
The Party Committee of Bayan South Road Community carried out the theme party day activities of deepening national unity and progress education and forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation

author:Huanhe Street Office, Huimin District

In early summer May, pomegranate blossoms bloom. In order to further forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation and continuously deepen the education of patriotism and national unity and progress, on May 17, the Party Committee of Bayan South Road Community organized party members to go to the exhibition hall of the old block of Guihua City and the memorial hall of the former site of the Anti-Japanese Salvation Association from all walks of life in Suimeng to carry out the theme party day activity of "deepening the education of national unity and progress and forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation".

The Party Committee of Bayan South Road Community carried out the theme party day activities of deepening national unity and progress education and forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation

In the exhibition hall of Naturalization City, all party members visited the six major sections of naturalization, ethnic integration, cultural gathering, ancient city scenery, sparks and commercial ports, to learn more about the development process of Hohhot City, and to feel the unique style of Qingcheng and profound historical and cultural heritage. As a place of cultural blending and convergence, nomadic culture and farming culture complement each other here, prosperous and developed, and the people of all ethnic groups have written a brilliant and magnificent historical achievement with an inclusive, open, heroic and tenacious character, industrious, simple, honest and down-to-earth style, and formed a unique style of Qingcheng. In the Memorial Hall of the Suimeng Anti-Japanese Salvation Congress, all party members listened to the stories of the Anti-Japanese War, pursued the red memory, and felt the revolutionary spirit. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Anti-Japanese Salvation Association of all walks of life in Suiyuan under the leadership of the Communist Party of China organized and mobilized the masses of all ethnic groups and all walks of life to carry out anti-Japanese and life-saving activities behind enemy lines, effectively cooperated with the struggle in the anti-Japanese guerrilla base area in Daqingshan, and made special contributions to persisting in the anti-Japanese struggle in the enemy-occupied areas of Suiyuan. All party members reviewed the oath of joining the party in the memorial hall and received party spirit education and ideological baptism.

The Party Committee of Bayan South Road Community carried out the theme party day activities of deepening national unity and progress education and forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation
The Party Committee of Bayan South Road Community carried out the theme party day activities of deepening national unity and progress education and forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation

Inherit the torch and forge ahead into the future. The theme of the party day activities is not only a profound party spirit education, but also a vivid practice to promote national unity, all party members should deeply understand the great significance of casting the sense of community of the Chinese nation, party members should take this theme party day activities as an opportunity, closely around the main line of building the sense of community of the Chinese nation, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and strive to be an active practitioner and promoter of community ethnic unity work.

Editor: Yan Mengfan Editor: Zhang Jiaxing Review: Ma Xinyan (Bayan South Road Community, Huanhe Street Office)

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