
So that you no longer "look around" to unlock the correct way to open the museum

author:Main news in Tibet
So that you no longer "look around" to unlock the correct way to open the museum
So that you no longer "look around" to unlock the correct way to open the museum

Museums are a treasure trove of knowledge, a bearer of culture, and a place of comfort for people's souls, and it plays an indispensable role in people's lives. On May 18, 2024, the International Museum Day is coming as scheduled, and on this day, museums in our region have held various publicity and commemorative activities to let more people know about museums and better play the social functions of museums.

Recently, the reporter visited a number of museums in Lhasa, quietly feeling the glory and vicissitudes of history, and at the same time harboring infinite longing and yearning for the future. At this moment, museums are a paradise for us to share knowledge and let us appreciate the charm of culture together.

A good museum is very important in terms of exhibition content and exhibition arrangement

What do you think makes a good museum? Is it a rich and diverse collection or a unique and creative way of display, or a profound cultural heritage, or a high sense of social responsibility and public welfare? Recently, reporters took to the streets to randomly interview citizens and listen to how they portrayed the museum in their hearts.

No matter which city you go to, the first place to check in must be the museum. This is the experience of Li Yuanyuan, a cultural and museum enthusiast, who has visited museums for many years. "Every time I go to a city, I plan a day at the museum. The National Museum of China, Dunhuang Museum, Xi'an Banpo Museum, Shaanxi History Museum, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum, Jingdezhen Chinese Ceramics Museum and many other museums are all visited during the trip. Li Yuanyuan believes that museums are a "shortcut" to understanding a city's style, which may be more meaningful than queuing up for some Internet celebrity attractions to check in.

Qin Mingyue used to be a practitioner in the cultural and museum industry, and has a unique insight into the definition of an "excellent" museum. She believes that a good museum should be "informative" – that is, the exhibitions are rich and in-depth, and at the same time "interesting" – so that visitors can feel the charm of knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Qin Mingyue said that when planning an exhibition, the planning of the tour route is particularly crucial. It not only needs to skillfully integrate the theme of the exhibition throughout, but also fully consider the reception and experience of visitors. Through reasonable circulation design, the exhibition content can be presented to visitors more vividly and three-dimensionally, so as to enhance their sense of participation and immersion.

Visitor Guide in the museum to enhance the visiting experience

Recently, a news about a child breaking a museum exhibit has attracted widespread attention. In any case, this incident reminds us that when visiting museums and other public places, we should respect and protect exhibits, and jointly maintain a civilized and harmonious visiting environment. Will you visit museums? How can I get the best out of my visit to the museum? To this end, the reporter interviewed relevant professionals of the Tibet Museum, and she gave a visit guide for ordinary visitors to save every museum "little white".

Taking the Tibet Museum as an example, first of all, we need to have an understanding of the basic knowledge of Tibetan culture, history, and folklore. Next, the exhibitions in the museum are screened according to personal interests and time schedules to determine which ones are focused on viewing and which can be skimmed briefly. If you can bring questions during the visit, then the sense of harvest after the visit will be greatly enhanced.

Secondly, the museum will highlight the content of important cultural relics through audio guides. For a more in-depth understanding of the stories behind the artefacts, you can choose to rent an audio guide. If you are particularly interested in a specific piece of content, such as history, folklore, classics or thangkas, you can book a manual tour in advance, and the narrator will provide detailed answers to your points of interest.

In addition, the Tibet Museum will provide expert interpretation services at certain times. These experts may be academic authorities in a certain field or curators of an exhibition. Their explanations will provide us with more accurate, professional and comprehensive information, making our visit experience richer and more in-depth.

Foreword & Stand-Alone Showcase The essence and highlights of exhibition curation

In the process of visiting a museum, many visitors tend to overlook the important part of the "introduction". The preface is actually the essence of exhibition planning, which embodies the purpose and main content of the entire exhibition. By reading the text of the preface, the audience can fully grasp the basic framework of the exhibition, the main content and the means of display. In addition, the preface can help the viewer identify the key parts of the exhibition and the exhibits that require special attention.

The individual cabinets in the exhibition hall often display key cultural relics, which are often the "highlight" or "highlight" of the exhibition hall. Therefore, during the visit, the audience can properly focus their attention on these visiting routes in order to better appreciate and understand these precious artifacts.

Finally, the professional also offers some practical advice for visitors at large. First of all, weekday mornings are usually a time when there are fewer visitors, so they are considered the best time to visit the exhibition. Secondly, it is advisable to allow at least 2 hours for the tour in order to fully appreciate the exhibits. It is important to note that popular exhibitions may attract large crowds, so it is advisable to confirm in advance whether tickets have been reserved to avoid long queues. Finally, to ensure that your visit is more comfortable, be sure to wear a comfortable pair of shoes.


These museums in Lhasa are not to be missed

A city's museums are the cultural context of the region. Lhasa has a long history, so it is a fertile ground for the Museum of Birth. Each of these museums has its own characteristics, some show history, some explore nature, some inherit culture, and some show life. No matter what you're interested in, you'll find a museum in Lhasa.

The Tibet Museum is like a giant wheel of history, taking you through thousands of years. There are treasured Tibetan historical relics, from ancient stone tools and pottery to exquisite Buddha statues and thangkas, each of which tells the wisdom and talent of the Tibetan people. The double-body clay pot is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancestors of Karo, and is the representative and finishing touch of Tibetan Neolithic pottery, and is known as the treasure of the Tibet Museum.

The Tibet Museum of Natural Science is like a window to the mysteries of nature. Here, you can appreciate Tibet's unique geography and biodiversity. From the majestic snow-capped mountains, to the vast grasslands, to the rare flora and fauna, there are detailed displays here.

The Tibet Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum is a treasure of Tibetan traditional culture. There is a collection of various traditional Tibetan handicrafts and folk art performances, such as Tibetan costumes, Tibetan opera masks, Tibetan knives, etc. Each exhibit embodies the wisdom and sweat of the Tibetan people, showing their unique aesthetics and emotions.

The Tibetan Yak Museum, which takes the yak as the theme, shows the important position of the yak in the life of the Tibetan people. From the breeding and domestication of yaks to the processing and utilization of yak products, there is a detailed introduction here. In addition, the museum showcases the close connection between yaks and Tibetan culture, giving you a deeper understanding of Tibetan culture. In the museum, you can see many yak-themed artworks such as sculptures, paintings, thangkas, etc. These artworks vividly show the image of the yak, and at the same time convey the deep affection of the Tibetan people for the yak.

(Source: China Tibet News Network-Tibet Business Daily)

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