
Capturing the beauty of life: shining in the long river of time



A group of people seems to be beyond the flow of time, and their lives are like an unfinished hymn to youth, which never ends.

Time has not left traces of old age on their bodies, but has made them look more and more youthful and radiant like alcohol.

The years seem to be extraordinarily tolerant of them, only letting time flow quietly, but unable to carve the mark of aging in the depths of their hearts.

What they have is a heart that will always remain calm and comfortable, this heart is like a bright pearl, after the vicissitudes of life but never fade, forever shining with young light.

Capturing the beauty of life: shining in the long river of time
  • The days are boring, but life should be emotional.

Wang Xiaobo once profoundly elaborated that the existence of an individual should not only be limited to the time and space dimension of this life, but also should have a poetic spiritual world, so as to enrich the connotation of life.

Just having love for life is not enough to interpret the full charm of life, we also need to inject a unique mood and solemn sense of ritual into our daily life.

The sense of ritual is like a bridge between the inner and the real world, and it uses the power of autosuggestion to lead us to focus more on each moment of the moment, so that we can deeply appreciate the hidden fun and beauty of life.

Whether it's cooking a sumptuous dinner, picking out a favorite piece of clothing, caring for a few pots of vibrant plants, or even making some small and unique handicrafts, these seemingly insignificant things contain endless joy of life and bloom with unique charm.

A life full of mood is like a flowing poem, full of poetry and elegance. And those who know how to create a mood of life seem to be treated gently by time, and the years are extraordinarily tolerant to them, and they are unwilling to easily leave traces of old age.

The journey of life will inevitably encounter ups and downs, but only by mastering the way to capture the beauty of life can we shine in the long river of time and maintain the vitality and enthusiasm of youth.

Capturing the beauty of life: shining in the long river of time
  • Life is hard, but remember to smile.

On the stage of life, we are each given very different scripts. Some are as tranquil as a stream, some are as hot as fireworks, some are full of laughter, some are full of tears, but no matter what, we need to do our best until the curtain falls and the song is over.

In the world, mindset is everything. If you can maintain a good attitude, everything can be beautiful; On the other hand, a negative mindset is enough to destroy all good possibilities. When encountering the troubles and troubles of life, you should face them positively, be optimistic, and do not worry too much, allowing unnecessary worries to erode your inner peace.

Life is like a colorful picture, with both trivial and complicated daily life, noisy and chaotic moments, painful and struggling moments, and lonely and boring moments. Yesterday may be soaked in bitterness, and today may not taste sweetness, but please believe that tomorrow will be sunny and full of hope.

Everyone can find their own love in life, immerse themselves in it, no matter how disturbed by the outside world, they can also smile and forge ahead, and spend every ordinary day with a happy mood.

"Smile, ten years less", the power of a smile can resist the erosion of time; And "sorrowful, white head", worry will only accelerate the aging of the years. Therefore, only by always smiling can we keep our youth alive and look ageless.

Capturing the beauty of life: shining in the long river of time
  • Work is busy, but sleep well.

Quality sleep is the smartest investment in your health, and it's a great way to nourish yourself and improve your quality of life. Cherish every night's restful sleep so that you can pursue your dreams and future visions with full energy and enthusiasm.

Rest early every night, and persistently cleanse your mind before going to bed to ensure that every moment of rest can reach high quality, then the next morning's awakening will be like a rebirth of life.

No matter how heavy the work pressure is or how tired we are in life, we should stick to the good habit of going to bed early and waking up early, so that our body and mind can find balance and harmony in the routine.

Follow the natural rhythm, strictly abide by the sleep time, reduce unnecessary late nights, and carefully adjust the biological clock to make it run as stably as a precise clock.

You must know that staying up late is like a poison that slowly erodes the health of the body, and in the long run, it will not only lead to a depressed mental state, but also make the nervous system sensitive and fragile.

Whether from the perspective of physiology or mental health, staying up late is an important factor in accelerating the aging process. Therefore, a regular daily routine is not only the cornerstone of protecting health, but also a necessary remedy to show youthful vitality and maintain youthfulness.

Capturing the beauty of life: shining in the long river of time
  • It's hard, but be positive.

People with a positive attitude have a clear heart to perceive all things in the world, appreciate the bits and pieces of life with overflowing joy, taste the fireworks in the world with an indifferent and calm ordinary attitude, and dissolve all kinds of troubles and obstacles on the road of life with a soft heart as warm as jade. They are well aware that youth is not only a vivid attitude of life, but also a unique selection and adherence to values.

The poet Gu Cheng poetically described in his "Fantasia of Life":

The night is like a deep valley,

The day is like a steep peak.

