
Lithuania, which was in a desperate situation, no longer supported Taiwan, and took advantage of the change of office to mention one thing and beg the mainland to give it a step

author:Mystery Apple V


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Recently, Lithuanian politics has been an absurdist drama with a lively power struggle between the president and the prime minister.

In the so-called "feast of democracy" on 12 May, incumbent President Nauseda led the way with 44 per cent of the vote, followed by Prime Minister Shimonit with a dismal 20 per cent.

This undecided election will undoubtedly become a laughing stock in Lithuania's political history.

Like clowns, the two candidates failed to win the support of a majority of voters, and had to continue the election farce into the second round on May 26.

In this absurd drama, the subtle changes in Lithuania's China policy are even more ironic.

Prime Minister Shimonit, who has always claimed to have a tough China policy, suddenly threw out a moderate proposal to try to ease tensions with Chinese mainland by changing the name of Lithuania's Taiwan representative office.

This policy shift makes one wonder whether the Lithuanian government is vacillating for its own political interests, or whether it has to bow its head in the face of international trends.

Lithuania, which was in a desperate situation, no longer supported Taiwan, and took advantage of the change of office to mention one thing and beg the mainland to give it a step

Lithuania was once seen as a supporter of the Taiwanese independence movement because of the use of the name "Taiwan" on the signage of its Taiwan representative office, which won high praise from the Taiwanese side.

However, Nauseda's latest policy proposal is like a resounding slap in the face, which has caused the Taiwan authorities to feel unprecedented diplomatic pressure.

Although Lithuania has long been seen by the United States as an important pawn against Russia and China, the proposed name change has put Taiwan in a dilemma.

In 2021, Lithuania went so far as to allow Taiwan to set up a so-called embassy in the name of "Taiwan" on its territory, an absurd act that undoubtedly touched a sensitive nerve for China.

Despite China's stern warnings, Lithuania has continued to go its own way, relying on the support of the West, and this megalomania will eventually make it even more isolated on the international stage.

The presidential election in Lithuania not only reveals the absurd struggle for political power in Lithuania, but also reflects the complex game of international political forces.

In this election, the Lithuanian government will face a huge challenge in finding a balance between its absurd domestic and foreign policies.

Lithuania, which was in a desperate situation, no longer supported Taiwan, and took advantage of the change of office to mention one thing and beg the mainland to give it a step

As tensions between the two sides escalated, China took a series of decisive countermeasures against Lithuania.

The level of diplomatic relations has been downgraded, Lithuanian products have been banned from entering the Chinese market, and even products containing Lithuanian components have been severely blocked.

These actions have dealt a heavy blow to the Lithuanian economy and forced the government to revisit its absurd foreign policy.

Lithuania's economic position, while important in Europe, is jeopardized by its absurdity.

Since announcing the establishment of a "representative office in Taiwan", China has cut off its main logistics route with Lithuania, causing a serious setback in its export business, with the export rate to China plummeting by about 70%, and the transportation industry has also suffered a huge shock.

This pressure has caused some political factions in Lithuania to reflect and call for repairing relations with China.

Although the United States has pledged to support Lithuania through economic and trade cooperation, this support is not gratuitous, but rather creates an additional economic burden on Lithuania.

At the same time, Taiwan's support for Lithuania is far from achieving the expected results, but has made Lithuania feel pressure from both sides.

Lithuania, which was in a desperate situation, no longer supported Taiwan, and took advantage of the change of office to mention one thing and beg the mainland to give it a step

In this international political game, the Lithuanian president, faced with both internal and external pressures, finally began to try to improve relations with China in order to seek economic respite.

However, the United States was uneasy, and its Deputy Secretary of State, José Fernández, visited Lithuania to monitor the election process and stressed that it would maintain a tough stance on China.

This hypocritical move undoubtedly makes a change in Lithuania's policy all the more urgent and necessary.

Lithuania's economic and political predicament is an absurd drama that illustrates the inability to rely on external forces alone to bring long-term security and prosperity.

His government's absurd efforts to curry favor with the West have been mired in a diplomatic and economic dilemma.

The solemn statement of the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry once again confirms the fact that only by adhering to the "one-China" principle can we find a way to return to the correct track of development.

The leaders of the Taiwan region should have a clear understanding of the reality and give up any illusions and attempts for independence.

Lithuania, which was in a desperate situation, no longer supported Taiwan, and took advantage of the change of office to mention one thing and beg the mainland to give it a step

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