
Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why do silver bracelets turn black? Here comes the truth

author:Sharp-eyed life

Xiaohong is a girl who loves beauty. A while ago, she heard that wearing a silver bracelet could suck out the toxins in her body, so she immediately bought one. At first, the bracelet was shiny silver, not to mention how beautiful it was. But a few days later, Xiaohong was surprised to find that the bracelet turned black!

She muttered to herself, "Why did this bracelet turn black?" Did you really suck out the toxins? "Actually, the blackening of the silver bracelet has nothing to do with the toxins in the body, mainly because the silver reacts with sulfides in the air.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why do silver bracelets turn black? Here comes the truth

But then again, why are silver bracelets so sought after? Is there any mystery behind it? Let's find out below! Don't walk away, more health secrets await you!


The origin and misunderstanding of the "silver detox" statement

In our daily life, we often hear some rumors about silver jewelry and physical health, the most popular of which is the saying "silver detox".

The origins of this statement can be traced back to ancient medical and cultural traditions. In ancient times, it was believed that silver had miraculous curative properties, could ward off evil spirits, avoid poison, and keep people safe.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why do silver bracelets turn black? Here comes the truth

Especially in some TV dramas, we often see the bridge of using silver needles to test drugs, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, making many people closely associate silver with detoxification and detoxification.

However, this argument seems untenable in the face of modern science. First of all, we need to be clear that silver itself does not have the function of detoxification.

In ancient times, the method of silver needle poison detection was mainly based on the chemical reaction of silver after contact with certain toxic substances (such as sulfur or sulfide), resulting in a black silver sulfide precipitate. This reaction was used in ancient times to detect poisons containing sulfur or sulfide, such as arsenic.

However, this method is not suitable for all toxic substances, and the extraction process of modern arsenic is so advanced that the content of sulfur compounds in it is so low that it is no longer effective to test arsenic with silver.

In addition, the blackening of silver jewelry does not mean that toxins are removed from the body. In daily wear, due to the contact with air, sweat and other substances, oxidation reactions will occur, and a layer of black oxide will gradually form on the surface.

This oxide is not a toxin in the body, but is the result of the reaction of silver with substances such as oxygen and sulfide in the air. Therefore, we cannot assume that the toxins in the body have been expelled just because the silver jewelry has turned black.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why do silver bracelets turn black? Here comes the truth

The truth about wearing a "silver bracelet" for a long time

In the opinion of many people, long-term wearing of silver bracelets can not only beautify the wrist, but also prevent diseases and eliminate toxins. However, there is no scientific basis for these seemingly good wishes.

We need to be clear that silver bracelets are just an ordinary metal jewelry, and they do not have the function of preventing or curing diseases.

Although silver has some antimicrobial properties, this property is not evident in silver jewelry, and it does not play a role in preventing or treating diseases.

The claim that silver bracelets can detoxify is even more groundless. Toxins in our body are mainly metabolized and excreted through organs such as the liver and kidneys, and have nothing to do with wearing silver jewelry.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why do silver bracelets turn black? Here comes the truth

Silver jewelry does not help us flush out toxins from our body or prevent disease.

So, why do some people feel that their body is better after wearing a silver bracelet? This may be related to the psychological state of the individual.

Some people believe that silver jewelry has miraculous healing properties, and that wearing it will lead to a feeling of happiness and confidence, and this state of mind may have a positive impact on physical health. However, this effect is not caused by the silver jewelry itself, but by the psychological effect of the individual.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why do silver bracelets turn black? Here comes the truth

Discussion on the relationship between the blackening of silver jewelry and physical health

Many people will find that the silver jewelry they wear will turn black after a period of time, especially jewelry that is worn close to the body such as silver bracelets. This phenomenon often raises concerns that the darkening of silver jewelry is a sign of physical problems.

However, such concerns are unwarranted.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why do silver bracelets turn black? Here comes the truth

The blackening of silver jewelry is mainly due to oxidation. In contact with air, sweat and other substances, silver jewelry will gradually undergo oxidation reaction, and a layer of black oxide will be formed on the surface.

This oxide is not a toxin in the body, but is the result of the reaction of silver with substances such as oxygen and sulfide in the air. Therefore, there is no direct link between the darkening of silver jewelry and physical health.

Of course, some people may find that the silver jewelry they wear will become particularly dark at certain times, and even black patches will appear. This can be due to a variety of reasons such as personal constitution, environmental factors, etc.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why do silver bracelets turn black? Here comes the truth

Therefore, we should not associate the darkening of silver jewelry with physical health, let alone excessive worry or panic because of it. If you find that your silver jewelry has turned black, you can restore its luster and aesthetics by some simple methods such as physical polishing, aluminum foil reduction, etc.

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