
Promote the culture of integrity and jointly build a clean campus - the culture of integrity into the campus knowledge publicity

author:Focus on Chongqing

Honesty is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. "Honest" represents integrity, and "clean" represents innocence and purity.

The culture of honesty is to advocate honesty and self-discipline, act impartially, do not favor personal feelings, do not seek personal gain, serve the people, and be innocent. This is a traditional Chinese virtue and a spirit worth learning.

The culture of honesty first originated from Qu Yuan's "Chu Ci and Summoning Spirits" by the great poet of the Warring States Period: "I am young and honest and honest, and I am not foaming with righteousness." Wang Yi, a famous scholar of the Eastern Han Dynasty, commented in "Chu Ci Chapters and Sentences": "It is not said to be honest, and it is not polluted to be clean." That is to say, not accepting money and gifts from others, and not tarnishing one's own innocent character, is incorruptible.

Promote the culture of integrity and jointly build a clean campus - the culture of integrity into the campus knowledge publicity

The culture of integrity has rich connotations. Honesty, that is, fairness, not greed, innocence. The culture of integrity is the cultural sum of the theories and behaviors of integrity and their interrelationships, and is the general summary of the knowledge, concepts, systems and corresponding lifestyles and behavioral norms of integrity.

A little story of incorruptibility

Since ancient times, our motherland has preached many great men who stressed honesty for thousands of years, such as the older generation of revolutionary leaders Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, etc., the Eastern Han Dynasty Nanyang Taishou Yang Xu, the Northern Song Dynasty Bao Qingtian Bao Zheng, and so on.

Promote the culture of integrity and jointly build a clean campus - the culture of integrity into the campus knowledge publicity

Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, still has a ballad of four dishes and one soup in his hometown of Fengyang: "The emperor treats guests, four dishes and one soup, radish and leek, which is really sweet and fragrant; Shallot tofu has a deep meaning, it is clear and innocent, and corrupt officials are flustered. When Zhu Yuanzhang celebrated the queen's birthday, he only used carrots, leeks, two bowls of green vegetables, and shallots and tofu soup to entertain the officials. Moreover, he also agreed on three chapters of the law: In the future, whoever holds a banquet will only be allowed four dishes and one soup, and whoever violates it will not be severely punished. Although Zhu Yuanzhang is the king of a country, he takes the lead in setting an example and advocating a clean style.

Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice in the world, is low-key and simple, and his life is very frugal. He didn't like to live in high-rise buildings, he lived in a very ordinary house before his death, and the clothes he wore were very cheap. He does not live in a mansion, does not ride in a luxury car, and takes money and fame very lightly, and he uses the prize money from various awards to fund the research of hybrid rice. Even on the day he won the country's highest honor, he went down to the field to check the production of "third-generation hybrid rice". The villa of Qingdao International Academician Port, which was rewarded by the state, was converted into a scientific research room for the research and development of seawater rice. He has been cutting his hair at a roadside stall for more than ten years, and the clothes he wears are simple and generous, and he has been wearing them for several years. Even if everyone thinks that the scientific community is "very rich", but life is still simple, what he values most is to be down-to-earth and "do one thing well in his life", and pass on this firm will to his son.

The culture of integrity has entered the campus

Today, the word "incorruptible" has entered the campus. "A piece of chalk, two sleeves of fresh breeze, a three-foot podium, sunny and rainy all year round." As a teacher, you must resist all kinds of temptations, establish noble teacher ethics, and be honest in teaching, starting from me.

1. A normal heart - do honest things

In the face of the development trend of today's society, we should have a normal heart, teach seriously, and work steadfastly. Only in this way can you become a competent and aspiring teacher. In the work, I think more about the development of students, care about the situation of students in study and life in a timely manner, understand their thoughts and thoughts, and serve teaching and students more.

2. A sincere heart - to educate honest people

The labor of teachers is a special labor, which will invisibly affect the thinking of a generation of students, and even affect the thinking of a generation of Chinese. As the most sacred and glorious image that students come into contact with when they are young, teachers will imperceptibly affect all aspects of students in every aspect of their gestures, which puts forward higher and stricter requirements for teachers. Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a modern educator, is a teacher, thrifty and frugal, "holding a heart, not taking half a straw".

3. A heart of dedication - carry forward the spirit of integrity

Standing in the ranks of teachers, we must have a heart that is indifferent to fame and fortune and dedicate our lives to education, and we must always bear in mind the purpose of serving the people. As a teacher, you should love your job and adhere to professional ethics. In the workplace, we should be strict with ourselves in all aspects and be a good teacher who is honest and honest that everyone likes.

Promote the culture of integrity and jointly build a clean campus - the culture of integrity into the campus knowledge publicity

If the youth is prosperous, the country will be prosperous, and if the youth is strong, the country will be strong. As a student, how should you start from yourself and buckle the first button in life?

1. Start with yourself

In daily life, don't be extravagant, let alone extravagant; Don't compare, let alone the so-called famous brand, enrich yourself, do everything steadfastly, don't litter, don't damage public property, and always have a sense of frugality.

If you pick up a wallet or personal belongings on the playground, you should hand them over to the teacher in time, do not be greedy for small gains, and cultivate the quality of picking up money; Abide by the rules of the examination room in the examination room, do not look left and right, turn heads and ears, and develop a good habit of being strict with yourself; When you do something wrong, you must dare to admit your mistakes and know that you can change them.

2. Start by your side

If you see cheating in the exam room, you should remind the teacher in a whisper; Do not compare with classmates, advocate diligence and thrift; Do not shield his classmates, encourage him to face his mistakes and actively correct them.

If you don't lay a solid foundation since childhood, don't establish correct values, and then talk about "respecting honesty and reverence for integrity" after growing up and solidifying, it's too late.

Source: Chongqing Guangyi Middle School

Editor-in-charge: Li Jinxin

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