Sleep peacefully, when your eyes are closed,

The hustle and bustle of the world has nothing to do with me.

People with a positive mindset can always take root in the impetuous world, find and shape their own life.

Such a wise man can maintain his youthful vitality in the passage of time, not be eroded by the years, and always maintain the sparkle of his soul.

Capturing the beauty of life: shining in the long river of time
  • Material poverty, but abundance of heart.

Zhuangzi once said: "Wrens inhabit the vast forest and sea, and they choose only one branch; The mole drinks freely in the vast river, and all he asks for is his stomach. "This vividly depicts the wren building a home in the green forest, and only one branch is enough to survive; The mole roams the banks of the babbling rivers and is satisfied with a full drink.

There are many things in the world, and there are countless precious treasures, but there are not many things for each person to sustain basic survival.

Contentment is a kind of abundance that comes from the heart, and endless desire often gives birth to the barrenness of the self. The gulf of greed is difficult to fill, and even with mountains of wealth, the heart is still not satisfied; On the other hand, if the mind is full and rich, even if you live a simple life, you can feel the happiness of tranquility and tranquility.

Every object you own actually occupies your living space and spiritual world invisibly, and they can be both your wealth and a burden on your shoulders.

In youth, people often pursue the richness and colorfulness of material life, but with the passage of time, we should learn to subtract from life and know how to abandon unnecessary burdens.

Youth is not only a physiological state, but also a choice of mentality. No matter how old you are, you should maintain a young heart that is content and happy.

Capturing the beauty of life: shining in the long river of time
  • Four seasons change, but don't forget to read.

Weng Sen, a literati of the Song Dynasty, once said in his "Four Seasons of Reading and Pleasure": "Don't let your precious time be wasted, the only pleasure in the world is reading." ”

Savor the joy of reading, how wonderful the environment is, just like the green outside the window, lush vegetation, untrimmed, but showing a vibrant picture, this is the unique enjoyment of reading.

Reading can enlighten the mind, eliminate shallow opinions, acquire novel knowledge, enhance academic accomplishment, broaden horizons, cultivate temperament, and make people richer and more profound.

The impact of reading on people is not limited to the change of appearance, but is deeply immersed in the inner spiritual temperament, making it glow with unique brilliance.

As Huang Tingjian said: "If you don't study for a day, your soul will be covered with dust; If you don't read for two days, your speech will be boring; If you don't study for three days, you will be disgusted. This statement shows the importance of reading for personal cultivation.

The act of reading can cleanse the soul and remove worldly impetuousness in a short period of time; Long-term persistence can imperceptibly enhance temperament; If you can be accompanied by books for a lifetime, the joy in your heart will continue to flow, and the vitality of life will be preserved, as if you will stay forever.

Capturing the beauty of life: shining in the long river of time
  • has traveled through the world, but still remains innocent.

In the years of growth, it is undoubtedly a precious quality to be able to always maintain an innocent childlike heart.

Li Zongsheng affectionately explained in his popular work "The Hills":

Gazing at the winding river,

Finally muster up courage,

In a playful and scolding manner,

Deal with life's hardships and obstacles calmly.

The so-called naïve people are not uninvolved in the fireworks of the world, and have not experienced the vicissitudes of life, but after experiencing the heat and coldness of the world and the warmth and coldness of human feelings, they still firmly believe in the existence of beautiful things and still have a passionate love for life.

This kind of people always uphold the endless curiosity and exploration of the world, they are close to the essence of happiness, so they are full of youthful atmosphere.

True maturity does not lie in the pursuit of complicated appearances, but in returning to the pure innocence; It is not to escape the hustle and bustle of the red dust, but to build a quiet pastoral in the depths of the heart and plant your own chrysanthemums.

Knowing the world but not being bound by it, knowing the world but not being contaminated by it, sticking to that innocence, and looking down on the prosperity of the red dust, so that you can live a young posture and let life rejuvenate the vitality of youth.

Capturing the beauty of life: shining in the long river of time

The famous Japanese writer Haruki Murakami once profoundly elaborated: "Human aging does not come gradually, but comes suddenly at a certain moment." ”

Aging is not only reflected in the first silver white that quietly grows in the hair, nor is it the first ravine of age engraved on the cheeks. True aging begins with the abandonment of self-pursuit and the extinguishing of our passion for life.

In the journey of life, the growth of age is really a natural law, however, only with a never-aging heart, with an open-minded and free attitude to understand the essence of life, can we achieve the life posture that is not afraid of years and remains young forever.

Let us hope that every day and night in the future, we can shake hands with the ordinary life, meet again with the energetic young self we once had, and let the heart be young forever and life will always be warm.

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