
Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Oh, my stomach really makes me restless." Xu Yang clutched his stomach and walked into the outpatient department of the hospital with a painful expression on his face.

Xu Yang is usually busy and organized, and despite being diagnosed with a slight stomach ulcer, he still can't resist the temptation of pickles. On this day, he deliberately took a leave of absence to talk to the doctor in detail, trying to find out if it was really the pickles that were doing the trick.

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

Facing the doctor sitting across from him, Xu Yang described in detail his eating habits and recent discomfort. "I've heard that pickles can be 'triggers' for stomach ulcers, is that true?"

The doctor began to take a serious note of Xu Yang's condition. "Mr. Xu, not only pickles, but also several other foods also need your special attention. The high salt content in pickles stimulates gastric acid secretion and increases the burden on the stomach. Spicy and greasy foods are also to be avoided. ”

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

The doctor explained in detail the specific effects of these foods on the gastric mucosa. The high salinity of pickles will increase the secretion of gastric juice, which is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire for a stomach that already has ulcers. The capsaicin in spicy foods can irritate the stomach lining and cause more discomfort; Greasy foods, on the other hand, are difficult to digest, so the stomach has to secrete more stomach acid to break them down.

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

The doctor continued, "Actually, many people don't realize that people with stomach problems should also take care to avoid excessively cold or hot foods in their daily diet. This extreme temperature can also cause damage to the stomach mucosa, especially in winter, many people like to drink hot soup or hot drinks to warm up, but the overheated liquid can make the stomach lining 'sin'. ”

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

The doctor added some practical advice. He suggested that Xu Yang could try to eat some fiber-rich foods such as oats, vegetables and fruits, which are not only easy to digest but also help the stomach mucosa repair. In addition, yogurt in moderation is also a good choice, as it contains probiotics, which are able to balance the intestinal flora and indirectly reduce the burden on the stomach.

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

Towards the end of the meeting, Xu Yang suddenly remembered a question: "Doctor, I usually work under pressure and often feel anxious, will this also affect my stomach?" ”

"Indeed, stress is a common problem in modern people, and it can aggravate stomach diseases by affecting the nervous system and indirectly increasing the secretion of gastric acid." I suggest you can reduce stress through some of the things you do, such as yoga, meditation or a simple walk. Not only does this help to relax the body and mind, but it is also an important measure to protect the health of your stomach. ”

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

As soon as Xu Yang walked out of the consultation room, the stone in his heart seemed to be much lighter. He pondered the doctor's words and how he could implement these changes in his busy schedule. When he got home, he decided to make some specific adjustments to his diet, such as reducing his intake of pickles and adding more high-fiber foods.

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

Over the next few weeks, he found that although it took a while to adjust to his eating habits, his stomach began to feel more comfortable. He reduced his intake of pickles in favor of steamed and boiled vegetables, which were more gentle and didn't cause much irritation to the stomach.

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

Xu Yang also learned to release the stress at work. He began to try to meditate for short periods of time, taking advantage of his lunch break at noon every day to find a quiet corner, close his eyes and take a deep breath to try to calm his mind. This simple way of relaxing has brought him unexpected benefits, and he has noticed that his anxiety has decreased and his stomach has not spasmed as often as before.

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

On the advice of his doctor, Xu Yang also began to do some light physical activities on a regular basis, such as walking and jogging. These activities not only help him to maintain good health, but also help to improve gastrointestinal function. Xu Yang found that with the overall improvement in his lifestyle, his stomach ulcer symptoms were significantly reduced, which gave him hope for the future.

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

In the process, Xu Yang also noticed an interesting phenomenon, and his sleep quality has also improved. He used to wake up in the middle of the night with stomach pain, but now this has been greatly reduced. This made him realize the importance of healthy lifestyle habits to improve overall health.

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

A few months later, Xu Yang returned to the hospital for follow-up visits. The doctor applauded his improvement and continued to track his diet and lifestyle habits to ensure that these positive changes were sustained.

In the consultation room, Xu Yang asked another question: "Doctor, although I feel much better now, I still occasionally have some slight stomach pain, especially after eating greasy food. What should I do in this case? ”

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

The doctor looked through Xu Yang's previous medical records before answering, and then said, "Mr. Xu, greasy food is indeed a challenge for patients with stomach ulcers. It takes longer to digest, which leads to an increase in gastric acid secretion, which irritates the gastric mucosa. ”

"It is recommended that you avoid these foods as much as possible, or when it is unavoidable, you can try some digestive enzyme supplements to help break down these greasy foods and reduce the burden on your stomach. Continue with your current healthy lifestyle. ”

Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

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Pickles are "inducing agents" for stomach ulcers? Doctor's advice: Don't be greedy for 3 kinds of food with a bad stomach

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