
Food recommendation: fragrant pork ribs, steamed chicken with bamboo cage noodles, and stir-fried pork with old man's head mushrooms

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: fragrant pork ribs, steamed chicken with bamboo cage noodles, and stir-fried pork with old man's head mushrooms

Fragrant steaks

Raw material:

750 grams of pork ribs, 200 grams of shinoodan 栳栳栳.


150 grams of old oil.

Ingredient A (10 grams of spicy sauce, Lao Gan Ma tempeh, 15 grams of Yibin sprouts, 15 grams of green and red pepper rice, 8 grams of green onion rice, ginger rice, and garlic rice)

Ingredient B (200 grams of broth, 5 grams of Hesheng monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, sesame oil, 3 grams of pepper oil and pepper, 15 grams of cooked sesame seeds, crushed peanuts and crushed cashew nuts), 2 kg of Piaoxiang brine, 1500 grams of salad oil (about 50 grams).

Preparation of fragrant brine:

Feed A: keel and net old hen 2 kg each.

Ingredient B: 8 grams of star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, licorice, 10 grams of grass fruit, nutmeg, ginger, lemongrass, 100 grams of dried chili pepper and Sichuan pepper, 5 grams of tangerine peel, 25 grams of angelica, 30 grams of cumin, 15 grams of cloves.

Ingredient C: 200 grams of green onions, ginger, fried garlic, 50 grams of carrots and shallots, 100 grams of parsley, 100 grams of coriander with leaves and roots, 20 grams of fresh sand ginger, 600 grams of Pixian bean paste, 500 grams of pickled pepper sauce.

Ingredient D: 30 grams of rock sugar, 750 grams of Haitian light soy sauce, 400 grams of Donggu Yipin fresh soy sauce, 50 grams of dark soy sauce, 300 grams of salt, 100 grams of monosodium glutamate, 100 grams of chicken essence, 250 grams of Huadiao wine, 150 grams of meat flavor enhancer, 1500 grams of old oil, 1 kg of red yeast rice water.


1. Chop material A into large pieces, boil the blood water in boiling water, remove it and put it in a stainless steel barrel, add 40 kg of water, change to low heat and boil for 8 hours after boiling, and filter the soup.

2. Put material B into a basin, add water and soak for 10 minutes, take it out and wrap it in gauze.

3. Put the old oil in the D material in the pot, burn it to 50% hot, add the C material, stir-fry for 8 minutes on low heat, take it out and wrap it in gauze, and keep the old oil.

4. Put material B and material C into the stainless steel poke, add the filtered soup to boil, take out material B after boiling for 30 minutes on high heat, change to low heat for 2 hours, take out material C, and add material D (including old oil) to boil.


(1) Chop the pork ribs into large pieces of 18 cm long and 12 cm wide, and soak them in water to remove the blood.

(2) Put boiling water in the pot, put the pork ribs on high heat for 5 minutes, remove and control the water.

(3) Put the fragrant brine in the pot and bring to a boil, put in the pork ribs and boil, change to low heat and cook for 30 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

(4) Put the pot on the heat, add the salad oil and cook until it is 60% hot, then soak the marinated pork ribs in low heat for 2-3 minutes until the color is golden brown, remove and put on a plate.

(5) Put the pot on the fire, add the old oil and burn until it is hot, fry in Ingredient A until fragrant, then fry in Ingredient B for half a minute, pour it on the ribs, and use it with pasta after eating the ribs.

Quick serving: Prepare the pasta in advance, marinate the pork ribs in advance, take the pork ribs and steam them for 3 minutes when ordering, and then make them according to the method introduced in steps 4-5 of the recipe. Serving time should not exceed 7 minutes.

Food recommendation: fragrant pork ribs, steamed chicken with bamboo cage noodles, and stir-fried pork with old man's head mushrooms

Steamed chicken with bamboo cage noodles


Tsai 750 grams


150 grams of spiced rice flour, 50 grams of raw chicken fat.


25 grams of soy sauce, 25 grams of sweet sauce, 20 grams of sugar, 50 grams of tofu milk, 25 grams of cooking wine, 2 grams of Sichuan pepper powder, a little sugar juice, 20 grams of chopped green onions, 20 grams of ginger rice, 3 grams of salt.


1. Cut the chicken into 4 cm long and 2 cm wide strips; Chop the chicken wings and chop the raw chicken fat finely.

2. Mix the chicken strips with the above seasonings and chicken fat, and add five-spice rice noodles. After mixing well, use a steaming bowl to put the mixed chicken pieces into the bowl;

3. Put the mixed chicken wings on top and put them in the cage, steam them over a strong fire, and turn them over the plate.

Food recommendation: fragrant pork ribs, steamed chicken with bamboo cage noodles, and stir-fried pork with old man's head mushrooms

Stir-fried pork with old man's head mushrooms


Fresh old man's head mushroom, fresh shiitake mushroom, pork neck, fresh asparagus, red and yellow pepper, minced garlic, ginger slices, salt, chicken powder, minced garlic, ginger slices, red and yellow peppers, oyster sauce, chicken powder, sugar, light soy sauce, water starch, Huadiao wine.


1. Slice the fresh old man's head mushroom and pork neck meat, and cut the fresh shiitake mushroom into cubes and set aside.

2. Fry the marinated pork neck slices until golden brown, and set aside the oil for later use.

3. Fry the fresh shiitake mushrooms until golden brown, remove and set aside.

4. Fry the old man's head fungus on both sides, sprinkle salt flowers, and shovel it out for later use.

5. Stir-fry fresh asparagus until fragrant, season with salt and chicken powder and stir-fry well, shovel out and set aside.

6. Heat the oil in the pot, stir-fry the garlic, ginger slices, red and yellow peppers, add the above processed raw materials, add oyster sauce, chicken powder, sugar, light soy sauce to season and stir well, and finally stir-fry the bowl well, and pour the flower carving wine out of the pot.

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