
The 10 smartest animals on the planet (how far ahead of the human brain?) on

author:Pet and care

In our daily life, we often discuss how smart my dog is, what he can do for us, how smart my cat is, and how lazy and cunning he is. We must think that humans are the most intelligent animals on the planet at present, and then help other animals rank a smart ranking from the perspective of God, but one of the problems in evaluating the intelligence of animals is that we cannot use the characteristics of human thinking as a standard for evaluating IQ.

We often think that the bigger the brain, the smarter the brain, but this is not the case, and I think the best way to avoid personal preferences for judging animals is to divide the criteria into physical and spiritual parts. Physically, the higher the number of neurons in the brain, the higher the IQ, neurons are the most basic units of the brain and nerves, responsible for processing and transmitting information, theoretically the higher the number of neurons, the higher the potential for brain IQ. So do you know what animal has the highest number of neurons? The human brain has about 80 billion neurons, dolphins are about half the size of humans, and elephants have three times as many neurons as humans, about 250 billion.

The 10 smartest animals on the planet (how far ahead of the human brain?) on

In addition to the physical factors of the brain that determine the level of IQ, some behavioral communication, problem-solving methods, learning ability, memory ability, and self-awareness are also important criteria for evaluating intelligence. We often say that smart students can learn things quickly from others, good memory becomes their own knowledge, high emotional intelligence can communicate well with others, and then use various methods to solve problems. Humans are the animals with the highest emotional intelligence, we can have about 7.5 points, maybe because we are the animals that communicate and play the most, the second place after humans you will not expect, is the dolphin in the ocean, can reach 5.3 points, the third and fourth are our close relatives of the orangutan family, the fifth and sixth are dogs and cats that have been integrated into our society for a long time, and long-term communication with humans has made them evolve high emotional intelligence.

The 10 smartest animals on the planet (how far ahead of the human brain?) on

Here are 10 very intelligent animals, ranked in high and low rank.

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1: Chimpanzees, humans and chimpanzees have 98.8% DNA similarity, and may be the closest relatives of living humans. A considerable number of scientists believe that chimpanzees are the second most intelligent animals on Earth after humans, and studies estimate that their IQ is about 20-25, which is about the same level of intelligence as human young children.

The 10 smartest animals on the planet (how far ahead of the human brain?) on

Chimpanzees have surprising cognitive abilities, use tools to alter their living environment, use sticks to stick termites out of mounds of dirt, and use leaves to drink water. The gregariousness of chimpanzees allows them to form complex social relationships and interactions, forming intricate alliances, using subtle gestures and accurate facial expressions to communicate and small talk with each other. However, what really makes them famous is a talent for mischief, a penchant for mischievous behavior, clever problem-solving, and making excellent star actors.

2: Orangutans are also called red haired gorillas, do you remember who Caesar's military advisor was in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"? Which orangutan first communicated with Caesar in sign language? It's the red-haired gorilla. Orangutans are the red-haired apes of the rainforests of Southeast Asia and are one of the most intelligent animals, and they may be more intelligent than chimpanzees when performing some tasks, but their relatively independent living environment makes them slightly weaker at social relief.

The 10 smartest animals on the planet (how far ahead of the human brain?) on

Orangutans are best known for their ability to learn and remember, especially when making tools for foraging and nesting, which is not just an instinct, but a reasoning ability, they are likely to understand cause and effect, can foresee the consequences of doing so, and are able to complete complex tasks with almost the same skill as humans. Another characteristic of the orangutan is its expressive face, it is a philosopher of the forest, it thinks about everything around it with affectionate eyes, and with innovative techniques, it uses the branches and leaves around it to make a comfortable bed and umbrella, and it can also communicate with its fellow citizens through occurrence and gestures.

Won't fool your personal pet expert, "Pet Home Care" will help you explain in detail the knowledge of pet health maintenance or scientific breeding, track and record its physical changes every day, and help you analyze the previous diagnosis results and restore health. Click "Consult" when it opens. Beijing doctors are at your service, and you can search for the applet "Home Pet Home Care" on your mobile phone.

The 10 smartest animals on the planet (how far ahead of the human brain?) on

3: Bonobos, also the most intelligent primates, are known for their skillful use of tools to solve problems. Experiments have shown that bonobos are adept at solving tasks related to psychological as well as social causality, and unlike chimpanzees, bonobos show higher levels of sociality, higher levels of empathy and cooperation, and they are more inclined to social connection and sharing in the face of conflict, rather than being aggressive and aggressive like chimpanzees. When it comes to communication, bonobos may even surpass the red-haired gorillas.

4: Dolphins, whose intelligence is always amazing and unexpected. Dolphins are known for their playful nature and social skills, they are curious, show a certain level of cognitive ability, and there are many researchers who believe that dolphins may be more intelligent than chimpanzees and should occupy the second place in intelligence. The echolocation ability that dolphins usually use to guide behavior and predation requires not only advanced senses, but also complex brains that process information.

The 10 smartest animals on the planet (how far ahead of the human brain?) on

Dolphins live in the same complex social environment, cooperate with each other, and adopt different hunting strategies depending on the environment. They will try to communicate and communicate with a variety of animals, not only through clicking and whistling, but also through complex language. Their ingenuity is also manifested in the continuous learning of various knowledge, mathematics, language, and various acrobatic movements.

Dolphins use all the knowledge they already have to save effort during their ocean migration and hunting, such as using the waves of large ships to reduce drag, and perhaps the only thing they lack is a dexterous hand, otherwise the chimpanzee will undoubtedly be driven to third place.

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