
How to solve the R star library service connection failure|Can't connect Try these tricks

author:Humor cookies MQ

How to solve the R star library service connection failure|Can't connect Try these tricks

Hey, brother, have you been touching a nose at the R star recently, and the library service connection failure has choked you enough? Don't worry, brother has a clever plan here to give you tips.

How to solve the R star library service connection failure|Can't connect Try these tricks

How to solve the R star library service connection failure|Can't connect Try these tricks

Trick 1: Accelerate the network and let the signal fly

First of all, we have to make the network environment clear. Use a network acceleration, such as Dolphin, to give your network environment a big upgrade, so that the signal is so strong that it bursts the table, and the problem of R star library service connection failure may be solved.

How to solve the R star library service connection failure|Can't connect Try these tricks
How to solve the R star library service connection failure|Can't connect Try these tricks
How to solve the R star library service connection failure|Can't connect Try these tricks

Trick 2: DNS server, change to a more reliable one

Then, check your DNS server. It's like a translator in the online world, and if something goes wrong, your internet connection might be messed up. Try switching to a different DNS server, such as or, which is a public DNS and is very stable.

How to solve the R star library service connection failure|Can't connect Try these tricks

Trick 3: Regardless of the process, turn them all off

Also, you have to see if there are any irrelevant processes in the background of your computer that are taking up resources. These things sometimes occupy resources, and if you turn them off, the efficiency of the computer will go up, and the problem of the failure of the R star library service connection may be solved.

How to solve the R star library service connection failure|Can't connect Try these tricks

Okay, you can try these tricks first. If it still doesn't work, then you have to find R-star customer service to chat. But usually, these methods should help you fix the problem of the R star library service connection failure. Remember to collect it, and next time you encounter a problem, take it out and use it directly. Have fun playing and see you in the game!

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