
Illegal planting, Sihong Xie and Wang were punished!

author:Wei Sihong


来源 |泗洪警方编辑 | 张新月 审核 | 张希刚

Illegal planting, Sihong Xie and Wang were punished!

At present, it is the growing season of opium poppy, the original plant of narcotics, and it is also a favorable time to find and eradicate it. The Jieji Police Station of the Sihong County Public Security Bureau organized police forces to carry out household visits and surveys, eradicating a total of 432 opium poppy plants, and imposing administrative punishments on Xie and Wang, who illegally planted opium poppies, in accordance with the law.

Illegal planting, Sihong Xie and Wang were punished!
Illegal planting, Sihong Xie and Wang were punished!

On May 15, when the police visited the area, they found that a large number of opium poppies had been planted in the hidden place in the backyard of Xie's house, and after counting, a total of 406 poppies had been counted, and they were full of fruits, so they organized police forces to eradicate all the opium poppies there. Coincidentally, when the police visited the village, they found that a vegetable garden was covered with blue gauze and delicate flowers were exposed. The police immediately went forward to check and found that the flowers were poppies. After on-site inquiry, the planter was Wang Mou, a villager in the village, and the police eradicated the 26 opium poppy plants he had illegally planted on the spot.

Illegal planting, Sihong Xie and Wang were punished!
Illegal planting, Sihong Xie and Wang were punished!

The police conducted anti-drug propaganda and education on Xie and Wang's illegal cultivation of opium poppies, explained the relevant laws and regulations to the two in detail, and informed them that the illegal cultivation of opium poppies was illegal for any purpose and in large quantities. After the publicity and education of the police, Xie and Wang also deeply realized that the illegal cultivation of opium poppy is an illegal act, and promised not to plant it again in the future





Opium poppy is the original plant of narcotics that the state prohibits the cultivation of, and illegal cultivation of opium poppy is punishable by administrative punishment at the worst and constitutes a crime at the worst, and criminal responsibility is investigated according to law. If the general public finds clues about opium poppy cultivation, please call 110 directly to report to the public security organs.

Illegal planting, Sihong Xie and Wang were punished!