
Hanjiang District continues to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly

author:Hanjiang News
Hanjiang District continues to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly
Hanjiang District continues to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly
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Hanjiang District attaches great importance to the spiritual and cultural quality of life of the elderly, and after the introduction of Xiamen Zhiyu Filial Piety Group, a professional pension service organization, the spiritual life of the elderly in our district is increasingly enriched.

Hanjiang District continues to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly

On May Day, the "Our Chinese Dream Culture Enters Ten Thousand Homes" literary and artistic performance was carried out in Luolutian, vigorously promoting the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit in the new era, and striving to create a glorious social trend of labor.

On Mother's Day, we carried out theme activities such as "Thanksgiving for Mother's Love" in the community to create a good social trend of thanking mothers, caring for mothers, and repaying mothers.

Hanjiang District continues to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly
Hanjiang District continues to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly
Hanjiang District continues to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly

The District Civil Affairs Bureau and Handong Sub-district jointly held the 4th "Xingye Cup" table tennis competition in the Dingpu Community Home for the Elderly, which further stimulated the sports vitality of the elderly in the district, enhanced the national fitness awareness of the elderly in the district, and advocated a civilized and healthy lifestyle. (Lin Minghua, Hanjiang District Civil Affairs Bureau)

Edit | Huang Zhen Editor| Lin Yixia

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