
Mother's Day Circle of Friends Revealed: It's Not Easy to Be a Mother, Three Truths Are Moving



On May 12th, Mother's Day is coming, is the circle of friends filled with happy moments shared by mothers?

Are those symbols of the heart gorgeous flowers, warm red envelopes, or nourishing skin care products?

Or is it a meal cooked by a child, a scarf knitted with a needle and a thread, full of hand-made temperature?

Recalling my first Mother's Day, I sent holiday greetings to my mother over the airwaves.

Her response, peaceful but affectionate: "You are well, every day is my holiday." ”

At that moment, I clenched the earpiece, and the gratitude in my heart turned into a wordless silence.

Mother's wish has never been confined to the "form of a festival".

What she desires most is the well-being and happiness of her children, the selfless dedication of her selflessness being perceived, and the inner voice being heard, understood, and deeply remembered in the hearts of her children.

This simple wish transcends all material gifts and touches the softest depths of family affection.

Mother's Day Circle of Friends Revealed: It's Not Easy to Be a Mother, Three Truths Are Moving

What Mom longs for is her own day

The tranquility of the night is a precious gift for many mothers.

Staying up late is actually embracing that rare time of freedom.

The busyness of the day makes them revolve around family and work, and only in the dead of night, when the children sleep peacefully and the housework is suspended, can they truly belong to themselves.

This stolen freedom, even at the cost of staying up late, is as good as it gets.

Sun Li's sharing on Father's Day touched the heartstrings of countless mothers.

In the face of Deng Chao's incomprehension, behind her daily early sleep, there is an unknown busyness and planning.

And when Deng Chao experienced the life of a full-time father for three months, it suddenly dawned on him: the hard work of day after day makes a moment of leisure a luxury.

This role swap profoundly reveals a truth: don't persuade others to be idle without others suffering.

Stars such as Sun Li, behind the glamour, the hardships of being a mother are no exception.

This reflects the fact that the daily life of ordinary mothers is even more difficult, they are almost all year round, and every day is a microcosm of labor.

Therefore, the meaning of Mother's Day is to give the mother a real space for rest and self-freedom, so that she can escape from the daily life for a short time and regain herself.

And this should not only be a holiday privilege, but everyone in the family should take action to make it the norm to share the housework, so that mothers do not have to carry the burden of life alone.

Let love and understanding permeate every moment of daily life, so that every day can shine with the light of Mother's Day.

Mother's Day Circle of Friends Revealed: It's Not Easy to Be a Mother, Three Truths Are Moving

What Mom wants is a true understanding

In the TV series "Come on! In "Mother", the role of He Xiaohan is impressive.

As a former hospital nurse, her marriage transformed her into a full-time housewife and devoted herself to family life, especially the upbringing of her daughter Tian Youyu.

Nutritious food and fashion have become her daily challenges: carefully design each meal to ensure that it is both nutritious and delicious; Choose clothes for your child that are both beautiful and comfortable.

At the same time, she also strives to excel in the work of the Parent Association and help her children on their future educational journey.

However, deep down, He Xiaohan longs for self-growth, but unfortunately, the heavy affairs of the family make it almost impossible for her to withdraw.

The misunderstanding between mother and daughter was even more painful for her.

When her daughter showed disappointment and even contempt for not knowing a single word in English, those sharp words pierced her heart like a sharp sword. The daughter's incomprehension has become an unbearable burden.

In the end, the heavy mental pressure made He Xiaohan make a change, and she chose to move out of her home and embark on the road of self-employment.

This change not only allowed her to find herself again, but also allowed her husband to experience the hard work of his wife in the process of taking care of his daughter independently.

The daughter was finally admitted to a key primary school and gradually understood her mother's selfless love.

Recently, a friend who has just become a mother shared her deep insights:

"What I felt most about childbirth was not about children or marriage, but about understanding my mother for the first time – I was so miserable just because I had a normal birth, not to mention that she had a difficult birth.

Thinking of the hardships my mother endured to raise us alone, I felt guilty for my former willfulness and indifference. ”

Indeed, the greatness of a mother's love lies in not expecting anything in return.

No matter how much incomprehension and complaining she encounters, her mother's love is always unwavering and never diminishes.

When I think back to my childhood, my father could leave after my parents argued, but my mother always prepared dinner for us after tears.

Mothers are not born superhuman, but because of love, they fall countless times and get back up again, becoming incomparably strong.

Mother's Day Circle of Friends Revealed: It's Not Easy to Be a Mother, Three Truths Are Moving

The best mom, 60 points is a perfect score

Recently, I watched the musical "Almost Normal", in which I was deeply touched by the family challenges faced by stay-at-home mothers.

In this story, the husband Dan has an enviable career, and the daughter Natalie excels academically, and everything seems to make up the ideal family picture.

However, Diana, a stay-at-home mother, is burdened with bipolar disorder.

Sixteen years ago, she experienced the untimely death of her newborn son, and this pain was like a shadow.

She hovers on the edge of fantasy and reality, on the one hand, in the imaginary world, she is the flawless mother in the eyes of that son;

On the other hand, in the cold reality, she strives to be the perfect model in her daughter's heart.

This tearing made her inner world increasingly fall apart, and her emotions became more and more frenzied.

Diana knew she was suffering from illness and had been in counseling for years, but her desire to give her husband and daughter a seemingly normal home drove her to hide the pain of losing her son and the pain of self-loss.

She tried her best to disguise a normal look, but she was shouting in her heart:

"Once, I also soared in the sky, and that free and uninhibited soul was exactly who I used to be!"

Mother's Day Circle of Friends Revealed: It's Not Easy to Be a Mother, Three Truths Are Moving

Life cannot be arbitrary, fear has nowhere to be placed, responsibilities are heavy, and it is difficult to find true peace in the heart.

Many mothers, like Diana, hide endless sorrow behind the happiness of their appearance.

Gently unveiling the veil of life, the grievances that flow from the bottom of my heart and eyes tell an untold story.

At the end of the play, Diana whispers apologetically to her daughter, eager to give her an ordinary life, but she is unable to do so due to illness.

And the daughter said gently: "I don't crave absolute normality, that's too idealistic."

Life is enough to be almost normal. ”

Indeed, the almost ordinary is the true meaning of life, and imperfection creates true beauty.

In the cracks of all things, light shines through, and that is the entrance to hope.

May every family member be deeply considerate and share the burden of motherhood, because home should not be a lonely watch on thin shoulders.

Touch "Follow", and may mothers in the world not only be defined as mothers, but also embrace themselves and live their true self.