
Is it appropriate for college students to live stream like this?

author:Huashang Daily

Bedroom direct seeding

Live streaming in the classroom

Restaurant live streaming


Sexually suggestive

Playing the side ball

Expose privacy


On multiple social platforms, you can often swipe live broadcasts with words such as "college students" and "female college students" in the title, some of which are in scenic spots, restaurants, some on campus, and even in dormitories or classrooms. The content of the live broadcast includes sharing learning experiences, showing talents, and helping farmers for public welfare, but there are also many chaos such as sexual innuendo, side play, and privacy exposure.

Do a live broadcast in the classroom dormitory

Affect the study and life of students

At 9 o'clock on May 15, the reporter turned on his mobile phone and quickly swiped an anchor located in a university in Haikou, Hainan. She interacted with netizens in a very soft voice, the background of the live broadcast was the classroom, and she could see her classmates and teachers who were in class, and many people in the comment area posted barrage: "How can the class be broadcast live?" ”

There are also some college students who start live streaming in their dormitories. The reporter found that on a certain platform, there were at least 100 college student anchors who broadcast live in the background of the dormitory on a certain platform.

An anchor located in a university in Northeast China, the name of the live broadcast room is "Female college students earn tuition", and the live broadcast content is eating in the dormitory, chatting with netizens on topics, and asking for gifts.

Live broadcast at school and in the dormitory, what do the surrounding students think about it?

"I suffered from it." Ai Wenwen (pseudonym), a junior at a university in Zhejiang who is working hard for the graduate school entrance examination, is very angry about her roommate's live broadcast behavior.

"At first, it was fine, but in order to retain fans, my roommates gradually increased the duration of the live broadcast, and the live broadcast time also changed from the previous fixed time to start at any time, which may be early in the morning or in the middle of the night, and it is difficult to have quiet time in the dormitory." Ai Wenwen said.

The most angry time for Ai Wenwen was that one day she wanted to sleep in the dormitory for a while, and after explaining the situation to her roommate, she insisted on live broadcasting, and Ai Wenwen was woken up by loud dynamic music early in the morning.

"Even if these are tolerable, what about our privacy?" Talking about this issue, Ai Wenwen said that she was "angry to the extreme". In the limited space of the dormitory, all the voices will be broadcast, and although they have taken care not to say names and discuss school matters during the live broadcast, they will occasionally be swept by the camera.

Searching for "roommates live in the dormitory" on a social platform, the reporter found that there were many notes complaining about the live broadcast of college students' dormitories: "I quarrel to death every night, and I also told them that I hope they will be quieter, and they will impatiently agree every time, and then continue to argue" "I think it's inappropriate to broadcast live in the dormitory, but I can't think of any serious and effective reason for her not to broadcast live, and I ask everyone to help me give advice"......

The live broadcast duration requirement is not low

It's hard to jump out of traffic traps

The live broadcast regardless of time and occasion is "a last resort" in the eyes of many student anchors.

Zhu Xiao (pseudonym) is a sophomore student who joined the live broadcast industry in March last year, and she only lasted for more than one month. The guild agent and Zhu Xiao agreed on a minimum live broadcast duration of "4 hours a day and 100 hours a month". At first, Zhu Xiao thought that he would definitely be able to make up the time by using the occasional broadcast every day to broadcast it occasionally, but it wasn't until after the broadcast that Zhu Xiao found out that the agent meant that it must be broadcast every day and broadcast for 4 hours in a row.

"They said that in this way, the traffic in the live broadcast room is high, and only then can they make money." Zhu Xiao said that his course schedule is relatively tight, and only after the end of the one-day course can there be a complete time for live broadcasting, "Basically, I have to broadcast until 11 or 2 o'clock in the evening every day, and I have to get up early to attend classes the next day, which is very tiring." ”

Even if there is no time limit, there are traffic "traps" that are more difficult to jump out of.

In September 2023, Sun Han (pseudonym), who is studying in university in Inner Mongolia, gained a lot of attention on the Internet because of a jazz dance talent. Among the many MCN agencies (agencies that specialize in providing services for online video creators), Sun Han chose an agency that does not require a fixed time to broadcast, and promises to help him find a live broadcast position and create a live broadcast atmosphere, but it needs to extract 10% of Sun Han's live broadcast income.

In the first two months of the live broadcast, the traffic on the platform was very impressive, and the number of fans rose to more than 4,000. The best time, the number of people online at the same time in the live broadcast room exceeded 3,000, and Sun Han got a reward of more than 400 yuan for the 3-hour live broadcast.

But soon the live broadcast entered the "platform period", and the platform no longer gave traffic support. In order to retain the audience and convert fans, increasing the frequency of interaction and increasing the popularity of the live broadcast room have become Sun Han's daily compulsory courses.

In the live broadcast room, you must adjust your state, find ways to retain the audience who enter the live broadcast room, quickly and accurately hit the audience's emotions, and learn to catch various stalks; Outside the live broadcast room, you have to think about your words, makeup, live broadcast scenes, etc., and if you make a mistake in every detail, you may lose the audience.

"It's really tiring and it's hard to keep going." Sun Han said.

Her operations director, Li Fei, offered some advice — dimming the dorm lights, creating a hazy atmosphere, wearing low-cut clothes and short skirts, and live streaming late at night and early in the morning.

