
The circle of friends of "Healthy and Happy Family" began to be forwarded

author:Great River Health News

Co-ordinator: An Wei

Reporter: Liu Guanghui, Liang Lulu, Wu Wenke, Sun Qianwen, Yang Lu, Meng Leiwen

Reporter Wang Xiaowei Henan Daily all-media reporter Chen Chongtu

On May 17th, the provincial competition of the Henan Division of the Healthy China Action Zhixing Competition was held at the Longzihu Campus of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Twenty-nine family teams stood out from the crowd with their perseverance and outstanding performance. Let's enjoy the demeanor of these "healthy and happy families"!

The circle of friends of "Healthy and Happy Family" began to be forwarded

Luoyang City: Yan Jingong's family team

Team slogan: inherit the culture of the ancient capital and spread a healthy life

Health concept: reasonable diet, moderate exercise, quit smoking and limit alcohol, psychological balance.

Health experience: Let healthy life become the family style of the new era.

Family style story: The healthiest experience is to exercise moderately, I will walk and swim every day, and my wife will do yoga every day.

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The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University: Duan Guoyu's family team

Team slogan: Doctors work together, health together

Health concept: Parents are the best health coaches for their children.

Health experience: To achieve overall family health, parents should set an example for their children at all times; Be good at using your free time to do health-related activities, such as doing simple activities in the community after dinner, and going to the outdoors and sports centers on weekends to get enough exercise; Family members should encourage each other, supervise each other, work together, and make progress together.

Family style story: Duan Guoyu's father, Duan Haowen, has been practicing Tai Chi for decades, and is good at using the traditional Chinese medicine health care culture of the motherland to maintain the health of his family members. This perseverance and inheritance has allowed the whole family to form a good fitness atmosphere for three or four generations.

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Sanmenxia City: Qin Tiange's family team

Team slogan: stay away from high sugar and high fat, and protect your health

Health concept: mental health, good relationship between family members.

Health Tips: Show your family and make healthy partners.

Family style story: Every weekend, I will try to spend about half a day to do some indoor and outdoor sports, and physical health helps the health of the soul.

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Henan Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine: Tian Ji Family Team

Team slogan: knowledge on the left, action on the right, correct health, stay away from doctors

Health concept: healthy diet, healthy mentality, respect for the old and love for the young, be kind to others, encourage each other, empathy, mutual understanding, sunshine and upward.

Health Tips: A healthy family is both physical and psychological. Family members care for each other, encourage each other, live in harmony and provide each other with help and support.

Family style story: The family is harmonious and harmonious, all three of them have a sunny mentality, and they are positive in life and work.

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Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Hospital: Bai Xiangwei's family team

Team slogan: Healthy family, enjoy happiness

Health concept: love the motherland, family harmony, mutual understanding, sincere treatment, everyone understands health theory knowledge, put an end to unhealthy behaviors, can drive the surrounding people to consciously learn health knowledge, standardize healthy behaviors, such a family is a healthy family.

Health experience: Family is a warm harbor, and a healthy body is the guarantee of happiness.

Family style story: At the beginning of 2021, a middle-aged man in a nearby community suddenly suffered an unexpected cardiac arrest while playing badminton, and passers-by urgently called 120 for help, and I took the initiative to implement cardiopulmonary resuscitation. An ambulance arrives at the scene, takes over CPR and defibrillation, helps the patient recover his heart rate and takes him to the hospital.

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Zhoukou City: Zhou Zicai's family team

Team slogan: Disease prevention is more important than gold

Health concept: Regardless of wealth or poverty, a healthy family is a healthy family that is harmonious and harmonious together, does not get sick, and can adhere to the guidance of health literacy, adhere to exercise, eat scientifically, and be happy.

Health Tips: Take a healthy diet every day seriously and keep exercising.

Family style story: I have an uncle, did not have a family, has been living with our family, at the age of 64, unfortunately suffered from hemiplegia, 14 years, our family to give the uncle the greatest care and comfort, this is the best family style of our family.

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Luohe City: Yuan Ruihong's family team

Team slogan: healthy family style, sunny life; Healthy family style, happy walking

Health concept: Parents study hard, children improve every day.

Healthy experience: A healthy family atmosphere is harmonious, communication is smooth, everyone has their own things and cooperation, the energy in the home is positive, respect everyone's ideas and interests, and at the same time have their own space.

