tone.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Or blaming the patient's "non-cooperation" for the failure will increase the pressure on the patient.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

The fear of unfamiliar environment and unknown results, and the discomfort of the inclusion of cold foreign bodies, are all factors that lead to the patient's "non-cooperation", but many doctors do not understand and empathize with this.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

It has even elevated physical examinations to personality judgments, and degenerated professional instructions that should have been given into verbal humiliation.

"I'm not afraid of sex, but I'm afraid of this?"

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

"Have you ever had a baby? If it is loose, it will not hurt. ”

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Some doctors call this "such a cool thing".

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Even the real physical pain of the examinee will be maliciously interpreted.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored
Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

It is a physical and psychological discomfort.

The deeper meaning is to make the woman under examination feel a kind of slut-humiliating malice.

On the one hand, they subconsciously regard the gynecological examination as a trial mechanism to test whether a woman is "clean or not".

He died early in the morning, but there are still people guarding the spiritual chastity archway for other women.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Conversely, as long as you have had sex or had a child, the so-called "hymen" of a woman is destroyed and there is no need to be carefully cared for.

A fragile organ on a woman's body seems to have become a used tool, a piece of dead flesh that does not hurt, and can be treated roughly.

Some people wonder why they are both women, but sometimes they can still feel the malice from women?

To borrow Chizuruko Ueno's explanation of the "ugly woman" strategy, these doctors "otherize" the examinee, they automatically withdraw from the category of "woman", see themselves as exceptions, and judge the examinee with the external gaze of this privilege.

Their trial made the examinee feel that he was not just a screw to be examined on the assembly line, but a damaged part that could be discarded at any time under the attitude of the doctor breaking the jar and breaking it.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

And in the male doctors who can't really empathize, there is a more typical and common prejudice:

A life is so long, who hasn't met a few unreliable doctors, and they will endure it, otherwise the patient is too fragile.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

To put it bluntly, it is still the same sentence: you have to get used to patience.

However, the living environment and social atmosphere, which does not even have the qualifications to cry out for pain, is precisely the real foci.

It will be found that the "violent gynecological examination" is not only a physical discomfort and personality offense, but also a tacit acquiescence that women have a high threshold for suffering pain.

In particular, many medical workers who are "people who have come over" are often considered to be "more ruthless".

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

But their offense is not necessarily motivated by malice, but simply by agreeing that "pain is normal".

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

In addition to the objective discomfort caused by the physical examination itself, "enduring pain" is also a survival rule that many women have already internalized.

This synonym with "strong, hard-working, and great" has been with women for a long time.

Including a kind of blind worship of the older generation of women to bear the pain of giving birth.

Because breastfeeding is more secure, the severe pain of engorgement is tolerable;

Because the superstitious belief that painless is not good for the fetus, painless can not be beaten;

The classic is that the mother-in-law of a pregnant woman in "The Life of a Witty Doctor" heard that the baby who gave birth naturally was smarter, so she insisted that her daughter-in-law endure it again, because she also endured it like this back then.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Beauvoir said that women are not born, but acquired.

We have been taught how to be a woman since we were born, and we have met many "seniors" around us who adhere to the standard of "woman" and retain historical misogyny.

And the new generation of women is clearly on the path to self-emancipation, beginning to realize that pain tolerance is not a lifelong skill for women.

If you take a step back and talk about choices, then "persuading yourself to endure pain" is something that only you can do, and others can't persuade you.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

It should be noted that some women are lucky because they have a low sense of pain or have encountered professional doctors with standardized operation and empathy.

However, this does not mean that the other part of the women who open their mouths to cry out for pain are moaning without disease.

Because this incident is not just an ordinary doctor-patient conflict, but reflects the needs and feelings of women who are still not seen by society.

Some male doctors analyze from a theoretical point of view and assert that there will be no pain when using duckbill pliers, so let's not expect to understand it for the time being.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

After all, duckbill pliers were first experimented on by James Marion Sims, an American male doctor, on his own black female slaves without anesthesia.

He perfected the technique by performing 30 surgeries on a 17-year-old slave girl without anesthesia, and on a slave girl named Betsy who used a curved tin spoon handle to test a speculum for the first time, which earned him the title of "the father of modern gynecology."

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Some people say that for the sake of their own health, they should endure the discomfort caused by routine medical checkups.

But in fact, women's dissatisfaction is not only because they are miserable about the existing gynecological examination tools, but also because they feel a kind of injustice that is not heard despite the loud amount of wailing.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Seeing the development of lighter and thinner condoms, the emergence of visual ear spoons and visual oral endoscopes.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Women have been calling for a long time the need for the rear wing of the anti-leakage sanitary napkin, but they can see the ideal design on the hemorrhoid safety mat for men......

