
The 3 things that the elderly "should do most" are not sore in the waist and legs, and stay away from cancer to reduce the risk of disease

author:Lao Xu's medical science
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"Your situation is not optimistic." The doctor said solemnly. Uncle Zhang just came back from climbing the mountain and began to have diarrhea, it has been two days, today I really can't stand it, so I went to the hospital for an examination, but I didn't expect the doctor to come directly and scared his heart to jump out.

The story has to start last weekend, Uncle Zhang and a few old friends meet to go hiking. Uncle Zhang is a retired Chinese teacher, who has just turned 60 this year, and although he is retired, he still lives a very regular life, exercising with his old friends every day. Mountain climbing is their regular activity, and this time is no exception, everyone carried a mountaineering bag, carried dry food and water, and chatted while climbing the mountain, and the mood was very happy. It's a pity that after returning home, Uncle Zhang felt that something was wrong with his stomach and had diarrhea for two days in a row, and today at the urging of his family, he finally came to the hospital.

The 3 things that the elderly "should do most" are not sore in the waist and legs, and stay away from cancer to reduce the risk of disease

"Doctor, did I have a bad stomach?" Uncle Zhang asked worriedly.

"Uncle Zhang, it's not just the problem of diarrhea, you have some other health problems to pay attention to." The doctor said as he flipped through his examination report.

The doctor went on to explain, "First of all, you have some gastrointestinal disorders, probably because you have eaten unclean food. But more importantly, your physical examination results show that your blood pressure is somewhat high, your blood sugar is also exceeded, and you have some mild fatty liver. Coupled with your age, your body needs to be more fully maintained. ”

Uncle Zhang was stunned, he didn't expect that a diarrhea would expose so many health problems. The doctor continued, "It's still early days, and many problems can be improved by adjusting your lifestyle habits and diet. ”

The 3 things that the elderly "should do most" are not sore in the waist and legs, and stay away from cancer to reduce the risk of disease

When Uncle Zhang returned home, he kept thinking about the doctor's words. The next morning, he gathered a few old friends and had a small meeting at home. Uncle Liu is a retired engineer, Aunt Huang is a former bank employee, and Uncle Li is a former cadre of a state-owned enterprise. After all, they are all at this age, and they all have some physical problems.

Uncle Liu said: "I had a similar problem before, but after listening to the doctor's advice, I am much better now." We are old, and our bodies are not as good as before, so we need to take good care of them. ”

Aunt Huang answered: "Yes, especially for those like us who still like to exercise, we must pay more attention to the condition of our body, not just exercise, but also pay attention to diet and living habits." ”

Therefore, everyone decided to summarize some health care methods together, supervise each other, and strive to live every day in good health. After some discussion, they came up with three things that are particularly important for the elderly.

The 3 things that the elderly "should do most" are not sore in the waist and legs, and stay away from cancer to reduce the risk of disease

First things first: maintain a sensible diet

Diet is the foundation of good health. Uncle Zhang and the others realized that the eating habits of many elderly people are not scientific, and they often eat too much fish and meat, or prefer a certain food, resulting in nutritional imbalance. Uncle Liu took out his rigorous attitude when he used to do engineering projects, and began to study the dietary structure of the elderly.

"At our age, we need to eat varied and balanced." Uncle Liu said, "Ensure that you consume enough protein, vitamins and minerals every day, and try to eat less high-fat and high-sugar foods. For example, eat more fish, lean meats, soy products, and fresh fruits and vegetables. ”

In order to give everyone an intuitive understanding, Uncle Liu also prepared a diet pyramid chart, which marked the recommended daily intake of each food in detail. When everyone looked at it, they all said that this picture was really practical.

The 3 things that the elderly "should do most" are not sore in the waist and legs, and stay away from cancer to reduce the risk of disease

Doctors have also mentioned a statistic that the elderly should consume more than 500 grams of vegetables and fruits per day, so as to effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. Studies have shown that adequate daily intake of dietary fiber can reduce the risk of colon cancer by more than 30%.

