
Lithuania joins the U.S. Artemis moon landing program There are already 40 NATO countries on the moon China is under great pressure

author:The red star shines all over the world

In the vast chapter of the global space industry, mankind's exploration of the moon has always been a brilliant chapter that inspires national pride and the spirit of international cooperation. On May 18, Lithuania officially signed the agreement as the 40th member of the Artemis Accords, marking the expansion of the international coalition of the "Artemis" program, which is led by the United States-led return to the moon. This move not only demonstrates the world's shared vision for lunar exploration, but also highlights the importance of international cooperation in space exploration.

Lithuania joins the U.S. Artemis moon landing program There are already 40 NATO countries on the moon China is under great pressure

The Artemis Accords were proposed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to provide a framework for countries participating in the Artemis program to promote international cooperation in peaceful exploration, scientific discovery, and resource use on the Moon and other celestial bodies. Based on the basic principles of the Outer Space Treaty, the agreement further clarifies the norms of space behavior, such as transparency, mutual benefit, and the protection of historical sites, with the aim of building a more orderly and cooperative environment for space exploration. With the accession of Lithuania, the number of member states of the agreement has reached a new milestone, further cementing its position as a cornerstone of international cooperation in lunar exploration.

Lithuania joins the U.S. Artemis moon landing program There are already 40 NATO countries on the moon China is under great pressure
Lithuania joins the U.S. Artemis moon landing program There are already 40 NATO countries on the moon China is under great pressure

Since announcing the Artemis program in 2019, the U.S. government has expressed a clear intention to send the first female and next male astronaut to the surface of the moon by 2024, a goal that not only embodies humanity's desire for the unknown, but also symbolizes the reaffirmation of America's space leadership. However, the challenges are far more complex than expected. The development of the Orion spacecraft, the Starship lunar module and the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket have all been delayed to varying degrees, forcing the United States to adjust its timetable for returning to the moon. Despite this, the United States has not given up, but has set its sights as far back as 2030, setting a series of more realistic and ambitious goals, including a manned landing on the moon and the return of samples from Mars, which will undoubtedly open a new chapter in human deep space exploration.

Lithuania joins the U.S. Artemis moon landing program There are already 40 NATO countries on the moon China is under great pressure
Lithuania joins the U.S. Artemis moon landing program There are already 40 NATO countries on the moon China is under great pressure

The concept of "lunar NATO" reflects the international community's collective focus on lunar exploration, while also hinting at the extension of geopolitics in the space domain. Despite the emphasis on peaceful cooperation, it is undeniable that with the rapid rise of emerging space powers such as China, strategic competition in the space field is intensifying. In promoting the Artemis program, the United States actively seeks international partners to expand technology sharing and financial support. On the other hand, it is also trying to maintain its dominant position in the space field through legislation and technological blockade and other means, so as to avoid falling into an "arms race" in the traditional sense.

Lithuania joins the U.S. Artemis moon landing program There are already 40 NATO countries on the moon China is under great pressure

The accession of Lithuania not only brings new technology and resource support to the Artemis program, but also reflects the possibility that small countries can also play an important role in the global space boom. For Lithuania, this is not only a demonstration of the country's scientific and technological strength, but also an opportunity to increase its influence on the international stage and participate in the development of space rules. From a broader perspective, the addition of each new member is an affirmation of mankind's common dream of space, and also a driving force to promote the development of international cooperation in space exploration to a deeper and broader level.

Lithuania joins the U.S. Artemis moon landing program There are already 40 NATO countries on the moon China is under great pressure

As we look to the future, the United States and its Artemis partners should continue to uphold the spirit of openness and cooperation, put scientific exploration first, transcend geopolitical boundaries, and work together to address technological challenges and advance the boundaries of human civilization. While the adjustment of the timetable reflects the complexity of reality, it should not be an excuse to hinder progress. Rather, it should encourage countries to pay more attention to technological innovation and sustainable development, to ensure that every step of space exploration is solid and robust, and to write a new chapter in human history. On the journey to the sea of stars, cooperation, rather than confrontation, will be the most precious asset of mankind.

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