
Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

On music and entertainment

2024-05-24 20:42Published in Chongqing

Finally waited for the third episode of the singer, this time, it was still a real-time chat with everyone.

Without further ado, let's talk directly about the first singer: Momo.


Let's start with it, Momo's first appearance was not deliberately done by the program team, but she asked for it herself.

What the specific reason is, maybe only Momo himself knows.

这一次带来的歌曲是:saving all my love for you

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

Compared with the previous show-off songs, this song didn't seem to be shocking at first, not taking the heavy performance route, but focusing on relaxation.

But the problem is that when Momo sings, it still doesn't make people feel that this is a live broadcast, more like a recorded audio synthesis.

The pitch is extremely stable, the chest voice support is completely sufficient, and the breath is not unstable at all.

Although the first section of the song itself doesn't have any too high pitch, the control is exaggerated.

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

He even directly played with the switch between strength and weakness, showing his sound concentration in the middle and high registers.

The head voice is sharp enough, and the closed accent is concentrated enough, which is actually due to the training on weekdays.

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

I think this song is better than the previous songs, this song is more suitable for creating a sense of layering, and the crescendo in the second half of the song handles the whistle sound, which hits people's hearts.

Momo's game is too stable, and it can be called the opening "king bomb".

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse


The second place to appear is: the Hangai Band.

They were supposed to get high popularity, but they obviously did not take over this wave of "wealth".

In this issue, let's take a look at their play: "Wine Song"

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

This is a Mongolian folk song, and frankly speaking, in the introduction of the song, I personally think that it is difficult for this song to achieve too good results, mainly because young people nowadays are really not too interested in this kind of music.

The previous "Reincarnation" did not have a big hit, mainly because of the live broadcast form, and it would be much better to have half of the live sound.

Hangai's lead singer's singing skills are very stable, and the pitch is online, at least you won't feel out of tune and lack of energy as soon as you hear them sing......

Listening to the first half, there is a feeling of a good Chinese song, which is actually quite interesting, and I am particularly curious about whether this kind of music can be more advantageous in the scene, let's take a look at the final ranking.

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

In addition to its excellent vocals, the Hangai Band also attaches great importance to the instrument, but due to the live broadcast, the beauty of the instrument's sound cannot be directly felt by the audience.

This song can be regarded as a proof for Hang Gai, their singing ability and on-site control ability are extremely high, and they play national music themselves.

So one last word, I apologize, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that Hanggai should go.

Hanggai Band, don't go, this kind of music still has the need to exist in "Singer 2024", and you can't be disgusted because it is not mainstream aesthetic music.

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse


To put it bluntly, Huang Xuan has become the biggest dark horse.

If Huang Xuan in the last issue only showed his excellent singing skills in music, he did not show the points worthy of the mainstream aesthetic public in the Chinese music scene.

Before, maybe I didn't like Huang Xuan so much because of my style.

So in this issue, I think most people think the same as me, Huang Xuan is too "good".

In this issue, he brought a very quiet song: "Missing"

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

Because I also learned the guitar myself, I really don't have any resistance to singers who play the guitar and sing online.

Huang Xuan had already won when he opened his mouth, and he explained one thing to all the audience, some singers who sing non-lyrical songs are not unable to sing what the public likes.

It's just that a lot of times, they prefer to make music that they love.

And such a lyrical song, Huang Xuan can handle it at will.

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

His resonance cavity is very good, especially the strength and weakness of the chorus part in the male voice change area, and the "U" of the word "nothing" in "it doesn't matter" is extremely concentrated.

And his head-cutting voice will not give people a strange feeling, here you can refer to Wang Sulong's first song, which is actually essentially a gap in singing skills.

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

After listening to the whole song, I think Huang Xuan can go to the finals, and his selection of songs is fantastic.

The first song first showed his maverick style, and the second song chose songs that the public would like at the moment, so that the public could see and understand themselves.

Huang Xuan's ranking in this issue will not be low.

Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse


After listening to the first three, on the whole, my personal favorite performance is Huang Xuan's.

At the same time, it can also be found that with the continuous elimination of "Singer 2024", the quality of the scene is gradually improving.

I don't know which one's favorite performance you like?

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  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse
  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse
  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse
  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse
  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse
  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse
  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse
  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse
  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse
  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse
  • Singer 2024: Momo opened "Wang Bang", the Hangai Band should not go, and Huang Xuan became the biggest dark horse

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