
The 66-year-old aunt "walked backwards" every day to maintain health, and after 2 years, the rescue was ineffective, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

author:Dr. Chan Health said
The 66-year-old aunt "walked backwards" every day to maintain health, and after 2 years, the rescue was ineffective, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

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Grandma Chen, 66, walks "backwards" in the community for more than an hour every day.

She believes that this can delay aging and strengthen her physique. But just two days ago, Grandma Chen suddenly fainted during exercise, first aid was ineffective, and finally died.

This news has attracted widespread attention on the Internet, and many people are wondering: why would an elderly person insist on this "strange" way of health preservation? It turned out to be tragic, and the doctor also expressed anger and helplessness.

The 66-year-old aunt "walked backwards" every day to maintain health, and after 2 years, the rescue was ineffective, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

It all started a month ago. That day, Grandma Chen, as usual, got up early in the morning to start her "backward walking" fitness activity.

It's been her daily routine, and she's been doing it since two years ago.

At first, the neighbors thought it was new and tried it together. But after a long time, everyone gradually found that this method did not have much effect, but it was easy to twist the foot, so they withdrew one after another. Only the tenacious Grandma Chen is still "walking backwards" all the time.

The 66-year-old aunt "walked backwards" every day to maintain health, and after 2 years, the rescue was ineffective, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

"This enhances balance, prevents osteoporosis and slows down brain aging." That's how Grandma Chen always explained her approach to the neighbors.

She is a firm believer in the benefits of this approach and has even recommended some related wellness articles and videos to her neighbors.

However, the doctors did not agree with Grandma Chen's approach. According to relevant studies, moderate aerobic exercise such as jogging and swimming is indeed beneficial to the physical and mental health of the elderly, but the extreme method of "walking backwards" increases the risk of falls and causes a greater burden on joints and bones [1].

The 66-year-old aunt "walked backwards" every day to maintain health, and after 2 years, the rescue was ineffective, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

"The balance of the elderly will decline with age, coupled with the weakening of vision and reflexes, which can easily lead to falls and even fractures."

Wang Min, a retired pediatrician, explained, "I recommend that the elderly choose some relatively safe and simple exercises, such as walking, tai chi, etc., which can not only enhance their physical fitness, but also do not take too much risk." "

Despite repeated dissuasion from her neighbors, Grandma Chen was obsessed. Convinced that this approach would be good for her, she often searches the internet for relevant wellness articles and cites so-called "expert" opinions to defend herself.

The 66-year-old aunt "walked backwards" every day to maintain health, and after 2 years, the rescue was ineffective, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

Just two days ago, in the afternoon, when everyone was walking in the community, they suddenly saw Grandma Chen lying on the ground unconscious.

Everyone hurriedly stepped forward to check and found that she was dying.

120 emergency personnel arrived quickly, but after emergency treatment, it was still irretrievable. The doctor confirmed that Grandma Chen eventually suffered a tragic end because of this extreme way of exercising.

"This is so ignorant! The physical function of the elderly is not very good, and they want to do this kind of exercise that is extremely bad for the body, which leads to a big disaster. "

The 66-year-old aunt "walked backwards" every day to maintain health, and after 2 years, the rescue was ineffective, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

At the emergency scene, the doctor angrily accused, "We have repeatedly reminded her, but she just didn't listen to the advice and rested on her laurels, and no one could have predicted the outcome." "

Grandma Chen's sudden death has set off a wave of discussion in the entire community and even on the Internet. Everyone said that this "wonderful" way of health care is too dangerous, and I hope that the elderly can choose a more scientific and safe way of exercising.

There are also calls for the government and relevant departments to strengthen the supervision of similar situations, raise the health awareness of the elderly, and avoid the recurrence of tragedies.

The 66-year-old aunt "walked backwards" every day to maintain health, and after 2 years, the rescue was ineffective, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

Medical experts say that the body of the elderly is indeed more fragile than that of the young, and it is necessary to be especially cautious when choosing the way to exercise.

Generally speaking, it is best for the elderly to choose some aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, swimming, tai chi, etc., for about 30 minutes a day, and the effect will be very good [2].

At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to increasing muscle strength training, such as weightlifting, to prevent muscle loss. In addition, it is also important to have a nutritious diet, and you should supplement more protein, vitamins and minerals.

Only through scientific methods can the elderly truly enhance their physical fitness and delay aging.

The 66-year-old aunt "walked backwards" every day to maintain health, and after 2 years, the rescue was ineffective, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: too ignorant

In general, Grandma Chen's regrettable experience once again reminds us that when it comes to health care, we must abandon some specious "home remedies", but follow the advice of medical experts and choose safe and effective exercise methods in order to truly achieve the desired results and maintain our health.


[1] Johnson ST, Berg K, Fitzgerald GS, Kaufman T, Wittich CM. Backwards Walking: A Systematic Review. Pm r. 2018 Apr; 10(4):378-388.

[2] Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Takahashi HE. The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Physical Function Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults Living With Chronic Disease. Front Med (Lausanne). 2019 Oct 18;6:228.

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