Family Story: The Red Cross volunteer activities in which our whole family participated, not only learned first aid skills, but also had a good time with the children, in the activities, not only let them experience the joy of helping others, but also exercised themselves, from the beginning of being a teaching assistant to the current teaching children to learn, let us all feel a sense of achievement.

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Pingdingshan City: Yang Jie's family team

Team slogan: War eagle flying, protect health

Health concept: mutual respect and love, clean and tidy family environment; Have good hygiene habits, have health awareness and healthy behaviors.

Health experience: prevention before disease, pay attention to emotions, dietary conditioning, reasonableness.

Family style story: Our family rarely eats out, and my parents-in-law always think of ways to choose fresh ingredients so that the whole family can eat nutritious and healthy; I work in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, and the children can be sick since they were young, and they can use traditional Chinese medicine if they can use medicine, so the children's physical fitness is very good.

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The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Li Fucheng's family team

Team slogan: scientific health, healthy life

Health concept: love the motherland, be kind to others, be helpful, filial piety and respect for relatives, respect for the old and love for the young, and live in harmony with the neighbors.

Health experience: Families learn health knowledge regularly, have the ability to obtain and discern health information, and pay attention to health information. Mental health of family members and adaptation to social development. Families value nutrition and master healthy cooking methods. Family members are actively involved in various activities to promote family health.

Family style story: No matter how busy he is, he leads his family to go to poor mountainous areas or old revolutionary areas to carry out free medical and donation activities every year. A grateful heart accompanies me all the time to enjoy the happiness of my family.

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Nanyang City: Yang Ying's family team

Team slogan: small hands join big hands, exercise healthy physique, and share a better life

Health concept: Only when everyone in the family is healthy, can the family be happy.

Healthy experience: A healthy family is that each family member is the first person responsible for their own health, and they must master the necessary health knowledge and skills, practice a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, inherit good family style and family education, and the family environment is healthy and healthy, and the physical, psychological and social life of family members is a good family.

Family style story: We use our free time every day to work overtime to learn health knowledge, exercise for 20~30 minutes a day, and learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation together. It not only improves our health literacy, masteres first aid knowledge, but also allows us to develop good exercise habits.

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Zhengzhou City: Drizzle Family Team

Team slogan: Healthy family, walk together, healthy China, with you and me

Health concept: At any time, don't doubt your own value, don't doubt the meaning of efforts, give action to the present, and leave the result to time.

Health experience: On the road of growth, there are not only static words and piles of books, but also warm sweat, team passion and affectionate love. We must not only calm down to study, but also move and exercise frequently, so as to accumulate the motivation for life to sail.

Family style story: The first time I participated in the parent-child balance bike race with my child, I was the only mother on the field, he asked me with anticipation and unconfidence, Mom, can we win, I told him, dads naturally have explosiveness and endurance, but I have flexibility and skill, that is the first time I stand on the podium with my child.

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Luoyang Orthopaedic Hospital, Henan Province: Liu Huanhuan's family team

Team slogan: Healthy together, happy together, healthy China, you and I build together

Health concept: full of love, family care for each other, support and encourage each other.

Health Tips: First of all, our family members care for each other, support and encourage each other to create a loving family atmosphere. Secondly, we pay attention to healthy diet and living habits, and will do a moderate amount of exercise every day to maintain a good work and rest time. In addition, we encourage family members to actively participate in social activities and spread positive energy.

Family Story: There was a time when my husband was very busy at work, and he had to work overtime until late for several days in a row. At this time, the children offered to help share the housework, prepared breakfast for their father every day, and wrote him an encouragement card, he was very happy, saying that he felt tired outside, but felt the warmth of the family, and he did not feel tired at all.

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Luoyang Orthopaedic Hospital, Henan Province: Li Yang's family team

Team slogan: right bones, right heart, right way, right line

Health concept: healthy family, mutual influence, unity of knowledge and action, mutual promotion.

Health Tips: Know a healthy lifestyle and stick to it.

Family style story: From my uncle and uncle to our generation, I have inherited the spirit of great medical sincerity, treating diseases and saving people, and great medical sincerity is not only the inheritance of medicine, but also the inheritance of our family style, which has influenced me to embark on the road of medicine.

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Xinxiang City: Liu Ning's family team

Team slogan: Healthy family, happy family

Health concept: to grow up with family style, into the soul of the country forever.

Health experience: Members of healthy families must first fulfill their own health first responsibility, master the necessary health knowledge and skills, have a lifestyle, and inherit good family style and family education.

