
The ratings of "Singer" broke 1, Na Ying improved, and Huang Xuanhangai Band successfully picked off and eliminated two people

author:Rich Mango 3y2i

Copywriting|Rich Mango 3y2i

Rich Mango 3y2i

The ratings of "Singer" broke 1, Na Ying improved, and Huang Xuanhangai Band successfully picked off and eliminated two people
The second issue of "Singer 2024": two foreign singers Fanxia and Shanti Mo won the championship; Huang Xuan and Hanggai bands successfully picked off Shanti Mo and Wang Sulong; Na Ying's performance improved, ranking second; 500 judges recognized Huang Xuan's strength; second-hand roses, Rainie Yang, and Hailai Amu are eliminated; The ratings of the program broke 1 again, and the competition system became more exciting.

Everyone is looking forward to it, and the second issue of "Singer 2024" will make a shocking debut with the momentum of thunder, presenting a wonderful music feast for the audience.

At the beginning of the show, the two foreign singers Fanxia and Shanti Mo showed their staggering strength.

The ratings of "Singer" broke 1, Na Ying improved, and Huang Xuanhangai Band successfully picked off and eliminated two people

As soon as they appeared, they won the championship and runner-up without suspense with their near-perfect performances.

Such an amazing performance made the mainland singers really feel the heavy pressure, as if an invisible mountain was pressing on their hearts.

Soon, it was time for the singer to unveil the list.

The stage of Huang Xuan and the Hang Gai Band was like a bright light that illuminated the entire stage.

With its unique musical style and infectious interpretation, the Hangai Band successfully knocked out the previous champion Shanti Mo.

The ratings of "Singer" broke 1, Na Ying improved, and Huang Xuanhangai Band successfully picked off and eliminated two people

Although Shanti Mo's state in this episode of the show does not seem to be adjusted to the best, and her performance is slightly inferior, she still tries her best to interpret the songs, fully demonstrating her quality and persistence as a professional singer.

And Huang Xuan did not show weakness, he defeated Wang Sulong with a wonderful performance, and successfully unveiled the list as he wished.

Wang Sulong's performance this time was strongly impacted by Huang Xuan, although he was quite remarkable in the choice of songs, but some flaws were exposed in the process of interpretation, so that he was evaluated as "unpleasant" by some audiences.

In this issue, Naying's performance has improved significantly.

She successfully overcame her previous nervousness and appeared more confident and calm when singing, and finally jumped to second place in the rankings, showing the style of the diva to the fullest.

The ratings of "Singer" broke 1, Na Ying improved, and Huang Xuanhangai Band successfully picked off and eliminated two people

The 500 judges were extremely impressed by Huang Xuan's outstanding performance, and his talent was highly recognized as a result, and he successfully advanced to the next round of the competition.

Not all singers can be so lucky.

Second-Hand Rose's performance in this issue was not satisfactory, their choice of songs was quite adventurous, and the singing effect did not reach an amazing level, and in the end they had to be unfortunately eliminated.

Rainie Yang still looked very nervous on stage, even if she chose a hit song, she still couldn't escape the fate of being eliminated because of a performance error.

The ratings of "Singer" broke 1, Na Ying improved, and Huang Xuanhangai Band successfully picked off and eliminated two people

Hailai Amu's performance also caused a lot of controversy, he sang too hard, resulting in a noticeable fatigue in his voice, and failed to leave a deep and unforgettable impression on the audience.

It is worth mentioning that the ratings of this episode of the show have once again managed to break through 1.

The more exciting competition system and the rules of double unveiling and double elimination have made the tense atmosphere of the game more intense, and the audience's expectations have continued to rise.

The second issue of "Singer 2024" has come to an end in such fierce competition and surprise breakthroughs, let us look forward to more exciting performances of singers in the next episode.

Looking back on this issue, in addition to the fierce competition between the singers on the stage, there are also some behind-the-scenes stories that people are talking about.

The ratings of "Singer" broke 1, Na Ying improved, and Huang Xuanhangai Band successfully picked off and eliminated two people

For example, Huang Xuan made unimaginable hard efforts off-stage for this unveiling performance, constantly studying the interpretation of songs, and striving to be perfect; The Hangai Band has always maintained a persistent love for music, and has always paid attention to every detail during rehearsals.

These unknown efforts and dedication have created the amazing wonderful moments on the stage.

In the course of the future program, I believe that the singers will continue to go all out, with more enthusiasm and more exquisite skills, to bring the audience one after another shocking music feast.

The ratings of "Singer" broke 1, Na Ying improved, and Huang Xuanhangai Band successfully picked off and eliminated two people

Whether it is a mainland singer or a foreign singer, they will fully show their unique charm on this stage, and we just have to wait and look forward to the surprises and touches brought by each musical journey.

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