
The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Lao Li, what's wrong with you?" In the pregnancy test area of the central hospital, Li Wei was accompanying his wife, Zhao Lin, for a pregnancy check-up, and he frowned and sat absentmindedly on a bench in the corridor.

"It's okay, it's just that my back hurts." Li Wei replied casually, his voice a little weak. As soon as this sentence fell, a middle-aged doctor in a white lab coat next to him immediately grabbed the topic, and they happened to talk about several possible diseases associated with recurrent back pain.

The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

Li Wei turned his head curiously and asked, "Doctor, what disease did you just say that the back pain might be related to?" The doctor looked at Li Wei, and his eyes revealed a bit of professional seriousness: "Is your back pain occasional or frequent?" "It's been almost every day in recent months." Li Wei said helplessly.

"Then you have to pay attention, the recurrent pain in the back could be a kidney problem, a herniated disc, or even a lung disease." As he spoke, the doctor motioned for Li Wei to go to the consultation room with him for a detailed discussion.

The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

In the office, the doctor asked about Li's medical history and symptoms, and then explained several common conditions that can cause long-term back pain. He first mentioned kidney disease, according to statistics, about 30% of patients with chronic low back pain have a pain related to kidney health.

Next, the doctor mentioned more common spinal problems, such as a herniated disc. This condition is more common in labor-intensive workers and office workers who work long hours, because repetitive physical activity or poor sitting posture for long periods of time can increase the strain on the spine. Data shows that spinal disorders are one of the leading causes of low back pain in adults.

The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

In addition, the doctor also reminded Li that if the back pain is accompanied by difficulty breathing or coughing, it may be related to lung disease. According to the latest research, about 5% of patients with early-stage lung cancer will have back pain as the first symptom.

Li Wei listened, feeling more and more information in his head. The doctor continued, "In your case, it is recommended to do a kidney function test and spine MRI, as well as a chest X-ray to rule out some serious problems. ”

The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

The conversation between the two attracted the attention of many patients on the waiting list, and everyone was discussing their symptoms in low voices, as if everyone could find some clues from Li Wei's situation.

The doctor then pulls out some information about health education from the drawer and begins to detail preventive measures and precautions in daily life. After a detailed explanation, Li Wei's wife Zhao Lin also completed the inspection, and the two prepared to leave. Just as they got up, Zhao Lin suddenly asked, "What do you usually do with those precautions?" ”

The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

The doctor smiled and replied, "It's very simple, getting up every hour to move, doing stretching exercises, and paying attention to the intake of calcium and vitamin D in the diet can effectively relieve the pressure on the spine." He pointed to an anatomical diagram on the wall, detailing the correct sitting posture.

Li and Zhao Lin thanked the doctor for the advice and left the hospital full of health information and some brochures. On the way home, Li Wei felt that he not only had a new understanding of back pain, but also had a clearer direction on how to maintain overall health.

The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

During this in-depth discussion, the doctor abruptly shifted the subject and began to explore a little-mentioned issue that has been potentially linked to long-term back pain — mental health. "Long-term back pain can be not only physical, but also psychological," he explains. ”

This view is not a new discovery in the medical community, but it is little known among ordinary people. The doctor went on to add, "Patients with depression and anxiety have a much higher incidence of chronic pain than the average person. Moreover, this pain is often not easily relieved by conventional physical therapy because it is psychological rather than purely physical. ”

The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

At the end of the conversation, the doctor offered a daily self-management advice, especially for patients who may be under psychological stress: "You can try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation, which can help reduce tension and pain in the body. ”

Over time, Li began to realize that his back pain might not just be a physical problem, but could also be related to his stressful and often anxious work environment.

The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

As he walked out of the hospital, Zhao Lin asked with concern, "Doctor, if his symptoms are not alleviated after these changes, what else do we need to do?" ”

The doctor replied, "If the condition does not improve, I recommend visiting again, and we may need to arrange some further functional tests such as nerve conduction testing, or refer to the psychiatrist for further evaluation." ”

The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

Li and Zhao Lin expressed their gratitude and left the hospital with some new insights and hopes, ready to implement these new strategies in their daily lives, hoping to find a solution to Li's long-term back pain.

What do you think about recurrent back pain? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The doctor warns: Repeated back pain, beware of these diseases are "troubled", do not be careless

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