The second thing: stick to a moderate amount of exercise

"Uncle Zhang, exercise is a good thing, but it should also be moderate." The doctor's words were still echoing in Uncle Zhang's ears. The elderly should exercise moderately and not excessively, otherwise it is easy to cause a burden on the body.

Uncle Li used to like running, but when he had knee problems, the doctor advised him to switch to brisk walking and swimming. Aunt Huang likes to dance square dances, but sometimes she dances too intensely and her knees and waist can't stand it. So we summarized some exercises suitable for the elderly, such as brisk walking, swimming, tai chi and flexibility exercises.

The 3 things that the elderly "should do most" are not sore in the waist and legs, and stay away from cancer to reduce the risk of disease

"Exercise at least five times a week for more than 30 minutes each time, and don't be too intense." This is the advice given by the doctor, and everyone agrees that it is very reasonable. Exercise can not only enhance physical fitness, but also improve mood and prevent Alzheimer's disease.

The doctor also mentioned an interesting study that showed that people who walked briskly for 30 minutes a day had a 50% lower risk of heart disease than those who did not exercise. This made everyone more determined to keep moving.

The third thing: regular physical examination to detect problems in time

Uncle Zhang's diarrhea this time made him realize the importance of regular physical examinations. If it weren't for this diarrhea, he wouldn't have known that his body had so many hidden dangers.

The 3 things that the elderly "should do most" are not sore in the waist and legs, and stay away from cancer to reduce the risk of disease

"Older people should have a comprehensive physical examination at least once a year, so that diseases can be detected and prevented in time." This is the doctor's advice. Aunt Huang didn't pay attention to physical examinations before, until a physical examination found early hypertension, and she began to pay attention to it. Now she has a regular check-up every year and her blood pressure is well controlled.

The doctor shared a case of an elderly patient who was found to have advanced cancer because he had not had a physical examination for a long time, which was very unfortunate. The doctor said that many diseases can be detected through physical examination in the early stage, and the early detection and early treatment will have much better results.

In addition, Uncle Zhang also learned that many elderly people ignore the importance of physical examination because they are afraid of physical examination or feel that there is nothing wrong with their body. In fact, regular physical examinations can not only detect diseases early, but also help the elderly understand their health status and adjust their lifestyle in time.

The 3 things that the elderly "should do most" are not sore in the waist and legs, and stay away from cancer to reduce the risk of disease

These three things seem simple, but they have a great impact on the health of the elderly. Uncle Zhang and the others decided that from now on, everyone should strictly abide by these principles, supervise each other, and strive to spend their old age in good health.

At this point in the story, there is actually another question worth pondering: in addition to a reasonable diet, moderate exercise and regular physical examination, what other methods can effectively prevent Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer's disease is a common geriatric disease, and many elderly people face this problem. The doctor's advice is to use your brain, socialize more, and maintain a calm mind.

"The elderly should use their brains more, and they can exercise their brains through activities such as reading, playing chess, and playing word puzzles." "In addition, social activities are also very important, and interacting with friends and family can effectively prevent Alzheimer's disease." ”

The 3 things that the elderly "should do most" are not sore in the waist and legs, and stay away from cancer to reduce the risk of disease

The doctor also mentioned that studies have shown that older people who are socially active have a more than 30% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than those who are lonely. Therefore, maintaining a good social life is very important for both the mental and physical health of the elderly.

Finally, doctors emphasize that maintaining a calm mind is also an important factor in preventing Alzheimer's disease. After retirement, many elderly people are prone to changes in their mentality, and they are prone to feeling lonely and depressed. Doctors advise the elderly to participate in more community activities and maintain a positive attitude towards life.

In short, the health of the elderly needs comprehensive maintenance, reasonable diet, moderate exercise, regular physical examination, more brain, more socialization, and maintaining a peaceful mind, which are very important. I hope that every elderly person can be healthy and happy to spend every day.

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