
The post-80s and post-90s generations are difficult to enjoy their old age, and the doctor of atmospherics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reveals the terrible inside story!

author:Handsome bean curd

In this era, the "once-in-a-century event" is no longer far away, and it frequently appears in our news headlines in the form of extreme weather – strong winds in Jiangxi, floods in Guangdong, bad weather in Henan, all remind us that the balance of nature is quietly being broken. Dr. Wei Ke, an expert in atmospheric physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed the key link behind this phenomenon: climate change. Let's take a closer look at why these supposedly rare extreme weather events are now regular.

The post-80s and post-90s generations are difficult to enjoy their old age, and the doctor of atmospherics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reveals the terrible inside story!

The State of Climate Change: A Cautionary Alarm Bell That Can't Be Ignored

The continuous rise in global temperatures is not only the cold data of weather stations, but also the real feeling in our lives. Extreme weather events, such as severe storms and floods, are the earth's emergency signals. These changes not only affect the natural landscape, but also have a more profound impact on the infrastructure of human society, agricultural production and even people's living habits, indicating more challenges that may be faced in the future.

The post-80s and post-90s generations are difficult to enjoy their old age, and the doctor of atmospherics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reveals the terrible inside story!

Demystifying the scientific logic of climate change

Water vapour and extreme precipitation: Like boiling water in a pot, rising temperatures increase the amount of water vapour that can be contained in the atmosphere, providing ample ammunition for extreme precipitation, making flooding more frequent and intense.

Subtle imbalances in the climate system: The climate system, a sophisticated "machine", becomes unstable due to uneven increases in temperature. For example, the change of the subtropical high in the western Pacific Ocean is like a wayward conductor, disturbing the otherwise harmonious weather "movement".

The special role of the polar regions: the polar regions, as the "air conditioner" of the earth, have an abnormal increase in temperature, which not only exacerbates the melting of glaciers, but also indirectly affects the climate of the middle and low latitudes by changing the atmospheric circulation pattern, making the weather more unpredictable.

Sea level rise and silent ocean protests: The melting of glaciers and the thermal expansion and contraction of sea water are driving up sea levels and threatening coastal areas. At the same time, ocean acidification, like a quiet chemical revolution, is quietly changing the face of marine ecology.

The post-80s and post-90s generations are difficult to enjoy their old age, and the doctor of atmospherics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reveals the terrible inside story!

The Hidden Crisis: Climate Change and the New Challenges of Health

Climate change is not just an environmental issue, it could also unleash ancient viruses, long-frozen pathogens that awaken as permafrost melts and pose an unknown threat to human health. In the future, disease prevention and control may require us to fight not only modern viruses, but also ancient "visitors".

The post-80s and post-90s generations are difficult to enjoy their old age, and the doctor of atmospherics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reveals the terrible inside story!

A duet between individual memory and temperature

From the thick layers of snow in childhood to the thin snowflakes in winter today, from the gentle breeze in summer to the continuous heat warnings, everyone's memory hides traces of temperature changes. These intuitive feelings are the most vivid footnotes to the scientific data, reminding us that climate change is all around us.

The post-80s and post-90s generations are difficult to enjoy their old age, and the doctor of atmospherics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reveals the terrible inside story!

Conclusion: Take action for tomorrow's blue sky

In the face of all this, the scientific community is increasingly united that it is our shared responsibility to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects. Whether it's promoting green energy or developing adaptive strategies, every step counts. The happiness of future generations depends on the efforts we make now.

The post-80s and post-90s generations are difficult to enjoy their old age, and the doctor of atmospherics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reveals the terrible inside story!

The Power of Local Action: The Case of Shanxi Province

The Shanxi Provincial Declaration on Cultural Heritage Protection demonstrates the wisdom and determination of local governments to tackle climate change, proving that even at the micro level, positive actions can have a positive impact. At the same time, it also reminds us that human activities and global warming are inextricably linked, and that reducing our carbon footprint and protecting the natural environment is a great cause that we can all participate in.

The post-80s and post-90s generations are difficult to enjoy their old age, and the doctor of atmospherics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reveals the terrible inside story!

Through this in-depth analysis, it is not difficult to see that the frequent occurrence of climate change and extreme weather is not only a warning from nature, but also an opportunity for human society to unite and cooperate to jointly address challenges. Let's work together to relieve the stress on Mother Earth and leave a livable blue sky and green space for future generations.

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