
What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

author:Fu said that the world is a thing

The high-level adjustment of the Russian army and its impact

Recently, Russia's measures on the battlefield in Ukraine have aroused widespread international attention and discussion. An important event was the adjustment of the Minister of Defense by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Shoigu was relieved of his post and replaced by economist Belousov. Belousov previously worked mainly in the economic sphere and had less experience in defense. This personnel change has caused widespread speculation and analysis. Some experts believe that Putin's move is to prepare for a protracted war, because economists have an advantage in resource allocation and cost control. This inference is based on Belousov's ability to "make a budget" and suggests that Russia may be preparing for a protracted war of attrition, emphasizing the effective management and use of resources.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

However, during Shoigu's tenure as Minister of Defense, despite some doubts, the combat capability and equipment supply of the Russian army were not significantly affected. Under his leadership, a large number of arms and equipment were continuously delivered to the front line, forming a strong support for the protracted operation of the Russian army. This suggests that Shoigu has done quite well in coordinating and managing the army's resources, and that his transfer may not be entirely due to resource management problems. In fact, during his tenure, Shoigu fulfilled his duties, ensuring the supply of the front and the maintenance of combat effectiveness.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

Military operation in the Kharkiv region

At the same time, the Russian army launched a new offensive in the Kharkiv region of northern Ukraine and achieved a significant breakthrough. The Russian army conquered a number of cities in a short time, opening new fronts. This progress has exceeded many expectations. The analysis pointed out that the actions of the Russian army in Kharkiv are mainly aimed at containing the Ukrainian army, thereby reducing the pressure on other major battlefields. However, the Russian army did not expect such a weak will of the Ukrainian army to defend in the region, and some of the fortifications were not even completed. The Russian army advanced like a stroll and easily broke through the Ukrainian defenses.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

Behind this rapid progress, there are reports of serious corruption in some Ukrainian fortifications, leading to a waste of resources and a decline in defense capabilities. This circumstance made the advance of the Russian army in Kharkiv much smoother. If the Russian army can continue to expand its gains in the region and tear apart the Ukrainian defense line, then the front in Kharkiv, which was originally used as a cover, is likely to evolve into a new main battlefield. This shift will have a profound impact on the entire battle line.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

The contradiction between military action and protracted warfare strategy

On the surface, the progress made by the Russian army in Kharkiv seems to contradict Putin's strategy of seeking a protracted war. Protracted warfare implies long-term resource consumption and stability of the front, and a rapid breakthrough in Kharkov appears more like a quick action. But at a deeper level, this contradiction reflects Russia's complex attitude and multiple demands on this conflict.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

For Russia, this conflict has both advantages and disadvantages. From an economic point of view, the war helped Russia free itself from the constraints of the Western financial system, strengthened the cohesion of the people at home, and promoted the recovery and revitalization of the military industry. The longer the war, the more Russia will gain in these areas. However, the prolonged nature of the war has also brought with it enormous resource consumption and international pressures. A quick end to the war, with a strategic victory and leverage, could also open up new opportunities for Russia. As a result, Russia faces a dilemma in the conflict and needs to balance its short- and long-term interests.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

Strategic considerations and practical actions

Against this background, the situation in Kharkov highlights precisely this strategic contradiction. While the Russian army has made rapid progress in the region, whether they will continue to advance on a large scale or whether they will instead consolidate their existing gains is a choice to be weighed. Excessive attrition on the Kharkiv front may distract the main forces of the Russian army, which is not conducive to the stability of the overall war situation and the implementation of a protracted war.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

Barring no surprises, Putin is likely to remain a protracted war. This is in line with Russia's overall interests and Putin's desire to maintain Russia's status as a great power. On the Kharkiv issue, the Russian army may not give up the existing offensive results, but will continue to expand the front at the appropriate time. But in the short term, the development of the Kharkov campaign will not be too expanded and intensified. The Russian army needs to effectively contain and weaken the Ukrainian army before it can give it a go in Kharkiv.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

Analysis of the pros and cons of protracted warfare and rapid warfare

The positive side of a protracted war for Russia is that it will continue to reap economic and political benefits from the continuation of the war. The protracted state of conflict has allowed Russia to maintain a proactive posture both politically and domestically, and to better control the situation and allocate resources. However, a protracted war also means continued resource consumption and further sanctions and isolation by the international community, which are real challenges that Russia needs to face.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

In contrast, the advantage of a quick war is that it can quickly end the conflict, reduce the long-term drain of resources, and potentially gain more leverage in international negotiations. However, the risk of a quick war is also high, which could lead to rapid changes and increased uncertainty in the frontline situation, making it difficult to stabilize the situation. Therefore, Russia needs to make a careful trade-off between these two tactics when choosing tactics and strategies.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

Conclusions and Controversial Summaries

To sum up, Russia's series of actions on the battlefield in Ukraine, especially high-level personnel adjustments and military operations in Kharkiv, show its complex strategic and tactical considerations and multiple objectives. Putin's decision-making should not only take into account the overall interests of the protracted war, but also deal with the actual progress on the battlefield and changes in the international situation. In this case, every step of Russia's actions will cause widespread attention and discussion. How the situation develops in the future will depend on the choice of the Russian side in the trade-off of pros and cons.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

Controversial summary: While the international community generally hopes that the fighting will end as soon as possible and peace can be achieved, this is still a distant vision for now. The continued escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict not only reflects the strategic considerations of both sides, but also reveals the complexity and reality of the great power game. Whether it is a protracted war or a quick war, every decision made by Russia will profoundly affect the future international situation and geopolitical landscape. Therefore, the international community needs to be more pragmatic in confronting this complex situation and looking for realistic solutions.

What is the real purpose of Putin's double game? Kharkiv or detonate a new era of conflict?

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