
Laughing numbly, the 520 man pit his girlfriend to give a silver bracelet gift, and his girlfriend shouted: I want to tell your mother!


It's 520 Valentine's Day again, and a boyfriend in love is ready to give his girlfriend a surprise gift. Unexpectedly, this "surprise" made his girlfriend exclaim again and again, and finally shouted "I want to tell your mother!". What's going on here? Let's listen to the editors tell you about it.

Laughing numbly, the 520 man pit his girlfriend to give a silver bracelet gift, and his girlfriend shouted: I want to tell your mother!

On Valentine's Day 520 this year, Xiao Ming is ready to give his girlfriend Xiaohong a big surprise gift. As a little fresh meat in love, Xiao Ming can be said to have put a lot of effort into it. He searched for various strategies to "impress his girlfriend" and finally decided to give away an expensive silver bracelet.

Xiao Ming carefully selected a delicate silver bracelet and spent a whole month's salary to buy it. He planned to take Xiaohong to a big dinner on the day of 520, and then open the exquisite gift box together at the dining table to surprise Xiaohong.

Sure enough, Xiaohong was pleasantly surprised by the gift. I saw her happily take the bracelet, and her little face was filled with a happy smile. Xiao Ming is also happy, and his heart is happy, feeling that he is the happiest boyfriend in the world.

At this moment, Xiao Hong's face suddenly changed, she frowned, looked up at Xiao Ming suddenly, and her expression became very serious. "Do you know how much this bracelet costs?" Of course I do, but I bought you the most expensive silver bracelet!" Are you crazy? You spent so much money, are you trying to make my mother scold you to death?"

Xiao Hong roared angrily, startling Xiao Ming. He didn't expect that the surprise he had carefully prepared would cause such a violent reaction from his girlfriend. In front of everyone, Xiao Hong asked Xiao Ming loudly: "If my mother knew that you were wasting money like this, she would definitely scold you to death!"

Everyone looked sideways, and Xiao Ming suddenly felt embarrassed. "But I just want to surprise you and make you feel my love for you," he explained. However, Xiaohong didn't appreciate it at all, but became more and more excited the more she talked: "Do you know that such a waste of money will make my mother very angry!" Are you getting water in your brain?"

Laughing numbly, the 520 man pit his girlfriend to give a silver bracelet gift, and his girlfriend shouted: I want to tell your mother!

In the end, Xiaohong angrily left the restaurant with the bracelet, still muttering "I want to tell your mother". Xiao Ming sat there dumbfounded, completely overwhelmed. He originally wanted to give his girlfriend a big surprise, but instead he was "pitted" fiercely.

This "520 Romantic Wars" finally ended in a farce, and Xiao Ming's mood went from excitement to loss, like a roller coaster. As a boyfriend, he just wants to express his love with his heart, but his girlfriend says it's a "waste of money". What the hell is going on? Is it wrong to spend money on gifts?

This incident undoubtedly brought a lot of impact to Xiao Ming's love life. As an editor, I can only advise him: "Xiao Ming, next time before giving a gift, let's find out your girlfriend's preferences." After all, what really matters is the relationship between two people, not just the value of the gift. I believe that as long as you communicate well, you will be able to find a more suitable way of expression. "

Laughing numbly, the 520 man pit his girlfriend to give a silver bracelet gift, and his girlfriend shouted: I want to tell your mother!

In short, although this "520 Romantic War" ended in Xiao Ming's defeat, it may also give other male friends some inspiration and lessons. The next time you give a gift, be sure to carefully consider the other person's preferences and acceptance level to avoid falling into an awkward situation. After all, what love needs most is mutual understanding and tolerance.

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