
Learn to let go: how to go with the will of God and live your day to the fullest



In Liang Shiqiu's "Farewell", there is such a sentence that touches people's hearts: "When you leave, I will not send you off; But if you return, no matter how nature changes, I will always be here to meet your steps. ”

The trajectory of life seems to be an encounter skillfully arranged by fate.

I stepped into your world as you unexpectedly fit into the chapter of my life.

Unfortunately, not every fate can be drawn to a perfect ending, walking in the journey of life, some people will eventually drift away from us.

When you go through the cold and cold of the world, you will eventually understand that most relationships are just passing guests in life.

In the face of those reluctant feelings, the best posture is to learn to let go, follow the will of heaven, and do your best to listen to the arrangement of fate.

Only in this way can we live our days calmly and calmly, and let life return to its true tranquility and beauty.

Learn to let go: how to go with the will of God and live your day to the fullest

The greatest tragedy between people: trapped in relationships

There is a cloud in "Nine Songs of Bamboo Branches": "Long hatred is not as good as water, and waiting for the idle ground to make waves." ”

This sentence speaks to the complexity and elusiveness of the human heart, sometimes even deeper than deep water.

We often think that we are treasures in the eyes of others, but we do not realize that we are just a piece of rubble, overestimate our status, and eventually fall to the bottom. Being too attached to a relationship often becomes a person's greatest sorrow.

Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, had been a brother and sister with a friend named Lu Juan before the uprising. They are not only fellow villagers, but they were born on the same day and learn and grow together.

When Liu Bang was still a civilian, Lu Juan was always by his side.

It can be said that Liu Bang can not trust anyone, but he only believes in Lu Juan. Liu Bang's favor to Lu Juan made everyone envious, and Lu Juan was even free to enter and leave the palace.

After Liu Bang became emperor, he did not hesitate to give the title of King Yan to Lu Xuan. In 196 BC, Liu Bangqin led a large army to conquer Handan, and Lu Juan responded from the northeast.

However, to everyone's surprise, Lu Juan was bewitched by his own lobbyist and secretly colluded with the Xiongnu.

This news was like a bolt from the blue for Liu Bang, and he didn't want to believe that it was true.

After some repeated confirmations, Liu Bang finally accepted this cruel reality: Lu Xuan, who was once his most trusted friend and once regarded as a treasure, betrayed him.

This betrayal devastated Liu Bang, and his grief became depressed, and finally became ill.

In "Wuthering Heights", there is such a gripping sentence: "I gave him my heart without reservation, and he ruthlessly destroyed it, and returned it to me with the broken heart." ”

It seems that it is always difficult to escape the fate of people's hearts getting colder and their feelings getting thinner.

Affection is often not rewarded, especially on the emotional scale, the party who has poured the most effort seems destined to bear the deepest scars.

In the face of relationships that can only share joy but cannot overcome difficulties together, a timely break may be a kind of relief, a kind of positive renunciation.

Remember, don't idealize any relationship too much, learn to let go, only let go of excessive attachment, people can have a sudden and open vision, like the clouds to see the sun, recreate the clear and clear sky of the soul.

Learn to let go: how to go with the will of God and live your day to the fullest

Adult friendships are all seasonal

In the movie "The Grandmaster", there is such an evocative line: "When you meet someone yesterday, your words and deeds are fascinating and impressive, but there is no day to meet again, this is the normal state of life." ”

In one life, people encounter countless times, or pass by, or meet briefly. Acquaintance may not be able to know each other, and knowing each other becomes parting in an instant.

mentioned the "poet immortal" Li Bai, who is not only known for his poetic talent, but also has a soft spot for swordsmanship and a dream of martial arts.

One day in 719 AD, Li Bai's footprints stepped on Zizhou, Sichuan, and at a certain moment of the journey, he met the chivalrous Zhao Fang unexpectedly, as if the front edge continued.

During that time, they accompanied each other day and night, drinking and talking during the day, and discussing the world together at night, and their friendship quickly warmed up and became very deep.

However, the good times did not last long, and a few months later, Li Bai embraced the ambition of the four seas, waved goodbye to Zhao Fang, and embarked on a roaming journey.

Unexpectedly, this parting, time has flown for more than 20 years.

At the time of the reunion, Li Bai was already full of ambitions, and he was worried because he was not favored by the imperial court. On the other hand, Zhao Fang has risen step by step in his career and has become the right-hand man of the powerful minister Li Linfu, with a bright future.

