
The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

author:Running guide

In a marathon, even experienced long-distance runners can face stumps, cramps, and wall hits, and these three "invisible killers" have caused countless runners to sink into the sand!

The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

Causes of bifurcation

During a marathon, many runners experience the pain of a fork, which not only affects athletic performance, but can also lead to interruptions in the race. Bifurcations are usually caused by two main factors: an inappropriate breathing rhythm and stress on the digestive system.

Improper breathing rhythm can lead to fatigue of the diaphragm, a key muscle that controls breathing. When running at an increased pace or when you are nervous, the breathing rhythm may become too rapid, preventing the diaphragm from getting enough rest, which can induce bifurcation.

The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

To avoid this, runners need to build the endurance and efficiency of their diaphragm by practicing deep breathing and rhythmic breathing. For example, you can use "two steps one inhalation, two steps one exhale" or "three steps one inhalation and three steps one exhalation", which can help maintain a steady and deep breath and reduce the chance of forking the breath.

Bifurcations can also be related to digestive system stress. Eating too early or too much before a race or in a game recommendation can be a burden on the gastrointestinal tract, especially when the digested food moves in the body, this stress increases and affects breathing.

Runners should avoid foods high in fiber and fat before the race and make sure to complete the main food at least 3 to 4 hours before the race to give the food enough time to digest.

The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

Muscle Extraction Causes

Cramps are caused by two main factors: muscle fatigue and dehydration due to electrolyte imbalance in the body. This discomfort, especially in long-distance races, can have a serious impact on a runner's performance.

Muscle fatigue is a direct cause of cramps. During long runs, repeated muscle contractions consume a lot of energy, leading to accumulated fatigue. When the muscles are tired to a certain extent, they may suddenly cramp and manifest as cramps.

Prolonged exercise causes the body to lose water and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, which are essential for normal muscle contraction. Once there is not enough water or electrolyte imbalance in the body, the function of the muscles will be affected, increasing the risk of cramps.

To prevent cramps, runners should take care to drink enough water and electrolytes before and during the race. A proper water strategy involves gradually increasing your daily water intake before the race to ensure that your body is fully hydrated at the start.

During the race, especially in hot weather or high humidity conditions, runners should hydrate regularly, drinking about 150 to 250 ml of water every 10 to 15 minutes. Sports drinks containing sodium and potassium can be used to replenish electrolytes and maintain electrolyte balance in the body, which is extremely beneficial for preventing cramps.

The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

Hitting the wall

Hitting a wall is a state in which you suddenly feel extremely tired and unable to move forward during a match. This phenomenon usually occurs in the second half of the race, especially after about 30 kilometers.

The main causes of hitting a wall include brain fatigue, excessive muscle fatigue, high heart rate, and dehydration.

1. After long-term high-intensity exercise, the level of neurotransmitters such as serotonin in the brain increases, resulting in sluggish thinking and decreased reaction speed.

2. Continuous physical activity depletes the glycogen stores in the muscles, making the muscles unable to work properly.

3. A high heart rate will accelerate energy expenditure and oxygen demand, making it difficult for the body to maintain the original rhythm of the game.

The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

4. Dehydration will lead to an increase in blood viscosity, an increase in the burden on the heart, and a further reduction in exercise performance.

In order to effectively prevent the phenomenon of hitting the wall, runners need to adopt scientific training methods and race strategies. During training, runners are advised to do long-distance endurance training and interval training to enhance physical fitness and improve the resistance of muscles to fatigue.

Proper pace and energy supply are also crucial during the race. Runners should set their starting pace according to their actual situation to avoid exhausting their physical strength too quickly at the beginning of the race.

Timely hydration and electrolytes during the race can effectively prevent dehydration and high heart rate.

The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

Energy & Moisture

In a marathon, energy and hydration management is key to ensuring good performance and avoiding a breakdown. For marathon runners, it is important to replenish energy and hydration at the right time, otherwise it is easy to encounter physical problems such as hitting walls and cramping during the race.

Carbohydrates are the main energy source for marathon runners, and their intake strategies require special attention. It is generally recommended to increase carbohydrate intake starting a week before a race to allow the muscles and liver to achieve optimal glycogen stores.

On race day, runners are advised to consume easily digestible carbohydrates such as bananas, energy bars, etc., 1-2 hours before the start to provide immediate energy needed during the start phase.

With regard to hydration, since each person loses sweat at different rates and salt concentrations, hydration strategies should be individualized. Runners are advised to replenish a small amount of water on average every 15-20 minutes during the race, depending on how they feel and how much sweat they have lost.

Consuming a drink containing electrolytes during a race can help replenish the salt lost due to sweating, maintain a water-electrolyte balance, and prevent cramps.

The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

Scientific training method

Proper pre-competition preparation and training can not only improve athletic efficiency, but also maintain the athlete's ability to sustain long periods of exercise.

1. Runners need to develop a comprehensive training plan, which should include aerobic endurance training, anaerobic capacity improvement and strength training. Aerobic training, such as long-distance running and cycling, can enhance cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance; and improve anaerobic capacity through short-distance high-intensity interval training (HIIT); Strength training helps to strengthen muscle and bone support and reduce the risk of injury during the race.

2. A reasonable training plan should also include sufficient recovery time. The recovery period is a critical period for physical improvement, and proper planning can help muscle repair and strengthening, and avoid the negative effects of overtraining.

The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

3. Runners should also simulate the race scenario during training, such as wearing event equipment during training and choosing climatic conditions similar to those on race days for training. This can help athletes better adapt to the environment on the day of the competition and reduce the discomfort caused by changes in the environment.

4. Proper meal planning is also crucial. Athletes should increase their carbohydrate intake to ensure they are able to provide enough energy for long endurance exercises. At the same time, the right amount of protein and electrolytes is supplemented to support muscle repair and function.

Through such all-round scientific training, athletes can not only improve their performance, but also effectively prevent problems that may arise during the competition.

The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

Match strategy

In a marathon, it's important to follow a proper strategy to not only improve your performance, but also to prevent common problems such as wall hits, cramps and gas splits.

Control of the starting rhythm is key. Runners should adjust their starting speed according to their training level and the goals set before the race, so as to avoid starting too fast and exerting too much energy, so as to retain enough energy to cope with the challenges in the latter part of the race.

Mental conditioning during the game is equally important. Marathons are not only a physical challenge, but also a psychological test. Participants should be mentally prepared before the race to learn how to regulate their emotions and cope with fatigue during long-distance running. Effective mental techniques include positive motivation, regulating breathing, and timely distraction.

The secret of the marathon crash is revealed! These 3 "invisible killers" have made countless runners sink into the sand!

Pacing your game, especially in the middle of a race, can help you maintain a consistent energy output and avoid sudden breakdowns. Runners should adjust their pace according to their fitness status, and use the refueling stations on the track to replenish water and energy in time to ensure that they maintain an even performance throughout the race.

Combined with scientific training methods and reasonable race strategies, every marathon runner can achieve the best state in the race.

Have you ever crashed while running a marathon? How did you feel at the time? Welcome to leave a message to share!