
Putin's visit to China, North Korea and Iran spoke out in unison, and China waited and watched the changes

author:Observer's Diary

This series of moves appears to be a carefully planned strategic layout of the Putin government to further consolidate and expand Russia's international influence. The Chinese government's silence throughout the incident reflects its deep, steady, and flexible diplomatic style.

Putin's visit to China, North Korea and Iran spoke out in unison, and China waited and watched the changes

First, let's delve deeper into the dynamics on the North Korean side. Kim Jong-un's sister, Kim Yo-jong, made a public statement not only in response to Western accusations, but also as a clear statement of North Korea's foreign policy.

She insisted that North Korea has no plans to export weapons to any third party, which is undoubtedly a powerful response to those baseless accusations. At the same time, she also made it clear that North Korea's purpose in accelerating weapons research and development is to curb South Korea's rash actions.

This statement not only shows North Korea's firm stance on its own security, but also reflects its deep vigilance against the South Korean government.

Kim Yo-jong's remarks are actually sending a clear message to the international community: The DPRK is an independent country, and its foreign policy and military strategy are based on considerations of national interests.

The transmission of this message has undoubtedly strengthened the DPRK's status and influence in the international arena to a certain extent.

For Russia, Kim Yo-jong's statement is undoubtedly a form of support. Although Russia has never admitted to receiving weapons assistance from North Korea, Kim's remarks have effectively declared the strength of Russia's self-developed weapons on a global scale.

This display of strength is undoubtedly a deterrent and warning for Western countries.

They must recognize that the military-technical exchanges between Russia and North Korea are more about strengthening North Korea's military power than seeking outside assistance.

Putin's visit to China, North Korea and Iran spoke out in unison, and China waited and watched the changes

Let's look at the reaction of the Iranian side. Iran's warm welcome to Putin's visit to China is not only a recognition of Sino-Russian relations, but also an expectation of its own status in international affairs.

The views of Iranian international affairs expert Ruhora Mudabayr actually represent the Iranian government's views and expectations on Sino-Russian relations.

He believes that the in-depth cooperation between China and Russia will play a positive role in promoting the trilateral relations between Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran. This view not only reflects Iran's keen insight into the international situation, but also reflects its deep understanding of its own interests.

One may wonder why Iran is so concerned about Sino-Russian relations. The reasons for this are not complicated. As an important Middle Eastern country, Iran's geopolitical position is very important.

The cooperation between China and Russia has undoubtedly provided an important strategic opportunity for Iran. By working with China and Russia, Iran can further increase its influence in the Middle East, while also using the power of China and Russia to balance the pressure of Western countries.

In addition, the public statements of Iran and North Korea are also thought-provoking. Both countries are important allies of Russia, and their statements seem to hint at a deeper strategic cooperation.

This kind of cooperation is not limited to the military field, but may also involve economic, political, and other aspects. For Western countries, this is undoubtedly a huge challenge and threat.

Putin's visit to China, North Korea and Iran spoke out in unison, and China waited and watched the changes

However, in the face of this series of dynamic developments, the Chinese government has chosen to remain silent. This silence is not inaction, but a deliberate choice of strategy. China has always adhered to a calm and calm diplomatic style, and does not easily express its position and attitude.

This choice of strategy reflects not only China's diplomatic wisdom, but also its deep understanding of the international situation.

China is well aware of the importance of neutrality and objectivity in international affairs. Therefore, in the face of the complex and ever-changing international situation, China has always adhered to its principles and position and has not participated in any small circle or small group struggle.

At the same time, China has also actively developed relations with friendly countries and worked hard to maintain regional peace and stability.

Returning to Putin's visit to China, it is not difficult for us to find that this incident will have a far-reaching impact on future international affairs. Putin's current visit is not only to strengthen the cooperative relationship between China and Russia, but also to show the world Russia's influence and status in international affairs.

And the public statements of North Korea and Iran have undoubtedly added more excitement and complexity to this incident.

In general, Putin's visit to China and related developments in North Korea and Iran reflect the complexity and volatility of the current international situation.

Putin's visit to China, North Korea and Iran spoke out in unison, and China waited and watched the changes

In this series of incidents, we have seen the games and struggles between countries, as well as the calmness and calmness of the Chinese government. In the face of the challenges and opportunities ahead, we must keep a clear head and a keen sense of insight to deal with the various situations that may arise.

At the same time, we should also recognize the importance of neutrality and objectivity in international affairs. Only by adhering to one's own principles and stand and not being easily swayed by external forces can one remain invincible in a complex international environment. As far as China is concerned, maintaining friendly and cooperative relations with other countries and striving to maintain regional peace and stability will be an important direction of its future foreign policy.

In addition, we need to think deeply about the deeper meaning behind this series of events. Do Putin's visits to China and the statements of North Korea and Iran herald the formation of a new international pattern?

What impact will this pattern have on the future of international affairs? These questions deserve further exploration and study.

In the coming days, we will continue to follow the subsequent development of this series of dynamics, in order to be able to have a deeper understanding of the changes and trends in the current international situation.

At the same time, we also hope that all countries can strengthen cooperation and exchanges on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and jointly promote world peace and prosperity.

Putin's visit to China, North Korea and Iran spoke out in unison, and China waited and watched the changes

Finally, we must be clear: no matter how the international situation changes, China will stick to its own development path and foreign policy and contribute its own strength to world peace and development.

This is China's responsibility and responsibility, and it is also the demeanor and mind that China should have as a major country.

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