In contrast, the gynecological examination equipment is still so primitive, and this kind of hindsight is somewhat disorienting.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Due to a more special and complex physiological structure, objectively women need to bear more pain, so doesn't that mean that the situation of women is the "hardest hit area" that needs to be looked at?

But as everyone is puzzled, the problem of more optimized gynecological examination tools is not "have", but "could have been".

Earlier, there were improvements to more optimized versions of the duckbill pliers, such as a gentler silicone speculum, an inflatable speculum, and a flower-shaped speculum with a smaller opening and closing amplitude that was expanded into a peep device...... However, there is currently no one that can replace traditional speculum on a large scale.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Source: Weibo @Sina Hotspot

Lin Qiaozhi, director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, also set a precedent of using duckbill forceps to warm up before using duckbill forceps to relieve women's discomfort and pain under limited conditions at that time, but there is still a long way to go in humanized gynecological examination.

Objectively, the current situation of high flow in outpatient clinics, which cannot take into account comfort and efficiency for the time being, is also a practical factor that cannot be ignored.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

In addition to the high cost, complex operation, and inferior effect to traditional speculums, there are also reasons why users question the lack of volume.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

Source: Xiaohongshu @ Zhou Rich

But in fact, even an ordinary gynecological examination is offended, which will cause women to have a sense of shame about pain and exacerbate the self-domestication of "pain tolerance".

Under the group silence that is not allowed to cry out in pain, self-doubt is even more inevitable:

Could it be that I can't afford it enough?

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

In the long and tortuous life of women, gynecological examination is a key difficulty.

In addition to "stigma", women's "pain and shame" is also a problem that has never been taken seriously.

As soon as she screams pain, she is ridiculed and squeamish, and she acquiesces that she should adapt to the discomfort of foreign body intrusion if she has had sex or given birth to a child.

It is not themselves who cause women to "hide their illness and avoid medical treatment" in the matter of gynecological examination, but the cold procedure that treats them as meat on the anvil.

Furthermore, the elimination of "pain and shame" should not only be done by women themselves.

Do you think that men don't get "gynecological diseases"?

In the Korean drama "The Incarnation of Jealousy", the male protagonist with breast cancer has had a mammography.

How painful is this test?

It needs to be completely squeezed and flattened to determine whether it is a lesion, and the director presents it very concretely with juicy fruits and crushed walnuts, which wakes up all the female patients outside the examination room with a cry of pain.

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

In addition to the audience's doubts that "men can also get breast cancer", the severe pain experienced by the male protagonist is just the tip of the iceberg experienced by thousands of women in their lives.

As the nurse sister next to her said:

It's nothing compared to having a baby

Are there still female torture instruments in 2024? Men's products are constantly escalating, but women's normal needs are seriously ignored

The most basic understanding, which has never been obtained, often only requires empathy.

Only by realizing that it is flesh and blood and not objects under the instrument can we reach a consensus that "pain is just human nature".

For women, a sustained voice remains the most effective way to drive change in the long run.

At least when you can't bear it, you can throw out a sentence: The old lady can't bear it!

P.S. finally wanted to dig out a few words in his heart.

The purpose of writing this article is not only to express dissatisfaction with violent gynecology and to speak out for the sisters who have suffered from it, but in the final analysis, I hope that the whole society will learn to face up to the matter of gynecology.

Seeing that violent gynecological examination has caused heated discussions, I am glad that the problem has finally been taken seriously, but on the other hand, I am worried that this matter will make more people afraid of gynecological examination, and on the contrary, delay treatment.

I know that many girls don't know much about the bodies they are most familiar with, and they are always anxious about mammary gland and reproductive system related diseases, and they don't know where to go to learn about them, and they don't dare to go to the gynaecology department when they are uncomfortable.

Because I myself am this kind of coward who avoids illness and avoids medical treatment, and is afraid of death and pain.

So I want to share with the cowards a book I read last year, which really relieves the anxiety of gynecological examination.

The author is a foreign gynecologist, who has made a detailed science popularization of women's body structure and related diseases in an all-round way, unveiled the mystery of sex life and sexually transmitted diseases, and encouraged everyone to take good care of and use their bodies, and actively prevent and treat diseases.

In the book, she also emphasizes that doctors who value patients will warm up the speculum in advance, and will use different sizes of instruments and different detection and sampling methods for the patient, so as to avoid over-examination and always put the patient's feelings first.

Most importantly, she tried to alleviate our fear of gynecological medical treatment from a doctor's point of view, and her intentions were very friendly. It also gives some suggestions to improve the efficiency of communication with doctors, as well as tips to reduce the discomfort of medical treatment, which is very practical.

The book is called Body By Me: All About the Amazing Female Body. (Not an advertisement) (But if the customer's mother sees it and wants to vote, it is also welcome)

Indeed, our female bodies are truly remarkable.

I love my body and hope you too.


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