
Zhang Yining, the most popular back then, was not comparable to Sun Yingsha! The distance between the two of them is one day and one earth

author:Xiaoyu talks about sports

When the new star of the table tennis world shines, Sun Yingsha's fame soars like a rocket, as if the entire table tennis world has been ignited. That craze is like being tightly wound by a silk hole, and it is difficult to get rid of it, and even her mentor Qiu Yike has become the focus of this trend.

I remember that in the past, the eyes of Chinese people were always attracted by the stars in the entertainment industry, and the table tennis court seemed relatively deserted. But Sun Yingsha's appearance is like a bright star, shining in the sky of table tennis. Back then, Zhang Yining's brilliance had never caused such a boom, and Sun Yingsha's influence had surpassed her predecessors and reached a new height.

Zhang Yining, the most popular back then, was not comparable to Sun Yingsha! The distance between the two of them is one day and one earth

Now, because of Sun Yingsha, the ticket price of the national table tennis competition has skyrocketed, and it is difficult to find money. I think that when Zhang Yining competed back then, there were few audiences; And now, every game of Sun Yingsha has attracted countless fans one after another, and some fans even travel internationally in order to follow in her footsteps, just to see her style on the field.

I have to say that it was Sun Yingsha who gave new life to the sport of table tennis. She not only gained the love of fans across the country, but also brought the charm of national table tennis to every corner of the world.

Netizen "Table Tennis Fanatic" said: Sun Yingsha is really a superstar in the table tennis world, and her appearance has given new vitality to national table tennis. The price increase of tickets is also a reflection of the law of the market, after all, Sasha's competition is so exciting that it is worth every penny!

Zhang Yining, the most popular back then, was not comparable to Sun Yingsha! The distance between the two of them is one day and one earth

Netizen "Traditional Guardian" ridiculed: Sun Yingsha is just a hyped star, and the price increase of tickets for national table tennis is so outrageous, all because of her crazy fans. Real table tennis lovers will not be so blindly followed.

Those who love her dearly, their hearts will jump with her every game. Whenever she was lost, their hearts felt pain before her, tears rolling in their eyes. And her smile can always silently infect everyone, so that the corners of others' mouths also rise, which is an indescribable empathy.

However, in this world, there are always people who are disgruntled, they like to make unwarranted accusations, they are blind to Sasha's achievements, and they only know to breathe out their negative energy. These black fans turn a blind eye to Sasha's efforts to win glory for the country, and their jealousy is like clown's makeup, distorted and ugly.

Zhang Yining, the most popular back then, was not comparable to Sun Yingsha! The distance between the two of them is one day and one earth

But Sasha, she is so outstanding, no matter what kind of wind and rain, she can't be shaken. She never takes unnecessary criticism to heart because she has bigger goals. She will lead the people who support her, fight in Paris together, defeat all opponents with strength, stand on the highest podium, and declare to the world: "I, Sun Yingsha, can do it!" ”

Have you ever been touched by a moment in which Sasha? When did you become so attracted to her and become a fan of her?

Netizen "Sasha's solid backing" said:

Sun Yingsha is our pride, and those sunspots are just not good. Each of Sasha's victories is the best riposte to the sunspots. Support Sasha and stay with her all the way to the end of the world!

Netizen "Black fans, please respect yourself" mocked:

Oops, isn't it just a few games won, and Sun Yingsha's fans are happy like this? Don't forget, there are wins and losses in sports, today you laugh, tomorrow you may cry. Don't blow too much, be careful to fall harder.

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