
Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

author:Creek reads the world

Time flies like an arrow, and we suddenly realize that time has gone through a full 13 spring and autumn seasons, and we have come to 2022, which is full of infinite possibilities. At this moment, when we re-examine the former "Queen of Ping Pong" Zhang Yining, she has ushered in a new chapter in her life.

Now Zhang Yining, she has achieved unparalleled outstanding results in all aspects of her career and family life.

Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

As the assistant dean of the China Table Tennis Academy in Shanghai, Zhang Yining often travels at home and abroad to impart valuable experience and knowledge to the younger generation of athletes. Not long ago, at the Tokyo 2022 Olympics, when the rookies of the Chinese women's table tennis team encountered a formidable opponent in the competition, Mimato Ito, Zhang Yining gave timely guidance and proposed a strategy to break the opponent's rhythm to change the tide of the game.

Facts have proved that Sun Yingsha, who adopted Zhang Yining's advice, successfully defeated the Japanese rival and won the precious gold medal for the Chinese delegation. All this fully shows that although Zhang Yining has been away from the field for many years, her influence in the table tennis world is still not to be underestimated.

In family life, Zhang Yining is a gentle, virtuous and capable wife and mother. She and her husband Xu Wei have created a warm and harmonious family environment, although there have been doubts about their love life in the past, but now these doubts have been shattered by their actual actions.

Recently, Guo Jingjing, who is also a legend in the Chinese sports world with Zhang Yining, has once again attracted the public's attention in a group photo of the two. Although they play different sports, their destinies are strikingly similar.

In that photo, Zhang Yining is in good spirits and graceful, while Guo Jingjing is also radiant, and the reunion of the two legends injected a unique charm and interest into the occasion.

Chen Xi, a young man from Nantong, Jiangsu Province who was born in 1983 and is two years younger than Zhang Yining, has won the reputation of "Killing God" on the field with his strong fighting spirit and profound strength.

Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

In contrast, Zhang Yining's image in the team is a beautiful baby face, diligent and studious, and can be called a model for excellent team members.

In that period of youth, the two young people tacitly understood the hot friendship in each other's hearts when they first tasted the sweetness of love. Whenever the training session is over, Zhang Yining can always quietly disappear in front of everyone's eyes, and her discerning head coach Li Ying has already seen the secrets in the heart of this beloved apprentice.

However, just as Zhang Yining was fully engaged in the critical stage of preparing for the Athens Olympics, Li Falcon, out of deep love for her, had to interrupt this short but beautiful relationship in a tactful way, guiding her to devote all her energy to intense training again.

At the same time, on the other side, between Xu Wei and his former lover Yuan Li, a warm and touching emotional drama is being staged. According to media reports, Xu Wei once cared for Yuan Li and pampered him in every way.

Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

The two were even rumored to have a son at one time, however, due to various reasons, this once sincere love failed to come to the end and unfortunately came to an end.

When Xu Wei had just drawn a successful end to his past emotional experience, Zhang Yining, the former "Queen of Table Tennis", unexpectedly broke into his life. One is a young woman in the prime of life, and the other is a mature rich man who has gone through vicissitudes, and at first, they are both full of curiosity and exploration about each other.

However, as time goes by, in the process of getting along day and night, the two gradually find that each other's ideas and concepts are more and more compatible, and the love between them is surging out like a volcano.

Although the age difference between the two is 20 years old, after a painful struggle and a battle with the heavenly man in his heart, Zhang Yining finally mustered up the courage and firmly crossed this gap in life.

Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

She knows that instead of sticking to stereotypes, she should be brave enough to embrace a sincere love.

So, with the full support of their families, the two finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand in October 2009 and opened a new chapter in their lives.

If we want to trace Zhang Yining's glorious history in the table tennis world, we must start from the era when she first had the dream of table tennis. In 1986, Zhang Yining, who was only 5 years old, was first exposed to this sport under the guidance of her uncle, who loved table tennis, and since then, she has embarked on the first "grinding journey" in her life.

Under the guidance of the coaches, who are full of wisdom and patience, Zhang Yining quickly revealed his otherworldly talent and high morale. Whenever we witness her tenacity and perseverance on the pitch that transcends age boundaries, the coaching team's praise can't help but sound: "This is really a rare piece of jade!" So, with the selfless love and support of her family, Zhang Yining embarked on the road to Xuanwu District Sports School, and since then she has started her brilliant career as a table tennis player.

Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

On the broad stage of the national team, Zhang Yining, who was only 13 years old, encountered the strongest opponent in her life - Wang Nan. Since the thrilling first duel in the women's singles final of the 1999 World Table Tennis Championships, the two players have competed on the court and launched a fierce battle like a modern version of "Jingwei Reclamation".

Every defeat failed to break Zhang Yining's will; Every time she wins, she can always show people with humility and courtesy.

It was in many desperate battles with Wang Nan that Zhang Yining gradually sharpened the invincible strength of the "Great Demon King". The 2004 Athens Olympics was the key moment for Zhang Yining to emerge for the first time in such a major event.

She not only successfully defeated her arch-rival Wang Nan in the individual singles competition, but also won honor for her motherland, working closely with Wang Nan in the doubles competition, and finally won the championship.

Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

This is undoubtedly the most important milestone in Zhang Yining's table tennis career.

Four years later, in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Zhang Yining made another great achievement, successfully surpassing Wang Nan and becoming the hegemon of table tennis. The brilliant results of winning four gold medals in singles and doubles have made the resounding title of "Great Demon King" deeply imprinted on her and become her irreplaceable symbol.

However, despite Zhang Yining's heroic appearance on the field, she has also been plagued by injuries in life. The old illnesses that would recur stubbornly when it rained often kept her awake at night and painful.

Fortunately, under the meticulous care of her husband Xu Wei, the "Queen of Table Tennis" finally got rid of her physical torture and regained her vitality.

Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

Mortal Extreme! Xu Wei spared no expense to hire the world's top medical team to take care of his beloved wife Zhang Yining, and he personally accompanied Zhang Yining to major hospitals to receive high-quality treatment, and created a scientific and rigorous rehabilitation plan for her.

Whether it is the waist, shoulders or knee joints and other areas that may have old problems, Xu Wei gives long-term, comprehensive and meticulous care, and his thoughtfulness can be described as meticulous.

It is precisely because of her husband's affection that Zhang Yining was able to regain the breath of life full of vitality and vitality.

Since then, Zhang Yining has bid farewell to the years of hard work in the palace of marriage and began to enjoy the quiet and happy family life. April 2, 2012, for her, this day is undoubtedly the most beautiful moment in her life - she ushered in a cute little angel "Qiaoqiao".

Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

Since then, the former "Great Demon King" has completely put down the posture of the king and devoted himself to the trivial and warm daily life.

Since Qiaoqiao was born, Zhang Yining's life focus has completely shifted to her family. She is no longer the cold, desireless athlete, but a hard-working and capable housewife.

She gets up early every day and works late to take care of the housework, preparing a sumptuous three meals a day for her husband Xu Wei and daughter Qiaoqiao, and every detail shows the delicacy and care of a great mother.

Although Xu Wei's work is extremely busy, his care for his family has never been slackened. Whenever Zhang Yining is unwell, he will always ask for leave to accompany his lover without hesitation; When Qiaoqiao was still in his childhood, he always found time to take the family out to play.

Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

This kind of thoughtful and meticulous behavior made this once ruthless "big devil" completely open her heart in front of her husband, showing her most gentle and demure side.

As time goes by, pretty girl gradually grows into a slim girl.

What is amazing is that Qiaoqiao's innocent words undoubtedly deeply touched the softness in Zhang Yining's heart. As a mother, she also longs to bring a close playmate to Qiaoqiao, so she resolutely decides to get pregnant again and welcome a new baby.

In March 2019, Zhang Yining, who had entered middle age, was diagnosed as more than two months pregnant. When he heard the news of his wife's pregnancy, Xu Wei was so excited that he couldn't express it, he never thought that he would be able to usher in a new life again at this age.

Looking at Zhang Yining 13 years later: I realized how happy she was when she married Xu Wei, a 20-year-old billionaire

After a long and arduous pregnancy, he treated Zhang Yining like a pearl in his palm, caring and caring for him meticulously. Every morning, he cooks a nutritious breakfast for his new wife, in the afternoon, he accompanies her to exercise moderately, and in the evening, they go to the hospital on time for prenatal check-ups.

Just when Zhang Yining had to go to Shanghai for work reasons, her husband Xu Wei applied for a vacation without hesitation, waited by his pregnant wife wholeheartedly, and took care of the fetus in her womb.

After a long wait for pregnancy in October, Zhang Yining finally gave birth to a healthy and lovely baby boy in Hong Kong in October. The family members increased to four, and the family shared the joy of family, full of happiness and joy.

Since then, the couple, who have known and loved each other for 20 years, have ushered in a new chapter in their lives.

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