
A running method that is more suitable for the physique of amateur runners: 321 running method

author:Running guide

We all know that the real purpose of running is to be healthy, not to chase speed and distance.

But people who are new to running are often confused by some superficial indicators, such as 5km pace, the total number of monthly runs, etc., but in fact, these numbers are not the most important for the average runner.

Essentially, running is a way of life in pursuit of health, which is not only a physical exercise, but also a kind of mental and spiritual relaxation.

Many people ignore the original purpose of running because they want to improve their speed and distance, and some of them become slaves to data. Posting running results in WeChat groups and circles of friends has become a kind of comparison and showing off, and gradually, running has changed from a way to enjoy health and relieve stress to a burden that makes people anxious and tired.

A running method that is more suitable for the physique of amateur runners: 321 running method

In fact, it is even more important for the average runner to be clear about the true goal of running. Don't care about what others think, the key is whether you get physical and mental pleasure and health rewards in the process.

When you really understand and practice this, you will find that speed and running volume are just floating clouds, and only being able to maintain a long-term and stable exercise habit is the foundation of a healthy life. Therefore, no matter how fast or slow, no matter the distance, the original intention of running should not be forgotten - that is, health.

A running method that is more suitable for the physique of amateur runners: 321 running method

The hidden danger of excessive pursuit

In the running circle, there is no shortage of people who are overly pursuing performance and ignore the warnings of the body. A running friend I know, Xiao Zhang, is a prime example.

Xiao Zhang's original intention of running was to exercise and reduce stress, but as his running performance continued to improve, he began to become obsessed with speed and running volume. Every day, I will make a strict training plan and constantly challenge myself, hoping to achieve greater breakthroughs in a short period of time.

At first, Xiao Zhang did feel the pleasure of improving his grades, but then it was his body's warning light - the Achilles tendon began to become inflamed and painful. Doctors advised him to stop high-intensity training immediately and rest and rehabilitate.

At first, he didn't think it was okay to be patient, but after several attempts to continue running, the pain became more intense, and he finally had to follow the doctor's instructions to rest for two months.

This painful experience made Xiao Zhang realize that excessive pursuit does not buy health. What the body needs is scientific training and reasonable rest, not blind sprints.

After reflection, he began to re-examine his running strategy, adjusting to a smoother pace and gradually reducing the intensity and volume of his training.

Now Xiao Zhang has not only regained his health, but also has become more enjoyable and long-lasting. The lesson of over-pursuit is profound, remember that the ultimate purpose of running is to be healthy, not to chase for the sake of momentary pleasure.

A running method that is more suitable for the physique of amateur runners: 321 running method

Robustness is key

First of all, runners should not care about other people's opinions, it doesn't matter if you run slowly, the important thing is to run steadily. Not only can you enjoy running, but you can also avoid sports injuries and achieve true health.

When many people start running, they are often swayed by external evaluations and other people's achievements, and they are always worried that they will not run fast enough. However, the pursuit of speed and volume is not the ultimate goal of running.

A running method that is more suitable for the physique of amateur runners: 321 running method

For the vast majority of amateur runners, the essence of running is to improve physical fitness and stay healthy, not to compete with others.

Instead of "desperately catching up" every time you run, you should focus on your own state and progress, so that you can enjoy the physical and mental pleasure of running while maintaining your exercise habits.

A running method that is more suitable for the physique of amateur runners: 321 running method

321 Running Method

The "321 Running Method" is a very scientific and balanced running program designed to meet the needs of runners of different levels while effectively avoiding sports injuries. Specifically, this style of running includes a combination of three mid-distance runs, two strength training sessions, and one long-distance run per week.

1. Three medium-distance runs a week to enable runners to maintain good running condition and endurance without exerting excessive pressure. The benefit of this style of running is that it gives the body enough time to recover and adapt, which can improve running performance without increasing the risk of injury.

2. Strength training is an important part of the "321 Running Method". Strength training twice a week with the main goal of building core strength and muscle stability. Core strength is essential for running, not only to support the runner's posture, but also to prevent common injuries during running, such as knee pain and ankle instability. The stability of the muscles helps to improve the efficiency of running, making every step more powerful and less effortful.

3. Long-distance running once a week is another key part of the "321 Running Method". This is not only a test of runners' endurance, but also a good time to improve their cardiopulmonary function and mental quality. Long-distance running is a great way to get a lot of physical and mental work, and it also lays a solid foundation for longer running races in the future.

Through the scientific combination of medium-distance running, strength training and long-distance running, the "321 Running Method" can not only help runners train in a balanced manner, improve core strength and muscle stability, but also prevent sports injuries and keep the body in an optimal exercise state through reasonable running volume arrangement.

This method is especially suitable for people who are concerned about health and the benefits of long-term running. I hope that everyone can find the most suitable running rhythm for themselves through the "321 Running Method" and enjoy the health and happiness brought by running.

A running method that is more suitable for the physique of amateur runners: 321 running method

The essence of running

The most important essence of consistent running is undoubtedly health and stability. Running is not only a simple exercise, but also a comprehensive regulation and improvement of one's body and mind. Especially for middle-aged people, physical health and mental balance are particularly important.

In the process of long-term running, we gradually learn to settle in loneliness, learn to release the soul in sweat, and achieve true inner peace. Everyone's physical fitness and living environment are different, and scientific and reasonable running methods can really benefit us.

That's why the "321 Running Method" is widely recommended. This style of running not only balances running with strength training, but more importantly, reduces the risk of injury and improves the overall quality of exercise.

A running method that is more suitable for the physique of amateur runners: 321 running method

True runners understand that it's far more important to enjoy the process than to pursue the result. Running gives us not only physical exercise, but also a kind of spiritual baptism. Every breath and step is an opportunity to have a dialogue with yourself. No matter how fast you run, every step should be solid and powerful, and that's what running is all about.

So, don't worry too much about speed and grades, and don't be swayed by outside evaluations. Follow the scientific principles of running, enjoy the joy and tranquility brought by every run, and make running an indispensable part of your life. Only in this way can you truly comprehend the essence of running and achieve the goal of health and stability.

I hope that every runner can find their own rhythm, enjoy the fun of running, and achieve overall physical and mental health.

Do you set yourself a run or pace goal? Feel free to leave a comment to share your views!