Fate made people, Li Bai was then forced to stay away from the capital and return to the rivers and lakes because of his anger at the eunuchs. Since then, his contact with Zhao has become increasingly sparse until it has been completely cut off.

That once fiery friendship passed away quietly with the passage of time, like the water of a river, gone forever, leaving only endless memories and sighs.

As the Song Dynasty writer Ouyang Xiu said: "The line is getting farther and farther away, the letters are getting thinner, the water is wide and the fish is sinking, where to find the trace." ”

In the adult world, interpersonal relationships seem to change over and over again.

It's a blessing to be with us; And parting is also the norm of life.

Best friends are affectionate, and eventually their own life trajectories converge and separate, with their backs facing each other, embarking on different journeys.

Instead of being emotionally weak, in fact, they are chasing their dreams, and the roads are different, inadvertently, an invisible wall is built in their hearts, and they go to their respective Yangguan Road.

It is necessary to remember that nothing in the world is eternal, even if you do not want to, you should smile and say your last goodbye, and may each other have a bright future.

Learn to let go: how to go with the will of God and live your day to the fullest

Instead of internal friction in the relationship, it is better to enjoy the fate of the moment

"Encountering in the crowd is called the origin; Fade out of sight in the sea of people, that is, fate. ”

Master Hongyi said.

Most of the encounters in the world originate from the hustle and bustle, and finally quietly blend into the hustle and bustle.

We should learn to face every parting calmly, and be prepared for separation that may come at any time, because the trajectory of life is intertwined with the silk thread of fate, not the shackles of relationship.

Zhang Ailing and Yan Ying, former close friends of classmates, soulmates in their youth.

They have very different personalities, but their friendship is like a bridge across differences and closely connected.

Eileen Chang devoted herself to her brushwork, while Yan Ying used her brushes and lenses to add a touch of color to Eileen Chang's world of words, and the two worked together perfectly and complemented each other.

Time passed, Yan Ying returned from overseas, but it seemed to be a different person, and the overflowing self-show-off and disrespect for Zhang Ailing were like a cold wind, making this friendship unsustainable.

Zhang Ailing chose to stay away in silence, and the boat of friendship gradually drifted away until it ran aground.

Subsequently, Kwong Wenmei entered the world of Zhang Ailing. With a pair of perceptive eyes, she captures every beauty of Zhang Ailing, and is full of praise for her talent.

What is even more commendable is that Kwong Wenmei deeply sympathizes with Zhang Ailing's ups and downs in the past, and always lends a helping hand at critical moments and gives substantial support and warmth.

This understanding and care, for Zhang Ailing, who has lacked family warmth since childhood, is like the warm sun in spring, nourishing her heart.

Over time, the two hearts gradually opened up, forming a deep and pure bond that became an indispensable and solid support for each other's lives.

Accompanied by Kwong Wenmei, Eileen Chang experienced unprecedented spiritual comfort, and the flower of friendship bloomed brightly in mutual understanding and respect.

The ancients had a saying: "There is no need to force things in the world, and fate should not be forced." ”

The emphasis is on going with the flow of life, accepting reunion and parting, cherishing every moment of getting along, and facing the pain of parting with a peaceful heart.

Go and stay at will, gather and scatter at will.

Be affectionate when you are together, and be indifferent when you part. Holding on for a long time often makes people lose themselves in the abyss of pain.

Let go of the powerless and let go of the irrevocable.

In the face of all kinds of helplessness in life, learning to break up in a timely manner is the wisdom of spiritual liberation.

With a calm and unhurried heart, regardless of the past when encountering, regardless of the future when separated, the heart will find a peaceful harbor.

The journey of life is parallel to meeting and goodbye.

Every gain and loss is worthy of our respect and enjoyment of the joy that every fate will bring.

Learn to let go: how to go with the will of God and live your day to the fullest

Zhang Xiaoxian's philosophical thoughts enlighten us: "The gathering and dispersion of life is like a floating cloud, and the origin and extinction are all governed by the will of heaven."

The depths of love in the world are different, and the clutch is beyond the control of human beings.

Like a travel companion, some accompany each other all the way on a long journey, and some get off the bus halfway.

I have met countless people, and there are many farewells, if I will eventually go to the end of my world, why not take it freely and accept it calmly?

Life is like a dream bubble, do not obsess, do not force, conform to fate, cherish the present, and choose for the wise man of life.

Here, I hope that the light of "attention" in your and my hearts will illuminate every passerby in our lives, let us cherish every good fate, and be grateful for every wonderful encounter.