
How can I tell if I'm in the right partner? Look at these three points, so that you are no longer confused



Yuan Zhen and Wang Shuyuan, the love chapter of the 2017 clinical medicine master's students of Nankai University, has recently aroused widespread resonance on the Internet, and countless netizens have cast envious eyes.

Faced with the curiosity of the outside world about their early marriage decision, the two responded sweetly: "In the time spent together, we have a glimpse of the common future, which is the confidence that marriage gives us." ”

In the academic world, Yuan Zhen and Wang Shuyuan can be called "award harvesters", and their achievements are remarkable.

At present, the two are working together to carry out a joint master's training program at the General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and they are growing in practice - Yuan Zhen has participated in more than 200 surgical operations, while Wang Shuyuan has carefully cared for more than 300 patients, demonstrating their excellence and responsibility as medical students.

They have shown a different way of dealing with their differences: they are not stubborn, but work together to find solutions, and this understanding deepens their emotional bonds.

From studying to the workplace, and then to the bits and pieces of life, Yuan Zhen and Wang Shuyuan supported each other, transformed together, and met a better self in the company of each other.

In this relationship, the most touching thing is that they cherish each other's efforts and give back with double warmth, warming each other's hearts.

This is not only the appearance of love, but also the most beautiful scenery on the road to growth.

How can I tell if I'm in the right partner? Look at these three points, so that you are no longer confused

Leave your tenderness to those who truly love you

A woman who has experienced the twists and turns of marriage once sighed:

"Affection is never a one-man show of self-pity, but a cherished picture drawn by both parties with sincerity as the pen.

Don't cling to a story with no future, and don't wait for an indifferent heart.

Please remember that your tenderness and sweetness belong to the soul who truly knows how to cherish it. ”

In the movie "Listen Closely", Seiji Amazawa and Wen Tsukishima, two dreamers, one dreams of carving the most moving violin, and the other aspires to become a writer who heals the soul.

Their fate began with a library card in the library, and they grew a deep resonance and admiration for each other's dreams.

In order to be able to stand side by side with each other, they work silently to improve themselves, and they are afraid of becoming a burden on each other's dreams.

As a result, every moment spent together is soaked with delicate care and silent encouragement.

The relationship between them is not confined to possession, not to be constrained by ties, and not to restrict the freedom of the other party.

Based on tolerance, understanding as a beam, and trust as a tile, we will build a sky city that allows dreams to soar.

They encouraged each other to pursue their dreams, and the unspoken but surging emotions became more and more tenacious in supporting each other.

At the end of the film, Seiji Amazawa pedals hard to climb the slope with Tsukishima Wen, and she sympathizes with his hard work: "Perhaps, I should come down and walk." ”

"There is no need for this," the priest insisted, "I have already made up my mind...... Carrying you on my back...... Overcoming obstacles. ”

At this time, Tsukishima Wen jumped down lightly and helped him: "I want to be the force that pushes you forward, not a burden." ”

As Mu Xin said: "Knowledge and love are always proportional." ”

True love is a two-way rush based on equality, and only mutual giving can last for a long time.

If you pour your love into a person who doesn't know how to cherish, you will be down to the dust for him and lose yourself, but you are only a speck of dust in his world, not taken seriously, and only infinite pain will be left.

On the contrary, the person who really cares about you will not be you, but will give you comfort and make you smile again when you are sad.

Therefore, give your gentleness to those who know how to cherish it, and it will be properly placed and not wasted; Entrust your efforts to someone who deserves it, and there will be an echo of love.

How can I tell if I'm in the right partner? Look at these three points, so that you are no longer confused

People who are full of you will understand your sadness

On the road of life, you may meet countless faces, who have witnessed you silently walking through the predicament, but they have never noticed the subtle sourness in your heart.

In the midst of those unspeakable grievances and hidden pains, if there is a partner who can penetrate the loneliness behind your smile and give you warmth and love when you are extremely tired, this is the warmest comfort in the world.

