
The dog who treats you as a "relative" will have these 6 major performances, and he can't deceive people!

author:Gluttonous dog food

Pay attention to [gluttonous dog food], healthy and scientific pet raising

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Dogs are one of man's most loyal friends, and they use various ways to express their affection and dependence on us. When you find that your dog has the following 6 behaviors, it can be safely said that it has regarded you as its "relative".

The dog who treats you as a "relative" will have these 6 major performances, and he can't deceive people!

I like to lick you and rub you

Dogs licking you or rubbing you is actually an intimate behavior of their dogs. In the world of dogs, licking and rubbing are the ways they mark and express their emotions. When you find that your dog treats you like this a lot, it means that he treats you as his relative and wants to leave his smell on you.

The dog who treats you as a "relative" will have these 6 major performances, and he can't deceive people!

Likes to show you belly

A dog's belly is their most vulnerable part and is generally not exposed to strangers. However, if the dog lies down in front of you without any scruples and leaves its belly exposed to you, it means that he trusts you very much and treats you as his relative.

The dog who treats you as a "relative" will have these 6 major performances, and he can't deceive people!

Always next to you when sleeping

Dogs choose to sleep next to you, or lie at your feet or on a pillow, not just because they feel comfortable or warm.

Dogs have very fixed sleeping habits, and they will choose to sleep next to safe, trusted people. Therefore, when your dog chooses to share a bed with you, it means that he has regarded you as the closest person.

The dog who treats you as a "relative" will have these 6 major performances, and he can't deceive people!

Always sticking to you, like a heel

Does your dog always follow you and follow you wherever you go? It's not that it's boring, it's because it wants to be with you all the time and treat you as the closest person.

The dog who treats you as a "relative" will have these 6 major performances, and he can't deceive people!

Follow your instructions

When your dog is completely following your commands, whether it's sitting, shaking hands, or any other training action, it means that he has taken you as his leader. This kind of trust and dependence only occurs when the dog treats the owner as a relative.

Of course, if you want the dog to be obedient, the usual training is indispensable, and the dog will be more obedient to you when training.

The dog who treats you as a "relative" will have these 6 major performances, and he can't deceive people!

I'll look for you when I'm hungry

When dogs are hungry, they usually go to the person they think is most reliable and closest to them – and that's you! This behavior shows that your dog has a lot of trust in you and knows that you will provide them with food and care. In their eyes, you are not only their master, but also an important part of their lives.

The dog who treats you as a "relative" will have these 6 major performances, and he can't deceive people!

However, dogs can't starve, when they are very hungry, remember to give it food, otherwise it will affect gastrointestinal health~ If the dog has a bad stomach, it is recommended to give it a dog food that is easy to digest.

The dog who treats you as a "relative" will have these 6 major performances, and he can't deceive people!

Conclusion: Does your dog have the above performances?

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The dog who treats you as a "relative" will have these 6 major performances, and he can't deceive people!

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