
Friends will be happy in chess


In order to promote the charm and style of traditional Chinese culture, provide opportunities for chess lovers to show themselves, enrich the spare time life of the elderly in the jurisdiction, and create a good community atmosphere, on May 16, Yidian Town Community Charity University for the Elderly held the second chess competition.

Friends will be happy in chess

At the beginning of the competition, the community secretary of Yidian Town delivered a speech and wished the competition a complete success, and the referee briefly introduced the origin of the chess competition and the rules of this competition to the contestants. In this year's chess competition, the same number is played by drawing lots, and the participating residents take turns to win or lose in one round, and finally determine the champion, runner-up and third place.

Friends will be happy in chess

On the field, the players were all in high spirits, or thoughtful, or decisive. Their faces were filled with love and dedication to chess, and every move was full of wisdom. On the chessboard, the chess pieces are like a microcosm of their lives, some are steady and heavy, some are agile and elegant, and each game seems to be a wonderful life story.

Friends will be happy in chess
Friends will be happy in chess

After several rounds of fierce competition, the competition finally came to an end, and the community secretary and referees of Yidian Town awarded the first prize, second prize, third prize and participation award to the winners respectively. These prizes are not only a recognition of the wisdom of the contestants, but also an encouragement for them to actively participate in community activities. The chess competition not only provides a platform for the elderly to show their talents, exchange and learn, but also further enriches the cultural life of the community. They have gained friendship and happiness in the competition, and found the joy of life and the enlightenment of wisdom on the chessboard, let us look forward to the wonderful presentation of the next chess competition.

Friends will be happy in chess

Yidian Town Community Charity University for the Elderly will continue to be guided by the needs of residents in the jurisdiction, hold more colorful cultural activities, provide more opportunities for the elderly to show themselves, exchange and learn, and jointly write a new chapter in community culture!

Raigen: Giyama Charity

Editor-in-charge: Shang Shuai

Review: Xue Xuanmin