
On Mother's Day, don't let your mom bear everything alone and share the housework together!



During this Mother's Day, an unexpected storm was set off on the Internet, and the spearhead was directed at the well-known brand "Blue Moon".

Originally, the brand aimed to convey warmth through elevator advertising: in view of the mother's perennial hard work in laundry, a laundry detergent containing a high-tech formula was presented, which means "making the mother's laundry time easier, labor-saving and worry-free", so as to demonstrate the love and filial piety of the children.

However, it backfired.

The recurring slogan in the advertisement, "Mom, you use it first", not only did not touch people's hearts, but triggered a sensitive nerve among the public.

Netizens expressed their displeasure, accusing the ad of inadvertently reinforcing the traditional role positioning of mothers and housework, and reproducing stereotypes of female images.

This incident has sparked widespread discussion, and two profound social phenomena have been revealed behind it:

First, the awakening of women's self-consciousness is gradually gaining widespread attention and recognition from the society;

Second, despite the controversial language of the advertisement, it inadvertently exposes the harsh reality of a family's life – that in most families, household chores such as laundry are still mainly performed by the mother.

On Mother's Day, don't let your mom bear everything alone and share the housework together!
On Mother's Day, don't let your mom bear everything alone and share the housework together!

Looking at these messages, some people were silent and deep in thought.

In their hearts, their mother's world seems to be limited to daily trivialities - the cycle of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

Day after day, she either circles around the child or runs around the house, so much so that it is difficult to find the outline of the gift she really desires during the festive season.

Browsing through the circle of friends, the way of celebration seems to become stylized: a routine red envelope, a bouquet of flowers that lacks novelty, or a string of pearls with a cold glow, plus a formulaic "I love you".

And the next day, the mother returned to square one, becoming an obscure and often overlooked figure in the kitchen.

Only those who have experienced it can realize that what a mother desires is not material luxury and luxury, nor does she always want to play the role of an omnipotent hero.

What she really cares about is to be truly seen by her partner and children, to understand deeply, and to make herself an irreplaceable existence in their hearts.

On Mother's Day, don't let your mom bear everything alone and share the housework together!

Mom is Superman, is it really a compliment?

I once saw such a recruitment information on the Internet:

Key Responsibilities:

Get up in the morning to prepare breakfast for your husband, then take care of the children and arrange the toys;

Prepare lunch before noon, wash and dry, and pick up and drop off children to and from school;

In the evening, prepare dinner, tutor the children in their studies, pack their clothes, and tidy up the house, until late at night......

Job Requirements:

On standby around the clock, standing most of the time;

Knowledge of communication, finance, medicine, and more is required......

Occasionally, you need to stay up late, have no vacations, and be prepared to sacrifice your personal life......

If calculated based on one year's working hours, the annual salary of the position is at least $180,000.

However, since the position is called "Mother", there is no remuneration and benefits.

In particular, new mothers have a full schedule every hour from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m., and they have to endure the pain of breastfeeding, and they are so tormented by their children that they can't sleep peacefully.

At the same time, the husband fell asleep soundly because he "had to go to work during the day......

Stay-at-home mom daily schedule ↓

On Mother's Day, don't let your mom bear everything alone and share the housework together!

In the Korean drama "Please Answer 1988", there is such an affectionate line that is moving: "It is said that because God cannot be omnipresent, He created Mother." ”

Although this sentence is a noble celebration of maternal love, it also quietly raises a sharp question: why is the weak mother expected to be an omnipotent superman?

As the debater Zhan Qingyun said, the statement that "the mother is superhuman" is actually an over-deification and emphasis on maternal instinct, rather than a real praise.

It sets "Superman" as the default role of mothers, and evolves into a kind of social yardstick that requires every mother to achieve, and then ignores the toil and sacrifice behind them.

Failure to meet these expectations leads to criticism and blame, and their inadequacies are measured against this invisible yardstick.

In daily conversations, there is no shortage of voices that echo:

  • "You're at home all day, why can't you take care of the kids?"
  • "Housework makes you complain again and again, I work hard, can't you understand more?"
  • "What are you tired of? Isn't it just taking care of the children at home and resting? ”
  • Every day of the mother, full of endless housework and children's calls, "mother, mother, mother", endlessly, year after year, labor has become the norm of life, and this, in the eyes of the outside world, seems to be just "the responsibility of mothers".

There is such an insightful word circulating:

"Modern society has extremely high requirements for women - if you choose to be a working woman, some people will accuse you of neglecting your family and being a failed mother;

If you take the role of a stay-at-home mother, some people will say lightly that raising offspring is a woman's job, not a real job. ”

Therefore, the argument that "the mother is superhuman" has essentially become a shackle that binds the mother.

In order to conform to the image of "qualified mothers", they do their best, surpass their own limits, and silently swallow endless bitterness and tears, which are often not seen.

On Mother's Day, don't let your mom bear everything alone and share the housework together!