In the book "Don't Let Love Lose to Getting Along", a heartwarming story is recorded about a man working at Huawei, who strives for the opportunity to work in Africa for a better future for his family, and dreams of short-term struggle abroad in exchange for long-term comfort for his family.

The novelty of his first arrival in Africa was quickly replaced by loneliness and discomfort, and he chose to confide in his wife rather than his elderly parents, who he knew would not be able to resonate with the islands of his soul.

The wife, who knew everything, did not hesitate at all and decided to give up her job and cross thousands of mountains and rivers just to be with him.

Although I haven't touched English for many years and is full of fear of unfamiliar environments, my affectionate concern for my husband overcomes all obstacles.

Although her arrival could not directly intervene in his work, it gave him endless strength in the daily moments. For her, being able to be by his side is the best comfort for his soul.

As the writer Su Cen said: "To know is to love deeply in the way you need; If you don't understand, you will impose what you need on love. ”

In this world, too many people care about your achievements, but few people care about the burden you carry.

Sincere love does not pursue your glamorousness, but stands firmly by your side and becomes your solid backing when you are fragile and confused.

Life is long, if someone is willing to be with you through thick and thin, bear the sweetness and bitterness of life together, this is a precious fate, should be cherished, do not let it pass.

On the journey of love, mutual understanding and companionship are the most affectionate confessions.

How can I tell if I'm in the right partner? Look at these three points, so that you are no longer confused

Cherish each other and live a good life

"The human heart is a priceless treasure in the world." Behind the construction of sincere emotions is the accumulation and careful cultivation of countless times.

At her best friend's wedding, she stood with Chen Dong, who had a huge height difference, which attracted the attention of others. But they choose to ignore the outside world, convinced that true love is enough to transcend all external differences.

However, real life is often not like a fairy tale, full of unknowns and variables, although it is easy to fall in love, it is difficult to get along.

In the days after marriage, trivial disputes are inevitable.

At first, whenever there was a disagreement, my girlfriend would angrily ask me to meet at the bubble tea shop, and when the phone was turned off, I would pour out my dissatisfaction.

But before we could sit down, Chen Dong's calls would always follow.

I smiled and handed my phone to my best friend, and during the conversation, her face gradually soothed, and it was obvious that Chen Dong was silently compromising.

But the frequent arguments gradually exhausted his patience, and Chen Dong no longer blindly backed down.

After a heated argument, he ran away from home and had no news for a whole day, until the evening, when he sent a text message, saying that he was temporarily staying at a friend's house, hoping that both parties could think calmly.

My best friend turned to me again, full of grievances.

I comforted her with a metaphor: "Marriage is like a pas de deux, advance and retreat need tacit cooperation, and cannot be unilaterally continued." You should also learn to regress, so that the dance is harmonious and the marriage can last. ”

Under persuasion, the girlfriend took the initiative to call Chen Dong and admit her mistake.

Early the next morning, Chen Dong returned home, and the two rebuilt the old relationship.

The ideal partnership is one of mutual fulfillment, but in this intimacy, each person craves the other's preference and tolerance deep down.

If love becomes a one-sided infinite giving, it will be distorted into doting.

Dursu's famous quote reminds us: "Only by converging and halfing a point can we find the best way to live together." ”

To keep love young forever, we need to constantly nourish the flower of happiness, so that it is fragrant and eternal.

How can I tell if I'm in the right partner? Look at these three points, so that you are no longer confused

Relationships are fragile, and if they are not cherished, care will fade away, and the relationship will inevitably come to an end.

Sincere emotions come from the love of both parties, and only in this way can the feelings last for a long time.

The journey of life is long, and you should entrust that pure sincerity to someone who can understand your deep meaning;

At the same time, you should also reserve your warmth to those who know how to cherish your existence.

Only in front of that special person will you truly experience the wonderful tacit understanding of your heart and feel the profound happiness brought by being loved and valued.

Touch "Follow", and I hope that in the days to come, you can walk side by side, enjoy the flowers and blossom together, gather and scatter, and live up to each other in vain.