
Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

author:Sunshine Kan emotional


The heat of midsummer raged all over the world, and the billowing smoke obscured the sun, shrouding the world in gloom. In the cracked land, the greenery is gradually lost; There was a scorching smell in the air. It's not a nightmare, it's a harsh reality with evidence. When the heat wave hits, it turns into a ruthless "killer", indiscriminately harvesting life and hope.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

First, high temperature trouble

High temperatures are no longer unique to individual countries or regions, but a catastrophic frenzy that encircles the world. In the last year alone, too many places have witnessed the most tragic "hot years" in human history.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

In the European summer, the once-pleasant blue sky is scorching into a scorching sun by a rolling heat wave. High temperatures of more than 40 degrees Celsius in France, Spain, and Portugal ruthlessly drove this oasis on earth, driving office workers crazy and scaring innocent children into tears. What's even more terrifying is that London, the capital of the United Kingdom, once soared to a rare high temperature of 40.3°C, and the terrifying heat almost melted the city's civilized bottoms.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

The blazing madness didn't stop there. India in South Asia is even more scorching heat, and a lively "cremation ceremony" is staged. 46.2°C in New Delhi, 46.5°C in Rajasthan, 46.9°C in Taj Mahal...... One by one, astronomical numbers have become ruthless killers. The sun is like a ferocious beast, raging fire across the entire semi-precarious subcontinent, and the tragic death toll from heat stroke is skyrocketing day by day, plunging the national economy and people's livelihood into a deep crisis.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Rao's rich United States is not immune. Last summer, western regions such as California, Nevada, and Arizona experienced the hottest and driest seasons in decades. Wildfires are rampant, the atmosphere is deprived of oxygen, the ecological deficit is deepening, and the billions of dollars in economic damage are devastating.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

The bad weather will only make the poor areas worse, and the pockets of the poor will be emptied by the heat with a shovel. At the same time, environmental and agricultural disasters caused by heat waves can clog the coffers of the wealthy. With such a threat growing day by day, will our children and grandchildren survive in such an environment? We are already on the front line of the battle to defend the human environment, how can we linger and wait and see, nostalgic for the gentle country? Acting now is just the bare minimum of self-protection!

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Second, there is no solution to the "killer" of high temperature

In the face of the naked threat of high temperatures, poor and backward areas appear to be helpless and helpless. They were already struggling to fight the disaster.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

These countries and regions are often suffering from the double blow of internal and external troubles. On the one hand, all industries are withering and the wealth accumulated by ancestors is on the verge of exhaustion; On the other hand, the gray clouds of war, strife and turmoil loom over the whole society. In such an environment, it is difficult to expect them to have enough money to deal with the catastrophic heat brought on by climate change.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

In addition, the barren national conditions determine that they lag behind in disaster prevention facilities and technologies. There is no sunshade awning, and there is no advanced air conditioning to protect the wind and heat; There is a lack of an accurate meteorological monitoring system to issue early warnings in a timely manner, and there is a lack of an effective emergency response mechanism for rescue and population transfer. It can be said that in the face of high-temperature killers, these areas are completely "bare-handed and suffer a little loss".

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

The saddest thing is that these vulnerable groups are also very weak in their awareness of disaster preparedness. Chronic lack of education, resulting in a lack of correct understanding of climate change; The difficult living environment made them devote most of their energy to food and clothing. Once the heat hits, they become the most vulnerable to killing and harming.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

How can we, who are in a safe zone, turn a blind eye to this? The heat killer is relentless, and it is eating away at the home that human beings rely on step by step. It's time to act, it's human nature to save yourself and others!

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

3. Climate change exacerbates disasters

Heat is just one symptom of the unfathomable scourge of climate change. In fact, human greed and confusion have already scratched too many scars on the body of Mother Earth.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Our reckless demand for energy and resources has led to a frenzied accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In the past 100 years, the global average temperature has risen by about 1.1°C, a seemingly insignificant number, but it has triggered a series of intractable ecological dilemmas. The frequent, intensified and widening of extreme weather is a blow to the survival of mankind.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

The Arctic Circle was once known as the "last pure land" of the earth, but now it is gradually transforming from a green pure land to a yellow Gobi because of warming. The tens of thousands of years of ice sheet in the Arctic Ocean have rapidly collapsed in just a few decades, and rare species such as polar bears and arctic foxes are accelerating their way to extinction. At one point, the North Pole experienced unprecedented temperatures of more than 40 degrees Celsius, which embarrassed many scientists.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

The upheaval in the Arctic is just a microcosm, with glacier melting accelerating in both the North and South Poles. Whether glaciers are melting or not is related to the operation of the earth's water cycle, and directly determines the frequency and intensity of drought and flood disasters. It is foreseeable that extreme weather will become the norm rather than the exception in the future.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Sea level rise is even more worrying. 70% of the world's population lives less than 100 kilometres from the coastline. If sea levels continue to rise, billions of people will face serious threats to their survival. The small island countries of the Pacific Ocean will be swallowed up by the sea.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Once the environment changes drastically, it will inevitably hit the ecosystem and accelerate the extinction of species. Shortages of fisheries and agricultural resources due to climate change could lead to fragmented food chains, which could lead to a wider disaster. How did the human race, this intelligent race, fall into such a predicament? Now giving up greed and opening salvation is the only way to live!

