
The price has really dropped, is the desire for "durian freedom" still far away?

author:Youyang release
The price has really dropped, is the desire for "durian freedom" still far away?
The price has really dropped, is the desire for "durian freedom" still far away?

Recently, when surfing the Internet, you will always see durian. The originally expensive durian began to take the "people-friendly" route, can foodies really achieve "durian freedom"?

On May 16, the reporter walked into Jiahui Supermarket and inquired for the foodies.

In Jiahui Supermarket, durians are neatly placed in the most conspicuous position in the store, and the price is between 23.9 yuan and 29.9 yuan per catty, attracting many citizens to choose from it.

"The price during the Spring Festival was more than 50 yuan per catty, and now the price has dropped by almost half, which makes me feel very surprised." Citizen Guo Fang is a durian lover, and after the price of durian was reduced, she was happier to eat.

The price has really dropped, is the desire for "durian freedom" still far away?

Members of the public buy durian in supermarkets.

"In the past, the price of durian was too high, and I didn't buy it much." Ms. Chen, a citizen who is picking durians, said that durians have always belonged to the "high price", and she sometimes wants to eat them, but when she sees the price, she is deterred, "Now that the price has dropped, I will act immediately to enjoy it." ”

"The price of durian is the same day by day, especially since May, the price has dropped sharply, and the current price is about 30% lower than a week ago." Peng Zuowei, the person in charge of Jiahui Supermarket, told reporters that it is currently the season when Thai durian is on the market in a large area, and the market supply has increased significantly in the short term, which is also the reason for the sharp price reduction of durian since May. "We're selling five times more now than we were a month ago." Peng Zuowei said that the next is still the peak period of durian sales, and durian prices are expected to continue to fall.


In this way, it is most effective to open a durian "blind box".

There are many people who say that choosing durian is like buying a blind box, and many times it depends on luck. So, how to pick a "durian to repay the favor"?

Smell the smell. You can smell it close to the bottom of the durian, the ripe durian has a strong smell. If you smell alcohol, it means that the durian may have gone bad; If you smell something like freshly cut grass, it means that the durian is not ripe enough.

Look at the appearance. Generally speaking, the ripe fruit of the same variety of durian has larger ripe fruits, and the color is relatively yellowish, light yellow or dark yellow. If the color is blue or green, it is not ripe enough.

Pinch the spikes. Pinch the tips of the two adjacent thorns with your hands and move inward, if you pinch easily, it indicates that the durian is ripe. If it is difficult to pinch or has a firm feel, it is not fully ripe.

Look at the cracking. If there are some microscopic cracks on the top of the fruit, and a strong smell can be smelled, it means that the durian is highly ripe. Since it is not possible to confirm whether the flesh inside is contaminated, it is not recommended to choose durian with large cracks.

Shake the pulp. Gently pick up the durian, hold it firmly and shake it gently with your hands, if you feel a gentle collision feeling inside, or a slight sound, it means that the flesh has ripened and detached from the shell, and vice versa.


Reporter: Shi Lingcong ▏ Editor: Qiu Wenyi Duty: Yang Bing ▏ Editor-in-Chief: Chen Jie Produced by Youyang Autonomous County Rong Media Center

The price has really dropped, is the desire for "durian freedom" still far away?

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