Family style story: Liu Ning's wife Feng Congcong's grandfather is a doctor, and her mother, uncle and aunt are also medical workers, so it can be said that she was born in a medical family. Since she was a child, she has been exposed to life even more. Generations of "doctors", each with its own mission, excellent family style, inheritance!

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The Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University: Guo Bingtao's family team

Team slogan: heart to the sun, healthy growth

Health concept: pay attention to the mental health growth of children in the family.

Health experience: family members are physically and mentally healthy, have a good family style and education, and practice a healthy lifestyle.

Family style story: After having a second child, he cares less about Dabao, and usually pays too much attention to academic achievements and material needs, while neglecting the emotional needs of children. Later, we realized the seriousness of this problem, paid attention to the child's psychological changes in time, and gave counseling.

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The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University: Wei Fangyuan's family team

Team slogan: I exercise, I am healthy, I am happy, healthy China, you and I go together

Health concept: family harmony, healthy eating, love of sports, positive, thrifty to cultivate morality, quiet to self-cultivation.

Health experience: The most important thing in family members is to communicate and share, whether it is between children and parents or between husband and wife, we often talk about what happened recently after dinner, express our opinions, although the children are still young, but we also respect their ideas.

Family style story: thrift to raise morality, whether it is the father's period, or the present, diligence and thrift, thrift, is the foundation of a family's enduring and hard work. In order to cultivate oneself, it is important for us to live in our own eyes and grasp our own persistence in order to live our true colors. The best inheritance in this world is that the shadow of the previous generation can be seen in the next generation.

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Shangqiu City: Liu Yuexia's family team

Team slogan: Protect the health of the family and build a longevity together

Health concept: What our family passes on to children is to respect the old and love the young at home, respect teachers at school, and have a kind heart to the people around them.

Health experience: A healthy family is not only free of disease, but also a physical, psychological, and socially intact state, with enthusiasm for life, respect for the old and love for the young.

Family style story: I have no experience in participating in such an activity for the first time, and I have been looking up various materials on the Internet since I received the notice. The three of them have a clear division of labor: grandma is in charge of talent, the child recites the speech attentively, and I strengthen various skills training to prepare for the competition.

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Luoyang Orthopaedic Hospital, Henan Province: Feng Ping's family team

Team slogan: Enhance parent-child relationship and protect a healthy life

Health concept: Everyone is the first person responsible for their own health.

Health Tips: The physical and psychological condition of family members is healthy and energetic; A healthy family atmosphere makes everyone feel safe.

Family style story: For the health of the family, from the weight of 220 pounds to the current 160 pounds, it has deeply infected every member of the family, making everyone convinced: everyone is the first person responsible for their own health.

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Xinyang City: Fang Yuanyuan's family team

Team slogan: I exercise, I am healthy, I am happy, healthy into ten thousand homes, happy you, me and him

Health concept: A healthy family needs to have a harmonious and consistent three views and a healthy body of the family.

Health experience: A healthy family style is inseparable from the words and deeds of the elders, adults need to lead by example, in order to set a good example for future generations, so that they can follow the learning, such as respecting the old and loving the young, living frugally, willing to help others, we use practical actions to educate children.

Family style story: Our family loves sports, and we usually go to the park to run, go to the gym to swim, and play table tennis.

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Zhumadian City: Liu Hao's family team

Team slogan: Health accompanies me, I can do you

Health concept: The healthiest aspect of the family should be a healthy lifestyle, including: reasonable diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and psychological balance.

Health Tips: A healthy family should be a well-functioning family, and both parents should be conscientious to maintain the integrity of the family; Second, in this family, everyone is to foster an environment where everyone feels safe, heard, loved, and respected; Everyone in the family should have a strong physique, a good mental outlook, and a positive attitude towards life.

Family style story: My home is a loving family, and my parents have always liked children, but at that time, due to policy reasons, I became the only child in the family. With the strong support of both parents, my family welcomed the birth of their third child last year. The concept of health throughout the whole family and the logistical support of parents are the source of motivation to support us to become a happy family of three children.

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Jiyuan Demonstration Zone: Zhang Huan's family team

Team slogan: Spread love and start for thousands of families

Health concept: I am the first person responsible for health, and I know how to love myself in order to love others better.

Health experience: Participating in family health science is a challenging and energetic experience to comprehensively improve the health knowledge of family members, which not only requires participants to have rich health knowledge reserves but also good health.

