
Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

Time flies so fast, just into the summer, about to usher in the second solar term of summer, it is Xiaoman, proving that the hot summer is closer to us, the temperature continues to rise, we all take off thick clothes, show arms and thighs, to welcome the arrival of hot weather. The hot weather is coming, at this time the rain becomes less, the air is particularly sultry, the temperature will be very high, so that the whole body sweats, the body's nutrients are metabolized, this time to eat more meat, usually drink more delicious soup. Today, I recommend a delicious soup for netizens - gourd, red ginseng and red date pork rib soup, stewed once a week, the soup is delicious and not greasy, let's learn together. Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

【Tips for making pork rib soup with red ginseng and red dates】

Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

Ingredient list: buy a fresh gourd (gourd, also known as winter melon, is a popular vegetable in summer, the price is particularly cheap, the taste is very sweet, the calories will be very low, the little friends who are afraid of gaining weight should eat often, with pork ribs is a perfect match), a little cooking oil, a little cold water and warm water, a large piece of ginger, a few chives, a little cooking wine, about 30 grams of red ginseng, a small piece of tangerine peel, two red dates, a little salt, a pound of fresh pork ribs (pork ribs are the ingredients that insiders love to eat, no matter how expensive the price is, the meat is tender and ruddyAfter blanching, the soup and braised are good) a drop of pepper, some salt, and other condiments.

Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!
Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

Correct order of production:

Step 1: Prepare the pork ribs, zucchini, tangerine peel and red ginseng in advance, peel the ginger first, cut it into several slices, wash the chives to remove the green onion whiskers, and tie some green onion knots.

Step 2: Soak the tangerine peel in warm water for a while, remove the dirt on the surface, cut it into several long strips, clean the red ginseng, and set it aside for later use.

Step 3: Chop all the ribs into pieces, knead the ribs with flour, or soak them in ginger water or water, change the water several times, and rinse the ribs.

Step 4: Remove the skin of the gourd, cut it from the middle, scrape off the gourd of the winter melon, wash it repeatedly, cut it into some pieces, prepare the gourd pieces, red ginseng, red dates and pork ribs and other ingredients, and start cooking this gourd red ginseng and red date pork ribs soup.

Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!
Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

Step 5: Throw the pork ribs into the pot, add the green onion knots and ginger slices, add an appropriate amount of cold water and cooking wine, blanch the ribs to remove the smell, scoop off the foam, and rinse off the foam with warm water.

Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!
Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

Step 6: Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the bottom of the pot, add ginger slices and pork ribs and stir-fry until they change color, add an appropriate amount of boiling water and bring to a boil, simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes.

Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

Step 7: Transfer the pork ribs to a casserole, add some tangerine peel, red ginseng and red dates (if you don't have them), add some zucchin, and continue to simmer for about 40 minutes to let the soup come out fragrant.

Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

Step 8: Add half a spoon of extremely fresh flavor, add a little salt and white pepper, stir with a spoon, sprinkle with chopped green onions, and this gourd, red ginseng and red date pork rib soup is cooked.

Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

Pork ribs soup with gourd, red ginseng and red dates is a particularly delicious soup, which is stewed in a pot with ingredients such as gourd and pork ribs, the soup is delicious, the nutrition is easier to digest, and the qi and kidneys are nourished, which has many benefits and enhances the body's resistance.

Xiaoman is coming, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink this soup often, it is nutritious and delicious, and it enhances immunity!

Netizens, do you have the correct way to make this gourd, red ginseng and red date pork rib soup? (The pictures in the article are all from the Internet)

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