
The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, the world's zongzi are in stock, netizens: There is no harm if there is no comparison

author:A new era in food and beverage


Time flies, the Dragon Boat Festival will be celebrated next month, many office workers, have long been full of expectations for the Dragon Boat Festival, and dragon boat competitions around the country are also in full swing training.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, zongzi is an indispensable Dragon Boat Festival food for Chinese, many people may not know that in fact, not only Chinese people in the world will make zongzi, people from other countries will also make zongzi to eat.

Today, let's take you to take a look at the inventory of zongzi from all over the world, and netizens commented after reading it: "There is no harm if there is no comparison, I still prefer Chinese zongzi." ”

1. Japan porridge

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, the world's zongzi are in stock, netizens: There is no harm if there is no comparison

Influenced by traditional Chinese culture, East Asian countries have learned the traditional art of making zongzi, such as Japan, where there is also a food called zongzi, but the method is a little different.

The Chinese like to put glutinous rice in the rice dumplings, while the Japanese make rice dumplings after improvement, they like to put japonica rice flour, add a little sugar to make it, and then tie it up with a rope fried with white grass.

Japanese zongzi are shaped with a pointed head and a larger and more slender bottom, and the colors of the zongzi can be varied, and there is no fixed color.

2. Yue Nan 粽子

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, the world's zongzi are in stock, netizens: There is no harm if there is no comparison

Vietnamese people also celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, every Dragon Boat Festival, local people will also wrap zongzi, the shape of the zongzi made by the Vietnamese is somewhat different, it is a square zongzi, very regular square.

The Vietnamese zongzi method is somewhat similar to that in some parts of Guangxi, in which glutinous rice of various colors is put into it and then tied up with plantain leaves or zongzi leaves.

Such a large square zongzi is not easy to cook, and it needs to be steamed in a pot for at least 4 hours.

3. Tai Guo Porridge

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, the world's zongzi are in stock, netizens: There is no harm if there is no comparison

Thailand also has zongzi, the locals like to soak glutinous rice in a bowl, and then add coconut water, horse blue and other local special ingredients to make zongzi, the addition of coconut water can make the taste of zongzi more sweet, and horse blue can add color to zongzi.

The Thai rice dumplings are relatively small, but they are beautiful in shape and taste very good, and are loved by the locals.

4. Mexican rice dumplings

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, the world's zongzi are in stock, netizens: There is no harm if there is no comparison

Although Mexico is not an East Asian region, Mexicans also have the custom of eating zongzi, but the locals call this food "Damal".

Corn is grown in Mexico, and the locals like to use cornmeal as the main ingredient for zongzi, then add various ingredients such as sliced meat, pumpkin, and chili peppers, and finally wrap the zongzi with corn leaves or leaves of other plants.

Put it into the pot and steam, after steaming, you can open it, and then dig it directly with a spoon to eat, no need to dip it in white sugar to eat, the zongzi that comes out of this way tastes unique.

5. Philippine rice dumplings

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, the world's zongzi are in stock, netizens: There is no harm if there is no comparison

In the Philippines, there is also a custom of eating zongzi, where locals put glutinous rice in coconut milk and boil it into a paste, wrapping the paste in long strips with fresh plantain leaves, sealing both sides of the plantain leaves.

Then put the zongzi into the pot and cook it, or directly put it on the fire and roast it to eat, this kind of zongzi is a bit like the rice noodles made by the Hakka people, and the taste is very special.

6, Chinese porridge

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, the world's zongzi are in stock, netizens: There is no harm if there is no comparison

Chinese eating zongzi is said to have started in the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, with a history of more than 1,700 years, and now China's zongzi eating methods are very diverse.

There are Hakka dumplings, horn dumplings, triangular dumplings, tower-shaped dumplings, horseshoe dumplings and other shapes, as for the filling, it is more abundant, there are egg yolks, pork, dates, passion fruit, crayfish, snail noodles and so on hundreds of flavors.

In this regard, which zongzi do you prefer?

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