
[Wang Sulong Breaks 100 Collections] The singer industry is coming! Is it strength or myth?

author:Sheep Village, you Xi Brother U

Wang Sulong's Million Collection: The Story Behind the Scenes


Exclusive collection of six millions! Wang Sulong, is it a myth or a powerful faction?

Wang Sulong, this name is thunderous in the music circle, and I have to admit that his songs can indeed move people's hearts. Unbelief? You see, 41 songs have exceeded one million collections! It's not a joke, it's a fact! This brother is definitely a hit machine, and he can sing any song excitingly. I don't know if he has already practiced a "collection of magic skills", and he has become a king of collecting when he sings casually.


Singer 2024: Wang Sulong, where did you get so much strength?

The secret weapon of the singer world is this Wang Sulong! It is said that he broke the top ten of millions of listened songs in the first nine issues of "The Sound of Life", and six of them were his! Wow, that's a lot of power! It's just a crushing strength! I see, Wang Sulong is going to become the rhythm of "Million Collection King"! Other singers have to look up to it, what else is there to say about singing? Go directly to Wang Sulong as an apprentice!


43 million collections on a single platform: Wang Sulong, possessed by the god of songs?

Not to mention millions of collections, even tens of millions of collections, Wang Sulong can also come easily! Q sound six tens of millions of collections + 43 millions of collections, this is not singing, this is "fighting monsters"! Kugou has a cumulative audience of 340 million, and the sound of the sky and moon has 100w+, Wang Sulong's song is simply a must-listen for the whole people! It seems that he is not only good at singing, but also has the charm of attracting fans!


Wang Sulong tour: Hangzhou and Shanghai are absent, and fans are angry!

I heard that Wang Sulong is going to start a tour, but I heard that Hangzhou is too hot in summer, so Hangzhou and Shanghai are not included in the tour plan? Oops, this is making fans in Hangzhou and Shanghai unhappy! Who cares if you're hot or not, we just want to see you! No, fans have begun to assemble and demand more shows in Hangzhou and Shanghai! Wang Sulong, you have to pay attention, the enthusiasm of the fans is not covered!

[Wang Sulong Breaks 100 Collections] The singer industry is coming! Is it strength or myth?

Wang Sulong: Powerful faction or injustice?

Wang Sulong's strength is undoubted, but on some stages, he was actually treated unfairly! No matter how well you sing, you have to be scolded? It's really distressing! But it doesn't matter, Wang Sulong's fans are die-hard, and they will never give up their support for idols easily! Even if others say that he sings badly, we will stand behind him without hesitation and support him!

[Wang Sulong Breaks 100 Collections] The singer industry is coming! Is it strength or myth?

Conclusion: Wang Sulong, is it a myth or a powerful faction?

After reading all of the above, do you say that Wang Sulong is a myth or a powerful faction? Truth be told, it's a controversial topic! But no matter what, Wang Sulong's talent and hard work cannot be ignored. Perhaps in his music world, every song is a story, and every collection is a recognition. I believe that he will, as always, conquer more people's hearts with music! As for controversy, perhaps it is part of his charm!

[Wang Sulong Breaks 100 Collections] The singer industry is coming! Is it strength or myth?

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