What Mom really wants

It is a burden that is put into action

Netizen @小七七's confusion resonated on the Internet.

In the family life she shared, her parents seemed to be loving, but there was a scene that was difficult to ignore: her mother was busy with housework all day long, and her father rarely participated, often a leisurely figure on the sofa.

From the busyness of the kitchen to the preparation of the dining table, and even the follow-up cleaning and finishing and the assistance of the children's studies, the figure of the mother has never stopped.

Even on Mother's Day, this work has not been alleviated, and the father's occasional "help" to wash the dishes is more like a perfunctory to the holiday, revealing the illusion that housework naturally belongs to women.

The comment section resonated.

Many netizens resonated strongly, pointing out the unfairness hidden behind the word "help" - isn't housework a common duty of both parties?

There are even voices that point to the essence of this phenomenon: to regard it as a unilateral obligation is tantamount to treating the partner as a nanny, and the thoughtfulness of words cannot hide the lack of action.

This is a common phenomenon that is thought-provoking.

In many families, the role of the father always seems to be decoupled from housework, forming an unbalanced norm that makes people sigh.

Director Ang Lee set an example.

In the face of such a family pattern, Ang Lee led by example, and his six years of full-time cooking experience made him deeply understand his wife's hard work.

Even with his fame, he still insists on taking on household chores such as grocery shopping and cooking, believing that maintaining family harmony requires earning the respect of his family on a daily basis, rather than taking it for granted.

"As a husband, I have to keep working hard to prove my worth through my actions," he stressed. ”

True sharing goes beyond words.

When the partner becomes the mother, the father's role should be upgraded to become a solid supporter and participant.

No gift or sweet talk is more of a sign of love and responsibility than actually sharing household chores.

Housework, as the most delicate test of daily trivialities, cannot be ignored and should not be understated in the name of "helping", but the weight of life shared by one.

Don't let love and expectations fall short.

The final admonition is to cherish the other person's contribution, don't let the "help" mentality erode equality and respect, and let practical actions become a solid cornerstone for maintaining feelings.

On Mother's Day, don't let your mom bear everything alone and share the housework together!

What Mom really wants

It was her dedication that was seen by her family

The image of mothers is often associated with "irritability" and "sensitivity", but this is not their nature, but the accumulated bitterness and grievances.

In a TV show, a stay-at-home mom is enjoying the fun of crafting with her children, until her dad returns from work, and she suddenly has an emotional outburst, as if it is a flash of ignition. Dad is confused, and the two get into a whirlpool of arguments.

Until a parenting expert intervenes to guide both parties to be honest with their hearts: the mother deeply feels that her efforts and sacrifices have been neglected, and she is full of grievances.

Dad suddenly realized and quickly apologized: "It's not easy for you to take on housework and parenting alone." ”

To put it simply, the mother's heart wall collapsed instantly, the two got back together, and the distance between hearts became closer.

No one recognizes it, even the closest relatives turn a blind eye, and this pain is like a thorn in the heart, making joy and happiness difficult to reach.

Mom, like the emotional mirror image of the family, feeds back everything given by the family.

If she is loved and respected by her family, she naturally exudes tenderness and radiance.

When I mentioned my cousin's child, I was quite impressed. My cousin-in-law has been working outside the home for many years, and she takes care of the restaurant by herself, and she has irregular meals.

However, the child is very sensible, takes the initiative to take on housework, cooks proficiently when he arrives at the meal, and helps in the store on weekends, not afraid of the hot summer, and takes the initiative to attract customers.

Faced with the question: "Don't you study?" Isn't it tiring to do so much? ”

The child always smiled shyly: "Mom is too hard, her knee is not good, I want to help her share it." ”

These words can always sweep away the cousin's exhaustion, and her heart is full of relief - the child's understanding makes all her efforts worthwhile.

The "stupidity" of mothers lies in the heart that is easy to satisfy.

They were also young girls who loved to dress up, and the pearls of the family.

After becoming the pillar of the family, no matter how hard it is, they bear it silently and dedicate their youth and even all to the family.

Such "sacrifice" comes from a deep love for home.

The harmony of the family is their greatest wish, and there is nothing else to ask for.

On Mother's Day, don't let your mom bear everything alone and share the housework together!

The word "mother" is deeply implicated in compromise, selflessness and dedication.

The grievances they carry silently are often unknown; Their daily toil is something few people can deeply understand; They are willing to give, but they do not ask for anything in return, they never ask for it.

Therefore, Mother's Day has undoubtedly become a unique festival for Chinese people to express their gratitude.

In this day, action is more important than words. Use practical actions to convey your gratitude, and warm her heart with companionship.

At the same time, learn to always be grateful, always self-reflective, and make this love a daily routine.

We hope that every father can recognize the hard work of his mother from the bottom of his heart and take the initiative to share the burden of the family.

We hope that all children can deeply understand the deep love of their mothers, feel the warmth of home, and remember the way home.

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