
A must-see for people with high blood pressure! Your dietitian will tell you that eating this way will better control your blood pressure

author:Heyuan Chinese medicine said
A must-see for people with high blood pressure! Your dietitian will tell you that eating this way will better control your blood pressure

Today is World Hypertension Day

High blood pressure is a very common disease

However, the awareness and control rates are extremely low

Because high blood pressure does not have obvious symptoms

Before the actual symptoms appear

High blood pressure can quietly damage the body for more than a decade

By the time it erupts, it's already too late

A must-see for people with high blood pressure! Your dietitian will tell you that eating this way will better control your blood pressure

Bucking is a constant battle

Eat right and take medications

It can play a key role in controlling blood pressure

Lai Ranke, Department of Nutrition, Heyuan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Let's talk about how people with high blood pressure should eat


A must-see for people with high blood pressure! Your dietitian will tell you that eating this way will better control your blood pressure

World Hypertension Day

Hypertension is a common and frequent disease worldwide, which seriously threatens human health. To this end, on April 7, 1978, the World Health Organization and the International Federation of Cardiology Societies decided to designate May 17 as "World Hypertension Day" every year, aiming to arouse people's attention to the prevention and treatment of hypertension.

How to eat for people with high blood pressure


Control energy intake

For patients with normal weight and high blood pressure, the daily energy requirement is about 25 to 30 kcal per kilogram of body weight, while for overweight and obese patients, the daily energy intake should be reduced by 300 to 500 kcal while increasing physical activity.


Limit cholesterol intake

It should not exceed 300 mg per day, and if there is also hypercholesterolemia, this value should be reduced to less than 200 mg.


Control salt intake

Strictly control salt intake, with a daily upper limit of 5 grams, and advocate a low-salt diet. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the intake of potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C to ensure that dietary fiber is sufficient.

The selection and pairing of various types of food

1. Cereals and potatoes: It is recommended to eat 150 to 400 grams of cereals per day, at least half of which should be coarse grains, and avoid excessive intake of salty bread, instant noodles and other high-sodium products.

2. Animal foods: Prefer fish, shrimp, poultry, eggs and lean meat, maintain moderate intake, reduce animal foods high in salt, fat and cholesterol, encourage the consumption of skim or low-fat milk and yogurt, and consume 200 to 300 grams per day.

3. Soy products: Eat tofu and soy milk in moderation every day to supplement high-quality protein and calcium, but avoid eating high-salt soy products.

4. Vegetables and fruits: Make sure you eat 500 grams of vegetables a day, including dark vegetables, leafy vegetables, and other types, and focus on choosing vegetables that are rich in potassium. Eat at least 200 grams of fruits, which is varied.

5. Nuts: As a healthy snack, consume about 50 grams of nuts in moderation per week.

6. Oils and fats: When cooking, give preference to vegetable oils rich in mono or polyunsaturated fatty acids such as olive oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, etc., and control the daily cooking oil consumption at 20 to 30 grams, and avoid animal oils and foods rich in trans fatty acids.

7. Drinks: Resolutely stop drinking, stay away from sugary drinks and carbonated drinks, and drink plenty of water, weak tea or low-sugar/sugar-free fruit juices. In addition, foods that are too spicy and irritating should be avoided and strong tea and strong coffee intake should be limited.

High blood pressure can be prevented and controlled

Let's start with every meal

Scientific diet, care for health

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