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Fourth, the survival of mankind is at stake

High temperatures, droughts, floods, ...... These are just the direct consequences of climate change. What's even more terrifying is that they can trigger a chain reaction that poses a threat to human survival.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

The shadow of famine always comes with extreme weather. Crop failures due to high temperatures, combined with ongoing war and hunger, have led to a global food crisis. The problem of food and clothing for mankind has once again been put on a huge test of life and death, putting the lives of billions of people on the line, and the disparity between the rich and the poor and ethnic conflicts will be further aggravated and magnified.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Hunger often goes hand in hand with disease, and they are like two accomplices to drive humanity to a dead end. Dehumanized malnutrition and sanitation, combined with a shortage of medical resources, will breed deadly plagues and viruses. Think of war-torn refugee camps and starvation-stricken areas of extreme poverty, each of whom is the weakest weight of life and death.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Large-scale population displacement will also be an inevitable consequence of catastrophic weather strikes. Cyclones, tsunamis, droughts and floods...... Threats loom over low-lying coastal areas and impoverished countries. They have no choice but to flee with their families and join the tide of millions of migrants who have nowhere to stay, swarming to the rich areas.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

And then, the turbulent situation and the intensifying contradictions will continue to add fuel to the fire of wars and conflicts. A wave of "great migrations" triggered by the disparity between the rich and the poor and ethnic and religious contradictions will soon turn into an endless life-and-death struggle over land, resources, and the right to subsistence.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Once the flames of war are ignited, human civilization will fall into an unprecedented crisis. The cultures, institutions, and cities that we have worked so hard to build will soon fall apart. The intensification of all kinds of existential pressures will naturally encourage the breeding of violent and terrorist forces, and humanitarian relations will suffer unprecedented heavy blows.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Some say that the current challenges facing humanity are comparable to the critical moment in the struggle for dominance between Homo sapiens and Ni. Look, human civilization that has survived on this planet for 700,000 years has now reached an unprecedented crossroads!

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

Fifth, act now to find a way out

The environmental crisis facing humanity is truly alarming, but we are not completely out of the question. As long as we start acting now, it will be too late to turn things around.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

As leaders in the global village, governments should attach great importance to this contest between man and nature, and fundamentally adjust their development concepts and energy strategies. We have learned a profound lesson about the consequences of over-reliance on fossil fuels. Renewable energy and clean energy will become the best choice and become a new driving force for human development.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

At the same time, scientific and technological innovation will also become an important weapon to solve the climate crisis. Through unremitting efforts, we will be able to develop more energy-saving and environmentally friendly green technologies to fundamentally curb greenhouse gas emissions; We will also be able to invent new tools for disaster prevention and resilience to improve our ability to cope with extreme weather.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

And in this process, each of us is the main force of action. Starting today, reduce waste, live a low-carbon life, start from little by little, and take practical actions to protect the homes we rely on. Greenery in flower pots, awnings on balconies, solar panels on rooftops...... As long as we work together, we can truly embrace the concept of environmental protection, not just empty words.

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

It's going to be a long battle, but the dawn of victory will come! With perseverance and global solidarity, we will be able to find a way to solve the problem and create a new model of living in harmony with nature. Let us hurry up, pick up the green weapon in our hands, and jointly defend the light of hope of human civilization!

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

In the face of this unprecedented challenge, we have always been fearless fighters. Once upon a time, didn't we overcome the merciless trials of deserts, canyons, and glaciers with our wisdom? Haven't all those desperate situations in front of us become a new stage for mankind to create a beautiful future?

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!


Once upon a time, humanity faced too many seemingly impossible difficulties. But after all, we used wisdom and courage to break through many hurdles one by one and achieve the glory of today's civilization. The crisis brought about by climate change is serious, but as long as we act now and use human wisdom and strength, we will be able to turn the tide and dispel the gloom. Let us share with the world the valuable experience of mankind to get rid of the predicament, jointly defend the beautiful home of the earth, and continue to write a brilliant chapter of human civilization!

Fierce material! The global high temperature is raging, and mankind is facing a major challenge!

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