
Is your blood pressure up to standard? Accurate measurement is key

author:Qingdao Haici Medical Group

May 17 is the 20th World Hypertension Day, and this year's theme is "Accurate Measurement, Effective Control, Healthy and Longevity". In order to draw attention to the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure, we should insist on measuring blood pressure regularly and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Is your blood pressure up to standard? Accurate measurement is key

Li Zhengguang, MD, director of the Third Department of Cardiovascular Medicine (Department of General Medicine) of the Heart Center of Haici Medical Group, introduced that the important risk factors for hypertension in mainland people: high sodium and low potassium diet, overweight and obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, psychosocial factors, advanced age, etc.

In addition to the commonly used office blood pressure, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and nocturnal blood pressure are even more closely associated with cardiovascular risk. Home blood pressure, especially early morning blood pressure, is closely related to patient outcomes. Blood pressure variability, which reflects how much blood pressure levels fluctuate, is also associated with cardiovascular risk.

Is your blood pressure up to standard? Accurate measurement is key

What are the signs of high blood pressure?

Most people with high blood pressure usually have no symptoms or mild and inconspicuous symptoms, so they are also known as "silent health killers". But in fact, some people also have traces, such as some people will have symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and chest tightness. Patients with high blood pressure need to seek medical attention in time if they have symptoms such as headache, dizziness, irritability, blurred vision, nausea, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

How to accurately measure blood pressure?

1. During the use of the blood pressure monitor, it should be calibrated regularly, at least once a year, and you can ask for help at the place of purchase or medical treatment for calibration.

2. When using an upper arm sphygmomanometer for home blood pressure monitoring, the general conditions for measuring blood pressure are similar to those for measuring blood pressure in the office, and the blood pressure is measured after sitting in a chair with a backrest for at least 5 minutes.

3. To measure blood pressure, place the forearm on one side of the cuff on the table, with the midpoint of the upper arm of the cuff at the same level as the heart, and the legs are relaxed and landing.

4. For home blood pressure monitoring, blood pressure should be measured every morning and evening, and each measurement should be measured 2~3 times after a 5-minute rest in a sitting position, with an interval of 1 minute.

5. Blood pressure measurement should be done within 1 hour after waking up in the morning, before taking antihypertensive drugs, before breakfast, and before strenuous activity.

6. It is recommended that blood pressure measurements be taken at night after dinner and before going to bed.

Bucking strategies and goals

Patients with intermediate-risk and above hypertension and patients with high risk and above with normal and high blood pressure are the main groups of beneficiaries of antihypertensive drug therapy.

Antihypertensive therapy requires a trade-off between benefits and potential risks. Adverse effects of the treatment regimen and patient tolerance should be taken into account.

All patients with hypertension should receive therapeutic lifestyle interventions. Intensive lifestyle management should be used as the cornerstone of treatment for patients with hypertension and throughout the course of treatment. People with high blood pressure should also improve their lifestyle to prevent the occurrence of hypertension.

Is your blood pressure up to standard? Accurate measurement is key

How can I prevent high blood pressure in my daily life?

1. Keep moving

Exercise is good medicine, and regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, swimming, tai chi, square dancing, and appropriate household chores, can prevent and control high blood pressure.

2. Limit salt intake

Excessive sodium intake can easily cause sodium retention in the body, leading to an increase in blood volume, which in turn increases blood pressure. It is recommended that adults consume no more than 5 grams of salt per day and eat less pickles and other foods.

3. Eat less foods high in oil and sugar

Excess energy is not good for your health, so limit the use of cooking oil, eat less high-oil, high-sugar foods, and eat more vegetables and fruits.

4. Eat less fast food

Fast food thick oil red sauce, regular consumption is not good for health. Eating at home as much as possible can help control fat, salt and sugar intake.

5. Quit smoking and limit alcohol

The harmful substances in tobacco can stimulate vasoconstriction and damage the endothelial tissue of blood vessels, resulting in a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels and increasing the risk of hypertension. The same is true for alcohol, as the amount of alcohol consumed increases, ethanol can act on the nerve center in the bloodstream, which can easily cause blood pressure to rise in the long run.

6. Get sleep

Long-term insomnia can cause the sympathetic nerves to become overexcited, causing abnormal increases in heart rate and blood pressure. In daily life, everyone should develop good work and rest habits, avoid staying up late for a long time, and maintain a good attitude.

Drug and device therapy

Basic principles of antihypertensive drugs: risk reduction, long-acting antihypertensive drugs, combination therapy, starting dose, duration of medication, and individualized treatment. Taking antihypertensive medications in the evening does not confer more cardiovascular benefits than taking them in the morning. Antihypertensive drugs should not be routinely recommended at bedtime unless there is a clear need to control nocturnal blood pressure.

On the basis of the differential diagnosis and treatment of secondary hypertension, transrenal arterial sympathetic (RDN) therapy can be considered for patients with high cardiovascular risk who are difficult to control blood pressure with drugs, and hypertensive patients with poor medication compliance.

A team of experts

Is your blood pressure up to standard? Accurate measurement is key
Is your blood pressure up to standard? Accurate measurement is key