
Yangchangwan Coal Mine: Promote practice by learning, increase determination, and work hard to improve quality and efficiency

author:Wangning Coal

Since the beginning of this year, Yangchangwan Coal Mine has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, vigorously practiced the great call of "socialism is done by doing", led by lean party building, taken all-round promotion as the horizontal dimension, and high-quality development as the vertical yardstick, maintained the determination of "stability", strengthened the confidence of "progress", showed "new" actions, enriched and expanded the new mechanism of "121" party building work, and comprehensively built a "big party building" pattern. Leading the high-quality development of mines with high-quality party building.

Yangchangwan Coal Mine: Promote practice by learning, increase determination, and work hard to improve quality and efficiency

1. Solidly promote the study and education of party discipline with "four leading and four strengthening".

Since the launch of party discipline study and education, the Party Committee of Yangchangwan Coal Mine has insisted on studying and implementing the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" as a compulsory course, always strictly enforcing political discipline, and solidly promoting the implementation of various tasks of party discipline study and education through "four leading and four strengthening".

01 Political leadership, enhance the political determination of "academic discipline".

In accordance with the idea of learning and comprehending one step ahead, making overall planning one step more practical, and publicizing and guiding one step closer, a leading group for party discipline learning and education was established, and special meetings were held 4 times, a work plan was formulated, and the party discipline study and education was promoted in an overall and coordinated manner.

02 Learn to lead and enhance the discipline and determination of "knowing discipline".

The Party Committee of the mine held a total of 3 reading classes, learning 16 class hours, and carried out in-depth special study and discussion around the "six disciplines". Through the analysis of typical cases of discipline violations, we should reflect on ourselves and learn lessons, so as to make discipline education more grounded. Through the "three meetings and one lesson" and "6+X" theme party day, all party branches have carefully studied and repeatedly learned. Special training courses, interactive discussions, and knowledge competitions for discipline inspection committee members were held to effectively broaden the horizons of learning and deepen the learning effect.

03 Demonstration and guidance, enhance the moral determination of "Ming Ji".

Solidly carry out the theme activity of "no unsafe behavior, no hidden dangers, and no accidents" around party members, and give full play to the leading role of the party committee by compacting the main responsibility; Consolidate the foundation of the grassroots and give full play to the role of the branch as a fighting fortress; We should give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, lead safe production with ideology and morality, and make "fulfilling safety duties our moral bottom line" deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and further improve the level of on-site safety management.

04 Lead by hard work and enhance the anti-corruption determination of "discipline".

Combining the study and education of party discipline with the solid development of the post meritorious action of "socialism is done by doing", the implementation plan of the "cadre brand" project in 2024 has been formulated, and 39 measures have been refined to tighten and consolidate responsibilities at all levels. Explore the "four-three model" and build a new matrix of party member education. Since May, 6 training courses for 600 party members have been held to "polish the background of the original intention and temper the party spirit", correct thoughts and actions with party rules and party discipline, and promote party discipline learning and education.

Yangchangwan Coal Mine: Promote practice by learning, increase determination, and work hard to improve quality and efficiency

2. Enrich and expand the "336" work method and create an upgraded version of the "Spring Rain Plan".

By continuously enriching and expanding the "336" work method, we will continue to promote the "Spring Rain Plan", build an ideological and political work pattern with full participation, and strive to build a characteristic ideological and political work brand, so as to achieve the purpose of cohesion, strong foundation and empowerment.

Adhere to the principle of "three closeness".

We should pay close attention to "trivial matters", "urgent matters" and "difficult matters", so that ideological and political work can be closely integrated with the central work, with high-quality party building, and with solving practical problems in the production and life of workers, so that ideological and political work can be close to reality, life, and workers.

Establish a "three-level early warning" system

Three-level early warning (general issues): The party branch will build the "first line of defense" for ideological and political work.

Level 2 early warning (important issues): functional departments take the initiative to give feedback in a timely manner.

First-level early warning (major issues): The mine party committee timely researched, analyzed, and deployed, and used ideological and political "soft power" to build a "hard foundation" for high-quality development.

Build a strong "six hearts" project

Adhere to the concept of "people-oriented", implement the "six hearts" project of original intention, cohesion, unity, peace of mind, warmth and concentricity, formulate the implementation plan of the "Spring Rain Plan" in 2024, and decompose the list of 28 key tasks; Carry out research on the ideological and political work of party building in 2024, sort out the scope of 40 topics, and strive to form a number of research results; The "Management Measures for the Transformation of Personnel with Unstable Ideology and Unsafe Safety" in Yangchangwan Coal Mine have been formulated, focusing on the implementation of assistance and education for nine types of personnel. In the first four months of this year, a total of 49 "mentally unstable people" were investigated, and 78 "people who are not safe and secure" were helped and taught; Continue to carry out the "heart-warming action", so that employees can enjoy the dividends brought by the development of the enterprise in an all-round way.

Yangchangwan Coal Mine: Promote practice by learning, increase determination, and work hard to improve quality and efficiency
Yangchangwan Coal Mine: Promote practice by learning, increase determination, and work hard to improve quality and efficiency

3. Work plan

In accordance with the 28 tasks of the "Spring Rain Plan", the Party Committee of Yangchangwan Coal Mine will set up a propaganda team in a timely manner to go deep into the grassroots to talk about the form, tasks, and morale. Deepen the work of building civilization, and continue to maintain the national civilized unit with the courage of "four changes and four unchanged". Focus on the implementation of the new training model of "one person with multiple skills, one post with multiple abilities". Implement the "three meals system" training for food delivery, ordering and buffet; Carry out three intensive trainings: practical training, special training and intensive training; Set up three display platforms of "fighting", "competition" and "bright sword" to promote employees to achieve technical improvement. Strictly implement the responsibility system for ideological work, and improve mechanisms for routine supervision and inspection and normalized monitoring and early warning of risks. Deepen the working mechanism of "1+7" contact service staff for management personnel. Promote the implementation of corporate culture, and carry out activities such as "matching seats" in concepts and behaviors. Focus on building a "precise + fine + meticulous" trade union work pattern, carry out the activity of "I add luster to the 'green' brand", and actively promote the branding and projectization of the youth league work.