
Good life+丨Why do you always feel tired, be careful that you may suffer from ......

author:Women's Voices of the All-China Women's Federation





If you are too lazy to do this, you will always feel bored and unable to work hard in life, and this kind of performance may not be really lazy! So what are the causes of fatigue? How long does it take to see a doctor for fatigue? The editor of the Women's Voice of the All-China Women's Federation tells you that you feel tired every day, and your body may be sending you an "alarm".

Good life+丨Why do you always feel tired, be careful that you may suffer from ......


What causes fatigue?


1. Sedentary. When sitting, the lumbar spine is under more pressure than lying and standing, and the muscles are also prone to fatigue, and if you do not move in time, you will feel fatigue and soreness in the lower back.

2. Stay up late. Many people can't help staying up late the more they are tired, but staying up late makes people miss the best time for the body to self-regulate. The brain needs to be cleaned up regularly, just like we need to clean up the room regularly, and sleep is the best way for the brain to clean up the garbage.

3. Not drinking enough water. When people are thirsty, the body has lost 1%-2% of their body weight, and in terms of hydration, they are already in a state of dehydration. When it reaches 2%~4%, the body is already in a state of dehydration while feeling thirsty, and the color of urine is dark yellow, and then work and cognitive ability will be reduced.

4. Overload. Quite a few people are overloaded every day. The oxygen concentration and blood sugar levels in the blood continue to drop, causing the muscles or local tissues of the internal organs to fall into the dilemma of oxygen and nutrients. The brain also needs to rest, and it can last for a long time.

5. Eating a single diet and lacking nutrients. Lack of vitamin B2 can easily cause fatigue and weakness. In addition, iron deficiency can also cause fatigue, weakness, palpitation, shortness of breath, and decreased physical endurance.


What kind of fatigue needs to be seen?


In general, if the symptoms of fatigue last less than 2 weeks, no special treatment is required. However, if it is more than 2 weeks and the symptoms of fatigue are becoming more and more severe, it cannot be relieved by resting; or fatigue without any trigger; or fatigue accompanied by other symptoms, such as weight loss, fever, headache, dyspnea, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and edema of the face or lower extremities. These conditions of fatigue are best advised by a doctor.

Reminder: Some fatigue may be caused by life-threatening diseases, such as periodic paralysis due to hypokalemia, tumors, myasthenia gravis, adrenal insufficiency, heart failure, coronary heart disease, respiratory failure, etc.; It may also be the first symptom of some common diseases, such as diabetes, anemia, tuberculosis, hypothyroidism, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep apnea, liver cirrhosis, nephritis, etc.; There are also some diseases that are easy to ignore that can also cause fatigue, such as sarcopenia, chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety and depression, etc.

Good life+丨Why do you always feel tired, be careful that you may suffer from ......

Improves fatigue

Do 7 things well


Don't play with your phone as soon as you take a break

Playing on your phone during breaks will not effectively relax your brain, but will make you more tired and less productive afterwards.


Moderate aerobic exercise

Promote blood circulation through moderate, gentle exercises, such as brisk walking, to slowly eliminate fatigue.


Academic Society: Deep Breath

It's easy to get rid of a slight feeling of fatigue, just take five minutes, take a few deep breaths, inhale slowly, then hold for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly to increase the oxygen concentration in your blood.


Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

Eat more fruits, vegetables, fungi and algae, supplement anti-stress foods such as vitamins and trace elements, and stay away from stress-boosting foods such as fast food.


Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water

It is recommended to drink a small amount of water in small sips and slowly, which is most conducive to the body's absorption of water and can play a role in timely hydration.


Shower to relax

There is the option of a shower to relax. When the hot water flows down from the shower, it drains your mind.


Get regular sleep

Be sure to develop the habit of going to bed early and waking up early, sleeping regularly, and it is recommended to go to bed before 23 o'clock every night.

Today's topic

Do you often feel tired?

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Good life+丨Why do you always feel tired, be careful that you may suffer from ......

Source: All-China Women's Federation Women's Voice Synthesis

Editor/Liu Bin


Executive Producer/Qiao Hong

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