
Scrominsky Vyacheslav: Artistic Arrival Across Borders

author:Hulunbuir News
Scrominsky Vyacheslav: Artistic Arrival Across Borders
Scrominsky Vyacheslav: Artistic Arrival Across Borders
Scrominsky Vyacheslav: Artistic Arrival Across Borders
Scrominsky Vyacheslav: Artistic Arrival Across Borders
Scrominsky Vyacheslav: Artistic Arrival Across Borders

Artist Profile

Scrominsky Vyacheslav: Russian oil painter, born in 1957, graduated from the Irkutsk Academy of Arts, member of the Russian Artists Association, Honored Artist of Russia, former chairman of the Artists Association of the Chita Region of Russia. Since 1976, his works have participated in many national art exhibitions in Siberia, Russia, and have been collected by art museums at all levels in China, Singapore, Japan, the United States, France, Germany, Spain, Australia, the Netherlands, Mongolia and other countries.

Walking into the suspension bridge park of Zhalantun City in the early morning, the local residents who took a leisurely walk were at ease, and the groups of three or five had already started their posture, dancing happily in unison. The iconic suspension bridge shakes the vicissitudes of a century, small flowers faintly bloom along the shaded path, and painters on the shore with gentle water spread their easels to depict "people swim in the painting, and the painting walks in the scenery".

If you want to say that the most "popular" painters, it is none other than two painters from Russia. "Huh? These two foreign painters are Russian, right? "I'll go to the Russian painter and see if we go home", "The works of Russian painters are different from those painted by other painters", ...... At the scene of the sketching activity, a large number of citizens stopped by Skrominsky Vyacheslav's easel to "comment on his works on the spot", while the painter himself was calm and relaxed, and continued to show his talent on the drawing board one by one.

"Actually, when we are working on oil paintings, we don't like to be disturbed by other people around us, which will distract us and affect the final presentation of the work. But in China, I was impressed by the enthusiasm of the people, and although I couldn't understand what they were saying, I guess they were expressing their love for the paintings I was creating. Different from the quiet in nature, the lively atmosphere also brings me a different creative inspiration. Scrominsky Vyacheslav said.

During the conversation, the reporter learned that in the past, Skrominsky Vyacheslav was happy to depict nature and flowers, with thick and romantic colors, and unbridled and calm brushwork, which has a high artistic appreciation value. His landscape paintings depict nature realistically and are filled with an atmosphere full of life. The works he created in Zhalantun City this time add some personal feelings to the realism, revealing the fireworks that are not easy to be detected, making the paintings more vivid and expressive.

"I've been to China many times, but every time I come there is a different surprise. China's development is really fast, but in the rapid development, I feel that the ecological environment is also well protected. In some countries and cities, we painters can only see high-rise buildings, reinforced concrete, you can't see landscapes, flowers and birds, market life there, and there is no way to talk about artistic creation, but in China, in Hulunbuir, we have a lot of choices. We can paint natural landscapes of all shapes, and we can paint very precious wild animals and plants. Therefore, the love for my work is not only due to my skills, but more to the inspiration of the artists inspired by the environment. Scrominsky Vyacheslav is no stranger to Hulunbuir, and the China-Russia-Mongolia International Oil Painting Artist Creation and Sketching Base often invites Russian, Mongolian and domestic artists to come to collect and create, in order to help prosper the oil painting economy, deepen the integration of culture and tourism, and promote the innovation and development of the oil painting industry to build an "art bridge" between countries.

Art knows no borders, there is a consensus in culture, and there is always some love that cannot be expressed in words can be transmitted in a work of art. With the in-depth promotion of the construction of the "City of Oil Painting", more and more famous oil painters from different countries and regions will enter Hulunbuir to participate in the artistic feast of the Pearl City of Northern Xinjiang. (Reporter Liu Naixin)


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