
The 2024 Digital Cloud Force Conference and New Power Digital Finance Forum was successfully held

author:China Economic Times

The "2024 Digital Cloud Force Conference - New Power Digital Finance Forum" (hereinafter referred to as the forum) was successfully held in Beijing on May 15, 2024. The forum was co-sponsored by DCIT and Beijing Liyan Institute of Finance and Development, with the People's Government of Xicheng District of Beijing and the Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau as the guiding units, the PBC School of Finance of Tsinghua University as the academic guidance unit, and the Fintech 50 Forum providing academic support. The forum is also a series of activities of the "Financial Street Forum" and a "series of activities of the Global Fintech Conference".

The 2024 Digital Cloud Force Conference and New Power Digital Finance Forum was successfully held

The forum focused on five important components of the article - digital finance-related topics. It focuses on how financial institutions can further accelerate the digital transformation of finance by promoting the construction of digital finance, strengthening the foundation of science and technology, releasing the supportiveness, driving force and innovation of digital finance. "Electronic Finance" magazine and Xinhuanet are the special supporting media for the forum, and "China Finance" magazine, "Banker" magazine, Securities Market Weekly, and Oriental Fortune Network are the supporting media.

Wang Bo, member of the Standing Committee of the Xicheng District Party Committee and deputy head of Beijing; Lu Wuxing, director of the Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau, was invited to attend. Li Yang, Chairman of the National Finance and Development Laboratory; Guo Wei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Holdings, Chairman of China Information Technology and Chairman of Digital China Group; The director of the labor union of China Financial Electronic Group Co., Ltd. and other guests were invited to attend and deliver speeches. Tu Guangshao, Executive Director of Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Chen Tiegang, Deputy General Manager of Fintech Department of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; Zhang Bin, Chief Information Officer, China Minsheng Bank; Wang Feng, deputy director of Hebei Rural Credit Cooperatives; Zhou Daoxu, Director of the Financial Security Research Center of PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University; Lai Lishun, COO of Huawei Digital Finance Corps, and other guests were invited to attend and deliver keynote speeches.

Li Yang, Chairman of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, said in his speech that the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference has set up a banner for the next step of financial work. At this stage, the important starting point is how to connect the five articles with the new quality productivity, and ultimately help the improvement of total factor productivity by comprehensively promoting the quality and efficiency of the financial industry.

Guo Wei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of DCH, Chairman of DCIT, and Chairman of Digital China Group, expressed his gratitude to leaders from all walks of life for their support to DCIT for holding the Digital Cloud Force Conference. The accumulation of data assets is the key to reflect the difference between digitalization and informatization, and data assets can be regarded as a new type of "wealth" in the digital age. The key reason why AI technology is attracting so much attention today is that it can realize the automatic generation of data in a "perpetual motion machine". Especially for financial institutions, the importance of data assets is self-evident, not only reflected in risk, marketing, wealth management and other business areas, but more importantly, the impact of data assets has spread to the market value field, and the scale of bank assets will increase tenfold or hundredfold in the future.

In his speech, the director of the trade union of China Financial Electronic Group Co., Ltd. said that as a national team of financial information innovation, China Jindian, adhering to more than 60 years of scientific and technological inheritance, is also striving to grasp the development trend of new technologies, accelerate the application of new technologies, and rely on digital infrastructure, financial standardization and financial technology certification service platforms such as financial information innovation service platform, financial data service platform, network security situational awareness platform, Jindian cloud, etc., to provide information innovation infrastructure and integration, data infrastructure, network data security, and financial technology certification service platforms for the financial industry. Industry cloud services, as well as full-chain services such as financial technology research, publicity, consulting, and training. In the future, China Jindian will continue to strengthen technological research and development and innovation in the fields of financial information innovation, closely cooperate with technology companies such as China Information Technology, continue to promote the deep integration of information technology and traditional finance, jointly build a benign development ecology of digital finance, and jointly sing the main theme of the high-quality development of the real economy of digital financial services in the new era, so as to better serve the digital transformation of the industry and the development of new quality productivity.

Tu Guangshao, executive director of Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, gave a keynote speech on the topic of "Fintech Development and Bank Loan Business Transformation - A Perspective on the Application of Fintech", Tu Guangshao pointed out that the purpose of developing digital finance is to improve the ability of the financial industry to serve the real economy. Therefore, small and micro enterprises, including many private enterprises and science and technology enterprises, are difficult to meet their financing needs under the traditional loan method, and they need to take multiple measures to accelerate the reform of bank financing methods, focusing on the development of credit loans, and financial technology plays a key role in promoting the development of credit loans. Tu Guangshao believes that the development of credit loan business requires not only commercial banks to increase investment in financial technology, but also banks to improve their credit management models in a timely manner. Tu Guangshao pointed out the three-level significance of the development of credit loans: first, to serve the real economy, especially the development of science and technology enterprises, small and micro enterprises and the private economy; the second is to improve the bank's management capabilities; The third is to promote the stability of the market system.