Family style story: Only by maintaining a healthy body can you take better care of your parents and family. I went from being a weak person to being athletic, positive and energetic. My children also began to work out with me and develop good living habits together.

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Hebi City: Gaoli Family Team

Team slogan: Drink more water, exercise more, you and I are healthier

Health concept: family harmony, respect for the old and love for the young, filial piety to parents.

Health experience: Let children develop good living habits from an early age, so that health can be grasped from an early age.

Family style story: During the epidemic in 2020, the dedication of my lover and my children's grandparents made me feel at ease to fight on the front line without worries.

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Jiaozuo City: Wang Yi's family team

Team slogan: Eat and move in balance, healthy life

Health concept: healthy life, beautiful family style.

Healthy Tips: A healthy family consists of three aspects. The first is physical health, including good health and healthy lifestyle habits. The second is mental health, family members have a positive attitude and emotions, and family members respect each other, understand, support, and are good at communication. Finally, there is harmonious social relations, and healthy families have good social relationships, a sense of social responsibility and social adaptability.

Family style story: accompaniment, the mother can go home without looking at the mobile phone, accompany the child to play games and sports; Sports, whether it is a husband or a wife, they can find time to play badminton, run, and skip rope with their children; Regularity, including eating and drinking routines and routines.

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Anyang City: Jia Lifen family team

Team slogan: Medicine accompanies health

Health concept: family harmony, emotional stability, daily exercise.

Health Tips: Know how to be happy and be kind to yourself and your family.

Family style story: We entered the marriage hall in 2002, and the husband and wife have taken care of each other in life for 22 years, respecting each other like guests, and trusting each other; Understand each other, support each other, learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, face confusion together, negotiate and solve problems together, and become a model couple that everyone envies

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Xuchang City: Geng Xiaoguang's family team

Team slogan: Healthy China, Healthy with me, Liancheng Xuchang, Xu You Health

Health concept: light diet, balanced nutrition, insist on exercise, and always maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

Health Tips: It was a very meaningful experience that gave us a deeper understanding of the importance of a healthy family.

Family Story: When I was a child, my body was relatively thin, and my parents learned a lot about health in order to make me grow up healthy, and encouraged me to participate in outdoor activities more. Under their guidance, I gradually developed healthy lifestyle habits, which continue to this day. Now, I also pass on these healthy habits to those around me.

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The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology: Liu Shuhua's family team

Team slogan: sports empowerment, healthy you and me

Health concept: physical health, mental health, family harmony, social harmony.

Health experience: The overall family state is positive, and you can unite and be optimistic about problems when encountered.

Family Story: I want to take my family to develop healthy habits.

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Puyang City: Shi Tongfeng's family team

Team slogan: Advocate healthy behaviors and inherit healthy family style

Health concept: Our family agrees that "health" starts with diet, and a reasonable diet and balanced nutritional intake are the keys to maintaining health. There is a positive atmosphere throughout the family where there is mutual love, respect and understanding among family members.

Health experience: A healthy family is not only the physical and mental health of family members, but also a positive attitude towards life and a good living habit.

Family Story: A healthy family style includes good living habits. Get enough sleep every day, reduce the amount of time you spend on electronic devices, and get regular exercise, such as running, cycling, swimming, playing basketball, etc.

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Kaifeng City: Chen Mengna's family team

Team slogan: Medical Road Pioneer, Healthy Peer

Health concept: mutual understanding, care, respect, improve the physical and mental health of family members. Have a healthy lifestyle, scientifically arrange nutrition, exercise and rest time.

Health experience: The construction of family education and family style is not only a family affair, but also a national affair, family harmony, good family education, and good family style, so that children can grow up healthily and society can develop healthily.

Family style story: The whole family loves to read, and they are different, my father likes health, my mother likes food, my son likes the Three Kingdoms, and I like to observe each hospital to learn health knowledge.

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The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University: Wang Xintao's family team

Team slogan: Race out of health, race out of happiness

Health concept: each member is healthy, mentally healthy, communicates in a timely manner, and has excellent family style and tutoring.

Health experience: understand health knowledge and concepts, reasonable diet, moderate exercise, good personal hygiene management, learn to distinguish food safety, regular physical examination, and develop the ability to develop a healthy lifestyle.

Family style story: Usually educate children to do things seriously, be an upright person, and set an example for children in their usual words and deeds.