
No matter where you are, where there is a mother, there is the temperature and direction of home



Mr. Liu Chuanyuan said: "Even if the family is poor and the walls are empty, as long as there is a woman in charge, the home is a warm harbor." ”

The one referred to here is the mother, the seemingly weak but powerful existence.

With her petite body, she contains great energy, and uses her youthful blood to build an indestructible shelter for us.

For the child, the mother is the whole of the universe.

For mothers, where the child is, where the heart is, is where the home is.

Mothers are the destination of children's souls and the beacon that leads us to find the feeling of "home".

No matter where you are, where there is a mother, there is the temperature and direction of home.

No matter where you are, where there is a mother, there is the temperature and direction of home

Mother is a god and can do anything

Zhu Ziqing mentioned in "I Wish for My Mother":

"The mother's relief is that the children have not gone hungry, even though life is hard; Despite the family's poverty, the children never died of illness. ”

The pain that mothers endure is predestined from the moment the child is born.

Before the birth of the child, the mother is full of expectations and worries;

After the birth of the child, although the mother breathed a sigh of relief, every moment of the child's growth still made her worried.

A fall, an illness, an emotional swing can make a mother's heart nervous.

When Hua Tuo was a child, his mother Cao made a living by weaving and raising silkworms, creating a warm family environment for him.

Despite the hardships of life, she always adhered to her expectations of Hua Tuo and gave him the opportunity to study.

However, in order to take care of Hua Tuo, his mother Cao became ill from hard work and suffered from a strange disease.

As her condition worsened, Cao's body became weaker and weaker, but she remained strong and did not want to distract her son or worry him.

It was this great mother who inspired Hua Tuo's determination to become a good doctor and save people with his medical skills.

"The softness of women is forged in motherhood." This ancient proverb expresses the universal image of the mother.

For the sake of her children, the weak woman seems to be endowed with god-like courage and strength, which is a miracle shared by every mother.

In the minds of children, the image of the mother is like an unshakable and majestic mountain, which will always be a beacon in the journey of life.

In the face of confusion and sadness, "Mom" is always the first name to be called; When illness or injury strikes, a mother's embrace is the warmest haven.

No matter how the outside world changes, my mother can instantly become our most solid shield, overcoming obstacles and moving forward fearlessly.

However, it is often forgotten that she is also a first-time learner, with her own vulnerabilities, exhaustions, and needs, as well as a desire to be understood and cared for.

It is out of deep and selfless love for her children that she chooses to hide all the bitterness silently and bear it alone.

Mother's love does not need to cross the ocean, does not need to climb the peak, it quietly, in every ordinary day, blooms quietly like a flower, warm and tenacious.

No matter where you are, where there is a mother, there is the temperature and direction of home

Mother is a harbor, guarding her hometown

The poet Youyun: "The most beautiful sound in the world, the voice of the mother calling the child." ”

In childhood, it was like a wild horse, and the streets and alleys were full of laughter. When the sun sets, the hungry are hungry, and home becomes the most tender harbor for the soul. That sentence "mother" is the eternal peace and comfort in the depths of the soul.

With the passage of time and responsibility, we travel far and wide, through thick and thin.

Thousands of rivers and mountains have traveled, and the warmest thing is the lights of the home, and there are still people waiting silently.

When my mother is here, my home is there; Mother's concern transcends time and space to lead the way home.

Shi Deben, in the hazy dawn, has picked up the goldfish burden and embarked on a journey to make a living.

When he went out, he whispered: "Mother, the child has gone." ”

Leaving home to sell fish is the beginning of the day, and it is also the beginning of my mother's worries.

The goldfish is not sold, and he is anxious, he knows that there is a heart at home, and it is also anxious to beat; More knowingly, his return is his mother's greatest relief.

Therefore, the last goldfish was sold, and the burden was immediately lifted.

When night fell, he hurried back, for there was the ardent expectation of his beloved.

