
Is celery a "killer" of high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood pressure to rise, you may eat 3 kinds of food

author:Möngke talks about health

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"Gee, speaking of eating, you know what? Some of the vegetables we eat are actually very helpful in regulating blood pressure. ”

Dr. Li thus began an in-depth conversation with his friend Mr. Zhou, and the two sat in a cozy little café with the hustle and bustle of the city outside, but there was a quiet atmosphere here.

Is celery a "killer" of high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood pressure to rise, you may eat 3 kinds of food

Dr. Li is a cardiovascular physician with deep research in the treatment and daily management of hypertension. Mr. Zhou, on the other hand, is an ordinary librarian, and although the two of them have very different professions, their common interests have made them good friends for many years.

"You see, we often hear that celery has the effect of lowering blood pressure, but although celery is good, it is not the only choice." Dr. Li sipped his coffee as he began his small class.

Is celery a "killer" of high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood pressure to rise, you may eat 3 kinds of food

Mr. Zhou asked curiously, "So apart from celery, what other vegetables are suitable for people with high blood pressure?" ”

"Actually, in addition to celery, there are bitter gourd, seaweed and tomatoes. These are all good options. Dr. Li explained slowly and methodically that he likes to intersperse medical knowledge with small talk, which has also become one of his characteristics.

Is celery a "killer" of high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood pressure to rise, you may eat 3 kinds of food

First, let's talk about bitter melon. Bitter gourd can not only clear away heat and detoxify, but also have the effect of lowering blood sugar, and also help lower blood pressure. The high potassium salt contained in bitter melon is especially suitable for people with high blood pressure, as potassium salt can help remove excess sodium salt from the body, thereby lowering blood pressure.

Moreover, bitter melon also has a special ingredient - bitter melon, which can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is celery a "killer" of high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood pressure to rise, you may eat 3 kinds of food

Then there is the seaweed, which is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, especially iodine. Iodine can effectively regulate thyroid function and indirectly help control blood pressure.

What's more interesting is that nori also contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can form a gelatinous substance in the digestive system, helping to slow down the absorption of sugar and fat, which is good for blood pressure and weight.

Is celery a "killer" of high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood pressure to rise, you may eat 3 kinds of food

Finally, tomatoes are considered by many people to be fruits, but they are also a very good vegetable. Tomatoes are rich in potassium, which can help regulate the electrolyte balance in the body and is very helpful for maintaining normal blood pressure.

In addition, tomatoes are rich in a natural antioxidant called lycopene, which not only protects cardiovascular health, but also protects against several chronic diseases.

Is celery a "killer" of high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood pressure to rise, you may eat 3 kinds of food

Mr. Zhou listened with relish, and he couldn't help but comment: "Doctor, you explained this much more clearly today, I really didn't pay much attention to these vegetables before." ”

The conversation between the two continued in this relaxed and knowledgeable atmosphere. Just as Mr. Zhou wanted to ask something more, Dr. Li's mobile phone rang, and it was an emergency call from the hospital.

Is celery a "killer" of high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood pressure to rise, you may eat 3 kinds of food

In a hurry, Mr. Zhou quickly asked a question: "Dr. Li, I heard that eating too many tomatoes can cause potassium to be too high, is this true?" ”

Dr. Li stopped and replied seriously: "That's a good question. It is true that for people with kidney disease, excessive intake of high-potassium foods may lead to an increase in potassium in the blood, which is risky for the heart. However, if the kidney function is normal, there is generally no need to worry about this problem. Of course, no matter what the matter, the right amount is always key. ”

Is celery a "killer" of high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood pressure to rise, you may eat 3 kinds of food

After speaking, Dr. Li left the café quickly, while Mr. Zhou was thinking about Dr. Li's words, feeling the combination of friend's warmth and professionalism. He knew that such exchanges would be beneficial to his lifestyle change.

What are your thoughts on dietary management for people with high blood pressure? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is celery a "killer" of high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood pressure to rise, you may eat 3 kinds of food

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