
White Paper Preview: China's Intestinal Microbiota Research, Who is Strong?

author:Warm-hearted sir


In the past 24 years, which intestinal research institutions and scientists in China have produced the most output, and which ones have had the greatest influence? After months of literature data collection, collation, and analysis, we have our own answer.

The following are the top 20 Chinese institutions in terms of total publication volume from 2000 to 2023, and it can be seen that there are very rich types, with leading institutions in medicine, food, and agriculture (including animals). The Chinese Academy of Sciences ranked first with more than 1,200 papers, followed by Zhejiang University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the next four are all top universities in the fields of food, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, with more than 500 papers.

White Paper Preview: China's Intestinal Microbiota Research, Who is Strong?

Top 20 Chinese institutions in terms of total publication volume from 2000 to 2023

From the perspective of the "influence indicator" of the number of citations of articles, in the data of the previous 24 years, Shanghai Jiao Tong University ranked first, the Chinese Academy of Sciences ranked second, and Zhejiang University ranked third. BGI, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Peking University, Tongji University, and Nanjing University, which are not on the list of the number of publications, are in the top 20 in this indicator, becoming the representative of "winning by quality".

White Paper Preview: China's Intestinal Microbiota Research, Who is Strong?

Top 20 Chinese institutions by total citations from 2000 to 2023

As for the 20 scholars with the largest number of articles, they are also frequent visitors to the "Warm Heart Daily". Li Lanjuan, Chen Wei, and Yin Yulong are among the top three, and almost all of the top 20 institutions mentioned above are representative leaders on the list.

White Paper Preview: China's Intestinal Microbiota Research, Who is Strong?

From 2000 to 2023, he ranked among the top 20 Chinese researchers in terms of the total number of papers published as corresponding authors

As for the top 20 Chinese scholars in terms of total citations, Wang Jun, who has not received much attention in recent years, tops the list. In his early years, he led the team at BGI to participate in MetaHIT and led a series of subsequent papers on genome catalogs and species analysis, many of which were groundbreaking achievements in the field, with high citations and a strong long-tail effect in the early years.

The teacher Zhao Liping we are familiar with is not on the above list, but he is cited third, which shows that the level of his research papers has been fully recognized by his peers; Teachers Yu Jun and Huang Xiujuan from Chinese University of Hong Kong also ranked in the top five in this list, and the influence of their papers is remarkable.

White Paper Preview: China's Intestinal Microbiota Research, Who is Strong?

Top 20 Chinese scholars by total citations from 2000 to 2023

There are so many simple "spoilers" today, and there will be no more spoilers before 529. As for the Chinese scholars who publish the top journals, we have also listed them one by one in the white paper. There is also a detailed analysis of the 14 major academic topics in the entire field, so please look forward to announcing it on May 29.

Conflict of Interest Statement

Conflict of Interest Statement

He is the co-founder and executive editor of iMeta journal, holds positions in professional institutions such as national societies, and serves as a university chair professor.

However, readers should be reminded that the company he founded and mainly works in, Beijing Warm Heart Biotechnology Research Institute Co., Ltd., is a for-profit commercial organization, and he also serves as chairman and director of this company and a number of affiliated companies.

In addition, he is also a consultant or consultant officially employed by Shanghai Pharmaceutical, H&H Group, Mengniu Group and other enterprises, and provides strategy, product and other consulting services for many other enterprises.

Mr. Warmheart benefits from the above-mentioned for-profit organizations through shareholdings, salaries, dividends and consulting fees, and although he always wants to uphold a scientific, objective and impartial attitude at the time of writing, the following conflicts of interest may inevitably exist due to the above reasons:

  • Loss of rigor, objectivity, and professionalism in science communication due to commercial motives.
  • Emphasis is placed on the products and services of interested companies and other potential options are neglected.
  • Emphasize the strengths of the stakeholder companies and downplay their weaknesses.

In order to avoid and reduce the non-objectivity caused by conflicts of interest, Mr. Warmheart will take the following measures:

  • This statement is made public, clearly indicating the relationship between the interested companies.
  • Evaluate all organizations, including stakeholder companies, objectively and fairly.
  • Readers are encouraged to make criticisms and suggestions and to improve them.

When reading Mr. Warmheart's articles, readers should pay attention to understanding his business background, and maintain rational judgment and critical thinking.

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