Year after year, the road of travel, the deep and shallow footprints, intertwined with the endless thoughts and worries of the mother.

Wang Anshi Shiyun: "The moon is bright and Du Yuming, and the north and the south are always affectionate." ”

The sound of the cuckoo evokes the mother's infinite thoughts about her distant children, although the distance is far away, the heart is tightly interdependent.

Every time I return home, it is a warm return to the depths of my soul.

At home, the mother's busy figure, cooking delicacies, cooking daily life, and deep affection in the ordinary.

Happiness, but a porridge and a meal, a family and a room, simple but warm.

No matter where you are or what your circumstances are, don't forget to report your well-being to your mother and send a message of your thoughts.

In this way, what flows between the words is a deep praise and gratitude for mother's love, and each word carries the attachment and yearning for home.

No matter where you are, where there is a mother, there is the temperature and direction of home

My mother is gone, and I have no home

"The Wind and the Wind" recited: "The wind comes from the south, and the thorns and branches are tender. The thorny heart is full of vitality, and the mother's grace is deep and deep. ”

A mother's love is like the warm sun of spring, and the child is a seedling to be fed, thriving under its illumination.

From immature to luxuriant, every step of growth is soaked in the fountain of mother's love.

Once mother's love is absent, there is no gentle call in the world, lingering in the ears.

home, the loss of a warm harbor; The soul has also lost its way home.

When Lao She was a child, his loving mother worked hard and did her best to raise tuition fees.

When he was 27 years old, coinciding with his mother's birthday, he was supposed to have a family reunion and laughter, but his son was overseas and his return date was undecided.

The mother went to bed early, and in her heart she may have acquiesced that it is difficult for the distant child to return.

In 1942, his mother passed away in Beijing, and Lao She did not get the news until a year later.

So, he used the pen as a medium to write "My Mother", and the endless memories of his mother flowed between the words, sealing the warmth of the past.

He deeply realized: "The loss of a loving mother is like a flower leaving the soil, although it still blooms, it has no roots to rely on." Those who have a mother have a place of peace in their hearts. ”

The departure of the mother has made the family lose the cornerstone of warmth, become empty and lonely, and the warmth of the past life is no longer there.

Only every brick and tile left seems to still have her figure, and her breath seems to be captured in the air.

Without the mother's days and nights, there is no way to wipe away tears, and there is no familiar smell waiting for the table.

Time flies, and the years are merciless.

Don't let waiting turn into nothingness, don't let affection eventually turn into hatred.

While the parents are alive and the time is still good, accompany them more, have a homely meal together, talk about the past, and laugh again and again.

The key is to cherish the people in front of you, let love pass on immediately, and don't let life be left blank.

No matter where you are, where there is a mother, there is the temperature and direction of home

There is such an affectionate description in "Eye-send-off": "The encounter between parents and children is essentially a long and gentle send-off, and you look at his back gradually moving away until it disappears at the end of the road, which is the annotation of the fate of this life." ”

When we were young, we stood in place, our eyes followed the back of our mother, which was the outline of her journey for love and the dream of building a family for her;

And as the years go by, the roles are reversed, and it is we who become the watchmen of the mother, and she stands at the door of the house, staring at us far away, and the only prayer left in her heart is the next reunion.

The essence of life lies in freedom and independence, and love, like the trajectory of life, is a journey that unfolds slowly and progressively deepens.

The depth of mother's love is like an inextinguishable lamp, no matter how far away it is, the warmth and concern will never fade.

In this vast world, there is only home, that harbor built by blood, and unconditionally wishes you well, no matter where you are.

Time flies, if youth is still there, don't let hesitation stumble, smile, often go home to see, this simple wish is the deepest expectation in my mother's heart.

May all mothers in the world embrace happiness, let their troubles dissipate, be accompanied by good health, and every wish can be fulfilled, and enjoy beauty and peace for a lifetime.