"To put it bluntly, I want to show off my figure, and I have to design corresponding actions when I receive different gifts. A beer (virtual gift) is a squat, once, etc. Sun Han said that Li Fei will also follow her live broadcast in real time and guide her related words, such as "I also want to ride my beloved Porsche (virtual gift) for a ride" and "I want to see what the real Porsche looks like!" It would have been better if my eldest brother had gone with me in a Porsche......

Sun Han now maintains a frequency of live broadcasts about once every two weeks, and is ready to terminate the contract when it expires.

Spend energy on cyberbullying

Students are risky to be anchors

After experiencing two cyberbullying, Zhou Muzi (pseudonym), a graduate student in Beijing, decided to get out of the "besieged city" of live broadcasting. At the beginning of 2023, a video about his emotional experience exploded on major social platforms, and Zhou Muzi became an Internet celebrity with 30,000 followers. With the help of this wave of traffic, Zhou Muzi started his live broadcast career. She made herself a sunny and cheerful college student character, and with the help of her original fan base, she quickly gained a large number of new fans.

What she didn't expect was that a cross-platform cyberbullying hit without warning. Zhou Muzi's video was maliciously edited and moved to other platforms, although she and her friends continue to correct their names in the comment area, there are still more and more strangers sending private messages, text messages and even phone calls to Zhou Muzi, most of which are accusations and even insults.

Zhou Muzi chose to remain silent and not answer, "No way, the best way is not to respond, otherwise those people will continue to grasp the details and make a big fuss." Later, public opinion slowly calmed down.

But soon, the second cyberbullying came again.

"I decided to reduce the frequency of live streaming. Although the live broadcast brought some benefits, the price I paid for it is not measurable in monetary terms. Zhou Muzi said.

In this regard, Zhang Xin (pseudonym), a talent scout who used to be a well-known entertainment company, said that it was "normal". He has hired more than 100 entertainment streamers, 90% of whom are college students.

"A year and a half later, only 10% of people are still streaming. Today's anchors are updated and iterated quickly, especially college student anchors, and most people can't do it for too long. Zhang Xin said.

According to Zhang Xin's summary, the push rules of major platforms are similar, but if you want to get push streams, there is a basic rule: start broadcasting at least 15 days a month; If you want to get a continuous and stable stream, you must start broadcasting at least 20 days a month, and each broadcast should not be less than 2 hours, and preferably more than 2 hours. "These are just basic requirements, if you want better traffic, you have to add more sessions and duration, and ordinary people can't stand it at all."

Lead the creation of positive content

Strengthen the audit optimization algorithm

According to Zheng Ning, dean of the Law Department of the School of Cultural Industry Management of Communication University of China, it is not illegal for college students to be anchors. According to the regulations, real-name authentication is required for live broadcasts, and anchors must be at least 18 years old. In other words, as long as the age meets the requirements, there is no problem with being an anchor, and now many schools will also operate short video accounts as practical training.

"However, college students' live broadcasts cannot be discriminated between time, place and occasion, let alone photographing others at will, otherwise they may be suspected of infringing on others' portrait rights and privacy rights. The school has the right to administer the dormitory, and in the dormitory, for the students who live in it, it is a private space and should be protected by privacy, and the live broadcast should not affect the right of others to rest and obtain tranquility. Ma Lihong, a senior partner at Beijing DHH Law Firm, said.

Zheng Ning pointed out that most bloggers use the current hot spots to attract traffic, but they do not carefully define whether the content of the communication is in line with the current socialist core values, and the uneven type of live broadcast indirectly leads to the lack of awareness of the correct values of some college students.

So, how to deal with some of the chaos that has occurred in the live broadcast of college students?

Ma Lihong suggested that colleges and universities should assume the responsibility of guiding and educating students, publicize legal provisions through various forms, and make guiding norms for the time, place and method of live broadcasting, and draw clear boundaries for live broadcast behavior by formulating reasonable community rules, and at the same time guide students to conduct live broadcasts on appropriate occasions and times, create more positive content, and improve students' ability to use new media, which is also conducive to the spread of positive values.

"In the past two years, with the release of various policies on network construction, various network platforms have optimized the platform review mechanism. For diverse sector categories, platforms should strengthen algorithmic review mechanisms, and should also continue to optimize manual review mechanisms, resolutely resisting the spread of vulgar and undesirable content. For college students' livestreaming behavior, platforms should give corresponding traffic support, guide college students to disseminate positive topic content, and optimize the review of high-quality content. Zheng Ning said that only when the regulatory system is further improved in terms of manpower, technology and system can it effectively restrain and avoid vulgarity in online live broadcasts. According to the Rule of Law Daily

Netizen voices

@直播镜头不能 "open it if you want to", the live broadcast behavior cannot be without forbidden areas. Turning on live broadcasts in dormitories and classrooms without the consent of teachers and classmates is also suspected of infringing on the privacy and portrait rights of others.

@高校不妨通过开设讲座. Carry out case interpretation and other methods to popularize relevant laws and regulations for students, and remind college students to restrain their own behavior. For live broadcasts in different scenes such as classrooms, dormitories, and libraries, schools can also organize public discussions, allowing students to express their opinions, formulate reasonable community rules on the time of the live broadcast, the content involved in the camera, etc., and delineate the boundaries of behavior. At the same time, it is also necessary for platforms to strengthen their own regulatory responsibilities, continuously purify the community ecology, and do a good job in content control.