At the end of the keynote speech, Tu Guangshao put forward four suggestions for promoting the interaction between the development of financial technology and the transformation of loan methods: first, pay more attention to the use of financial technology to improve the ability to serve the real economy; the second is to focus on the development of credit loans for small and micro enterprises, which is a weak link; Third, small and medium-sized banks should increase their efforts to expand the supply of credit loans; Fourth, the transformation of bank lending methods still needs to optimize the ecology.

Chen Tiegang, Deputy General Manager of the Financial Technology Department of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, pointed out in his keynote speech that major commercial banks in mainland China have gone through the digital 1.0 stage characterized by electronic informatization and promoting business development with digital technology, and are accelerating the digital 2.0 stage characterized by intelligence and openness and leading comprehensive transformation with digital technology. Commercial banks should thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, anchor the goal of building a financial power, strengthen the "five thinking" of strategic thinking, innovative thinking, open thinking, systematic thinking, and bottom-line thinking, focus on serving the national strategy, serving the real economy, and serving the society and people's livelihood, accelerate their own digital transformation, help the development of the digital economy with digital financial innovation, and strive to write a new chapter in digital finance.

Zhou Daoxu, Director of the Financial Security Research Center of PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University, gave a speech on the topic of "Data, Cloud, Intelligence and High-quality Development of Fintech Security", Zhou Daoxu pointed out that "data, cloud, intelligence" - that is, big data, cloud services and intelligence, are the three key issues for the safe and high-quality development of financial technology. Among them, financial intelligence is the trend of development, and big data and cloud services are important supports for the development of financial intelligence. These three are crucial to the safe and high-quality development of fintech at present.

The 2024 Digital Cloud Force Conference and New Power Digital Finance Forum was successfully held

Yang Tao, Deputy Director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, presided over a roundtable dialogue session with the theme of "Digital Finance, Improving Quality and Efficiency", and discussed the best practices for the high-quality development of bank customer group management, and the development direction of digital transformation in the era of inclusive wealth management with Yuan Dongning, Deputy General Manager of the Wealth Management Department of China CITIC Bank, Li Zhongming, Deputy Director of the Digital Transformation Promotion Office of Huaxia Bank, Tong Weiqiang, Deputy General Manager of the Personal Finance Department of Bohai Bank, and Jin Mei, Director of Retail Business of China Information Technology.

As a representative of DCIT, Jin Mei, Director of Retail Business of DCIT, shared her observations and experience in improving the quality and efficiency of digital finance. She pointed out that banks are gradually shifting from product-centric to customer-centric, which requires a restructuring of bank resources. She observed two major trends: first, banks began to build a growth or membership system covering the entire retail customer base to comprehensively sort out resources such as customers, products, rights and interests, and channels, and find future value depressions; Second, banks have begun to select their own key customer groups to maximize the efficiency of resource allocation. These trends reflect banks' emphasis on customer segmentation and operational efficiency in the digital finance era, as well as their efforts to seek differentiation and precision marketing.

Yu Hongzhi, Executive Vice President of DCIT, and others jointly released the blockbuster achievement of digital finance - "Leading the New Future of Digital Intelligent Finance: Financial Digital Transformation White Paper", which integrates the latest product capabilities and solutions of DCIT, including consulting and planning, business solutions, digital foundation, quality testing and digital future trends, etc., and dismantles the relevant product architecture, unique advantages and application scenarios in detail, and strives to build financial digital transformation products and capabilities. Leading the new future of digital and intelligent finance.

The 2024 Digital Cloud Force Conference and New Power Digital Finance Forum was successfully held

Xu Qichang, Vice President of DCIT and President of the New Power Digital Finance Research Institute, released the blockbuster achievement of digital finance - DCIT's "Qiankun" enterprise-level digital intelligence base, through multi-platform integration, multi-technology stack integration, and multi-tool integration, DCIT successfully released the first platform-level digital base with the characteristics of the whole value chain in the banking industry based on the concept of data-cloud integration technology. It includes the release of the industry's first financial-grade PaaS platform based on cloud-native architecture in 2022, and the development of an intelligent data middle platform with data assets as the core and AI technology in 2023.

Yang Liuchun, chief AI solution expert of Digital China Minghu Cloud and Information Innovation Research Institute, released the blockbuster achievement of digital finance - "Shenzhou Learning". In the face of the complexity and diversity of TOB business, China is committed to providing a "one-stop" solution to the problem, integrating the three functional modules of AI-native scenario empowerment, knowledge governance, and model training and management, so as to build an efficient and iterative AI development environment for enterprises. With the empowerment of Shenzhou Wenxue, enterprises can not only realize the intelligent upgrade of internal business processes, but also take important steps in cross-border collaboration and borderless organization construction.

The successful holding of this New Power Digital Finance Forum provides new ideas and directions for financial institutions to promote the construction of digital finance and realize the strong foundation of science and technology and the consolidation of technology. DCIT will continue to focus on the fintech strategy of digital-cloud integration, better promote the digital transformation of finance, and work with industry ecosystem partners to jointly promote the new development of fintech.

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